Launch and Honorary Awards • September 2023• Bekendstelling en Eretoekennings
Launch and Honorary Awards • 28 September 2022 • Bekendstelling en Eretoekennings
Wenners van die 2022 e'Bosch Erfenis Eretoekennings
1. Johannes van Zyl Sentraal - Bewaring van historiese erfenis en die skep van nuwe erfenis
2. Nokuphiwa Katom Plaasgemeenskap (Allee Blue, Groot-Drakensteun) - Gemeenskapsmens met klem op veral enkelouer-ondersteuning
3. Sipho Nothanga Khayamandi - Bevordering van sang- en musiekkultuur in Khayamand
4. Jan ‘Braai’ Schannell Sentraal - Uitbou van die braai-kultuur en -erfenis landswyd
5. Pieter Taaibosch Vlottenburg – Deurlopende ondersteuning van die gemeenskap en bewaring van historiese erfenis van Vlottenburg
6. Stellenbossse Heemkring - Bewaar van Stellenbosch erfenis
7. Chrisben February Jamestown - Bewaring en uitbouing van Jamestown se historiese erfenis
8. Uhlan Lackay Pniel – Bevordering van natuurlike erfenis in Dwarsriviervallei
9. Chalmane Horne-Kruger Klapmuts - Bevordering van kuns en kultuur in Klapmuts
10. Henry Linders Cloetesville – Bevordering van onderwys en opvoedingskultuur.
Johannes van Zyl
Ter erkenning van die bewaring van die historiese en die inspirerende bevordering van ‘n nuwe erfenis in Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the conservation of the historical and the inspirational advancement a new heritage in Stellenbosch.
Nokuphiwa Katom
Ter erkenning van die besondere en volgehoue ondersteuning aan die enkelouer-gemeenskap in Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the outstanding and sustained support to the single parent community in Groot-Drakenstein.
Sipho Nothanga
Ter erkenning van die inspirerende ondersteuning en bevordering van die sang-erfenis in Khayamandi.
In recognition of the inspirational support and development of the singing culture in Khayamandi.
Jan ‘Braai’ Schannell
Ter erkenning van die bevordering en uitbou van die braai-kultuur en -erfenis in Suid-Afrika.
In recognition of the promotion and development of the braai culture and heritage in South Africa.
Pieter Taaibosch
Ter erkenning van die deurlopende ondersteuning van die gemeenskap, kerk en die bewaring van die historiese erfenis van Vlottenburg.
In recognition of the sustained support of the community, the church and the conservation of the historical heritage in Vlottenburg.
Stellenbosse Heemkring
Ter erkenning van die volgehoue bewaring en bewusmaking van die geskiedenis van Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the sustained conservation and promotion of the history of Stellenbosch.
Chrisben February
Ter erkenning van die entoesiastiese bewaring en bevordering van die historiese erfenis van Jamestown.
In recognition of the enthusiastic conservation and promotion of the historical heritage of Jamestown.
Uhlan Lackay
Ter erkenning van die entoesiastiese bewaring en bevordering van die historiese en omgewingserfenis in en om Pniël.
In recognition of the enthusiastic conservation and promotion of the historical and environmental heritage in Pniël and surrounds.
Chalmane Horne-Kruger
Ter erkenning van die ondersteuning van die gemeenskap en die inspirerende ontwikkeling en bevordering van die kunste in Klapmuts
In recognition of the support for the community and the inspirational development and promotion of the arts in Klapmuts.
Henry Linders
Ter erkenning van die ondersteuning, bewaring en bevordering van die onderwyskultuur in Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the support, conservation and advancement of the educational heritage in Stellenbosch.
1. Johannes van Zyl Sentraal - Bewaring van historiese erfenis en die skep van nuwe erfenis
2. Nokuphiwa Katom Plaasgemeenskap (Allee Blue, Groot-Drakensteun) - Gemeenskapsmens met klem op veral enkelouer-ondersteuning
3. Sipho Nothanga Khayamandi - Bevordering van sang- en musiekkultuur in Khayamand
4. Jan ‘Braai’ Schannell Sentraal - Uitbou van die braai-kultuur en -erfenis landswyd
5. Pieter Taaibosch Vlottenburg – Deurlopende ondersteuning van die gemeenskap en bewaring van historiese erfenis van Vlottenburg
6. Stellenbossse Heemkring - Bewaar van Stellenbosch erfenis
7. Chrisben February Jamestown - Bewaring en uitbouing van Jamestown se historiese erfenis
8. Uhlan Lackay Pniel – Bevordering van natuurlike erfenis in Dwarsriviervallei
9. Chalmane Horne-Kruger Klapmuts - Bevordering van kuns en kultuur in Klapmuts
10. Henry Linders Cloetesville – Bevordering van onderwys en opvoedingskultuur.
Johannes van Zyl
Ter erkenning van die bewaring van die historiese en die inspirerende bevordering van ‘n nuwe erfenis in Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the conservation of the historical and the inspirational advancement a new heritage in Stellenbosch.
Nokuphiwa Katom
Ter erkenning van die besondere en volgehoue ondersteuning aan die enkelouer-gemeenskap in Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the outstanding and sustained support to the single parent community in Groot-Drakenstein.
Sipho Nothanga
Ter erkenning van die inspirerende ondersteuning en bevordering van die sang-erfenis in Khayamandi.
In recognition of the inspirational support and development of the singing culture in Khayamandi.
Jan ‘Braai’ Schannell
Ter erkenning van die bevordering en uitbou van die braai-kultuur en -erfenis in Suid-Afrika.
In recognition of the promotion and development of the braai culture and heritage in South Africa.
Pieter Taaibosch
Ter erkenning van die deurlopende ondersteuning van die gemeenskap, kerk en die bewaring van die historiese erfenis van Vlottenburg.
In recognition of the sustained support of the community, the church and the conservation of the historical heritage in Vlottenburg.
Stellenbosse Heemkring
Ter erkenning van die volgehoue bewaring en bewusmaking van die geskiedenis van Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the sustained conservation and promotion of the history of Stellenbosch.
Chrisben February
Ter erkenning van die entoesiastiese bewaring en bevordering van die historiese erfenis van Jamestown.
In recognition of the enthusiastic conservation and promotion of the historical heritage of Jamestown.
Uhlan Lackay
Ter erkenning van die entoesiastiese bewaring en bevordering van die historiese en omgewingserfenis in en om Pniël.
In recognition of the enthusiastic conservation and promotion of the historical and environmental heritage in Pniël and surrounds.
Chalmane Horne-Kruger
Ter erkenning van die ondersteuning van die gemeenskap en die inspirerende ontwikkeling en bevordering van die kunste in Klapmuts
In recognition of the support for the community and the inspirational development and promotion of the arts in Klapmuts.
Henry Linders
Ter erkenning van die ondersteuning, bewaring en bevordering van die onderwyskultuur in Stellenbosch.
In recognition of the support, conservation and advancement of the educational heritage in Stellenbosch.
Honorary Awards - e'Bosch Awards the Brave
• 23 September 2020 •
Help and hope.
That is what the residents of Stellenbosch have offered their fellowmen and women when the Covid-19 pandemic turned the country and Stellenbosch into a health and financial disaster. Almost overnight hundreds of people were left without work, income and food.
However, at the same time an outreach action, Stellenbosch Unite, coordinated by Jeaneret Momberg of Visit Stellenbosch, was established to support residents in need in Stellenbosch and its surrounding e’Bosch dorpies.
Stellenbosch Unite comprises the Stellenbosch Municipality, Stellenbosch University, Visit Stellenbosch, SCAN (Stellenbosch Civil Advocacy Network that represents the nonprofit organisations) and the Greater Stellenbosch Development Trust, which acted as administrators for the movement.
Stellenbosch Feeding Action also played a pivotal role in the provision of food parcels which were then distributed by community organisations such as Stellcare (previously known as Child Welfare SA: Stellenbosch), Usiko, Imbali, Stellenbosch Football Club and Stellenbosch Police. These organisations and many individuals also bought food which they cooked and served in their communities.
e’Bosch’s heritage projects planned for this year’s Heritage Month such as the School Choir Festival had to be cancelled as result of strict lockdown regulations. However, many e’Bosch volunteers and members of the public that attended the e’Bosch leadership courses, pitched in and supported the biggest relief action in the history of Stellenbosch.
Neighbourhoods, townships, churches, businesses, supermarkets and restaurants all demonstrated their support by providing, distributing and cooking food. Bertus Basson, the well-known restauranteur, made soup for Jamestown, while George and Louise Jardine of Jordan and Jardine restaurants and Genki restaurant did their bit for the feeding action driven by the Stellenbosch Football Club. With money donated to Stellenbosch Unite and Stellenbosch Feeding Action, dry goods such as soup, flour and rice and cleaning materials were bought and distributed where the need was the greatest. Local farmers, too, were keen to support the food drive and donated loads of fruit and thousands of eggs.
As the lockdown settled in, volunteers became aware of more empty bowls and longer queues of hungry people. Without their bus transport, the children on farms could not reach their schools where teachers continued with the school feeding scheme throughout the lockdown. The Stellenbosch Police, however, came to their rescue and drove them to the schools and back to collect their daily meals. Individuals such as Lynette Phillips drove through Kylemore’s streets to share the food that she and fellow residents had cooked, Chalmane Kruger in Klapmuts and Norah Tobo in Kayamandi turned their homes into storage spaces and soup kitchens, while Elwin September (60), did not allow his age to prevent him from supporting a food drive.
These are just a few examples of the extraordinary lengths which ordinary people were prepared to go to help others.
It is impossible to recognise the thousands of volunteers that gave their time and energy to care for others. It is also difficult to measure the extent of this extraordinary feeding drive. However, it is certain that millions were donated, mountains of sandwiches were made, thousands of bowls of soup were served, and blankets and clothes were collected as true as blessings truly rained down on those in need.
Humankind frequently seems to need a disaster for us to reveal our innate compassion and selfless behaviour and Stellenbosch was no exception for the last six months. e’Bosch and all its dorpies are astounded at the extent of all the donations, voluntary service by hundreds of Stellenboschers and even more, the way poor people reached out to those they deemed to be worse off than themselves. And still, they continue to give and give . . .
To single out people in these times is virtually impossible. However, e’Bosch decided to ask the public to nominate organisers or volunteers whom they considered to have made a contribution and worked towards an e’Bosch goal, namely the creating of a new shared heritage for Stellenbosch.
e’Bosch would like to honour the following people who made a difference during the Covid-19 lockdown in Stellenbosch:
Asiphe Cosa, Anna en James Pietersen, Avril van der Rheede, Chalmane Kruger, Charmaine Anthony, Dinah Claassen, Elwin September, Hajiera Arnolds en Warda Gezwint, Karin Viviers, Liesel Koen, Lynette Phillips, Magdalene Blankenberg, Maria Fredericks, Marissa Truter, Mervan Heswick, Nicky du Toit, Nicolette Smith, Norah Tobo, Samuel Kruger, Shereleen Layman, S A Polisie Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch Football Club, Thompson Kamanga, Vinton Morgan and Winston Zuze.
That is what the residents of Stellenbosch have offered their fellowmen and women when the Covid-19 pandemic turned the country and Stellenbosch into a health and financial disaster. Almost overnight hundreds of people were left without work, income and food.
However, at the same time an outreach action, Stellenbosch Unite, coordinated by Jeaneret Momberg of Visit Stellenbosch, was established to support residents in need in Stellenbosch and its surrounding e’Bosch dorpies.
Stellenbosch Unite comprises the Stellenbosch Municipality, Stellenbosch University, Visit Stellenbosch, SCAN (Stellenbosch Civil Advocacy Network that represents the nonprofit organisations) and the Greater Stellenbosch Development Trust, which acted as administrators for the movement.
Stellenbosch Feeding Action also played a pivotal role in the provision of food parcels which were then distributed by community organisations such as Stellcare (previously known as Child Welfare SA: Stellenbosch), Usiko, Imbali, Stellenbosch Football Club and Stellenbosch Police. These organisations and many individuals also bought food which they cooked and served in their communities.
e’Bosch’s heritage projects planned for this year’s Heritage Month such as the School Choir Festival had to be cancelled as result of strict lockdown regulations. However, many e’Bosch volunteers and members of the public that attended the e’Bosch leadership courses, pitched in and supported the biggest relief action in the history of Stellenbosch.
Neighbourhoods, townships, churches, businesses, supermarkets and restaurants all demonstrated their support by providing, distributing and cooking food. Bertus Basson, the well-known restauranteur, made soup for Jamestown, while George and Louise Jardine of Jordan and Jardine restaurants and Genki restaurant did their bit for the feeding action driven by the Stellenbosch Football Club. With money donated to Stellenbosch Unite and Stellenbosch Feeding Action, dry goods such as soup, flour and rice and cleaning materials were bought and distributed where the need was the greatest. Local farmers, too, were keen to support the food drive and donated loads of fruit and thousands of eggs.
As the lockdown settled in, volunteers became aware of more empty bowls and longer queues of hungry people. Without their bus transport, the children on farms could not reach their schools where teachers continued with the school feeding scheme throughout the lockdown. The Stellenbosch Police, however, came to their rescue and drove them to the schools and back to collect their daily meals. Individuals such as Lynette Phillips drove through Kylemore’s streets to share the food that she and fellow residents had cooked, Chalmane Kruger in Klapmuts and Norah Tobo in Kayamandi turned their homes into storage spaces and soup kitchens, while Elwin September (60), did not allow his age to prevent him from supporting a food drive.
These are just a few examples of the extraordinary lengths which ordinary people were prepared to go to help others.
It is impossible to recognise the thousands of volunteers that gave their time and energy to care for others. It is also difficult to measure the extent of this extraordinary feeding drive. However, it is certain that millions were donated, mountains of sandwiches were made, thousands of bowls of soup were served, and blankets and clothes were collected as true as blessings truly rained down on those in need.
Humankind frequently seems to need a disaster for us to reveal our innate compassion and selfless behaviour and Stellenbosch was no exception for the last six months. e’Bosch and all its dorpies are astounded at the extent of all the donations, voluntary service by hundreds of Stellenboschers and even more, the way poor people reached out to those they deemed to be worse off than themselves. And still, they continue to give and give . . .
To single out people in these times is virtually impossible. However, e’Bosch decided to ask the public to nominate organisers or volunteers whom they considered to have made a contribution and worked towards an e’Bosch goal, namely the creating of a new shared heritage for Stellenbosch.
e’Bosch would like to honour the following people who made a difference during the Covid-19 lockdown in Stellenbosch:
Asiphe Cosa, Anna en James Pietersen, Avril van der Rheede, Chalmane Kruger, Charmaine Anthony, Dinah Claassen, Elwin September, Hajiera Arnolds en Warda Gezwint, Karin Viviers, Liesel Koen, Lynette Phillips, Magdalene Blankenberg, Maria Fredericks, Marissa Truter, Mervan Heswick, Nicky du Toit, Nicolette Smith, Norah Tobo, Samuel Kruger, Shereleen Layman, S A Polisie Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch Football Club, Thompson Kamanga, Vinton Morgan and Winston Zuze.
Launch and Honorary Awards • 27 Aug 2019 • Bekendstelling en Eretoekennings
Citations e'Bosch Heritage Project Awards • 2019 • Sitate e'Bosch-erfenisprojek Eretoekennings
JOSé FLAVIO ANDRADE CABRAL is an educator and coach who hails all the way from Brazil, and who has endeared himself to the Stellenbosch community with his soft-spoken and gentle approach and his inspirational way of teaching moral values through the medium of sport.
Cabral who has been working with schools, clubs, churches and NGOs since 2006, has been involved with programmes related to mass participation sport, crime prevention and social impact and transformation in the e’Bosch dorpies of Stellenbosch.
With the VriendsCUP, initially in collaboration with Eikestadnuus, and now an annual e’Bosch fixture, sponsored by CSV Construction, he has encouraged mass participation of learners from all schools, with boys and girls participating in same teams made up from various schools, thus creating opportunities for social cohesion and greater unity in different sporting disciplines.
The main focus of Cabral’s projects, which are supported by Remgro, is to develop world class citizens through life skills development programmes and association with sport and recreational facilities that help the youth to have a sense of belonging and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.
ALFRED CHARLES CHRISTIANS se eretitel “Meester Christians”, is ‘n bewys van die respek en waardering wat hy in dié rol afgedwing het. En ná 31 jaar in die formele onderwysstelsel, is hy steeds betrokke by die Stellenzicht-leesprojek van die Hoërskool Stellenzicht in Jamestown.
Voeg hierby sy betrokkenheid in die gemeenskap as onder meer stigterslid van die Jamestown Christelike Snaarorkes (1969), lid van die Jamestown Aksiekomitee, Jamestown se gemeenskapsforum en die Rynse Verenigde Gereformeerde Kerk, asook die Jamestown Erfeniskomitee waar hy ‘n groot bydrae tot die boek asook die video oor Jamestown gelewer het.
Die Stellenzicht-leesprojekspan bestaan uit Meester Christians en Ria Engelbrecht en hierdie projek bied aanvullende kurrikulêre groeps- en individuele onderrig, kompetisies, deelname aan WOW- inisiatiewe en ‘n Afrikaanse leesruimte (die Boekhoek). Stellenzicht het ook sy eie spelkompetisie, StellenSpel, en kortverhaal- en poësiekompetisies bied ‘n platform vir jong ontluikende skrywers en digters.
RONALD FRANS, an educator with a vision, has always had the well-being of his pupils and his community at heart. No wonder he recently received the Lifetime Nelson Mandela Award as an educator. He has held the post of principal of Klapmuts Primary school in Klapmuts for the last 30 years, and before that he was a teacher at the school.
His vision of transforming manual learning to E-learning, has seen him actively engaged with the Department of Education, external stakeholders and peers to realise this ideal. The Val de Vie Foundation and Vodacom made substantial investments to transform his manual classrooms to fully fledged E-learning facilities and Remgro, who is very supportive of the school and Frans’s vision, has provided much needed WiFi to the school.
Leadership training for his teachers offered by Remgro and Stellenbosch University and the recruiting and training of 24 class assistants from the Klapmuts community, funded by the Cape Wine Auction Trust, has contributed towards a well-trained and motivated team of teachers and assistants.
Frans and his teachers have also initiated a mentorship programme for other schools and with his open door policy, Frans has opened up his school library and computer room/facilities to the community where they can make copies and do research.
MOEKETSI “KEKE” LEHANA, a coach at training4changeS, is passionate about serving vulnerable children and youth.
The moment in his childhood when he was thrown out of a moving vehicle by a family member encapsulates the extreme difficulties Lehana has had to face throughout his life. The scars he bears from that trauma are a reminder of how adversity has helped to forge him into the role model he has become today.
In 2016 the Mayor of Stellenbosch recognised Lehana for outstanding youth leadership in the Stellenbosch community. His coaching potential has earned an invitation to attend a FIFA Futsal Coaching Course, where he gained valuable knowledge that he is now sharing as a coach at training4changeS Futsal Academy.
In 2018 he was recognised with the WWE Hero in All of Us Award for his use of sport for community transformation. He also won the Courageous Use of Sport Award at the Beyond Sport Global Awards in New York City, USA.
With training4changeS, Lehani helps to lead an academic support initiative providing personalised assistance to primary school boys from Kayamandi, Cloetesville and Ida’s Valley.
MBONGENI CHRISTOPHER MTSHALI, is a founding member of the well-known Kuyasa Kids project in Kayamandi.
The Kuyasa Kids performing arts group started in 2004 from the Kuyasa NGO programme, which sponsors children to attend school in Kayamandi. The group initially started with sponsored children, but has since expanded, as there are no other platforms for performing arts education at local schools.
Kuyasa Kids trains children in traditional dance, music, gumboot dancing and gospel. The children determine the programme to a large extent, but are facilitated by young Kayamandi-based performing artists. The group performs on tour in the USA once a year, depending on funding available from the sponsoring organisation.
As the performing arts coordinator at Kuyasa Kids, Mtshali is involved in the training of the youth of Kayamandi that participate in the Kuyasa Kids project. He has also travelled with the Kuyasa Kids through the USA and he has been a great inspiration to so many young people of Kayamandi through the years.
FREDDIE SIMPSON 'n gewilde oud-onderwyser en bekende inwoner van Pniël is benoem vir sy jare lange onbaatsugtige liefde vir sy dorp en omgewing se kultuurlewe. Sy vermoë om kennis oor te dra, is deeglik bewys by sy betrokkenheid by die kultuurlewe van Pniël en in die jeug van die dorpie in besonder. Hy is ook ‘n stigterslid van die Pniël Museumtrust.
Sy liefde vir musiek is legendaries, en hy het self Pniël se dorpslied, “Coram Deo”, getoonset, waarop die dorpenaars baie trots is en gereeld uit volle bors saam sing.
Simpson was lank betrokke by die dorpie se Pampoenfeeste, wat talle besoekers en groot belangstelling gelok het. Hy is ook ‘n voorslag by die baie gewilde krisanteblommeskou en was betrokke by Pniel se eertydse tennisklub.
Sy e’Bosch-verbintenis is die reëlings en aanbieding van die jaarlikse petanque-toernooi vir e’Bosch-vrywilligers en die Pniel-gemeenskap.
Hier maak hy beginners touwys soos net ‘n onderwyser kan!
LORAIN DU PLESSIS SMIT, skoolhoof van NGK Stellenbosch-Sentraal se Junior Akademie in Uniepark, het sedert 2012 die skool tot nuwe hoogtes gevoer. Aanvanklik ‘n klein versorgingsoord vir sowat 30 kinders wat in 2009 deur die gemeente begin is, het dit onder haar leiding ontwikkel tot ‘n moderne, opvoedkundige sentrum van hoë aansien vir 150 voorskoolse kinders en 28 personeellede.
Smit het die kurrikulum vir al die fases van die skool ontwikkel, van babas van 4 maande tot kleuters van 5 jaar (pre-primêre fase), sodat die kurrikulum van die skool ook nou nasionaal deur die department van gemeenskapsontwikkeling aangewend word. Sy speel ‘n baie belangrike rol om opvoeders van ander voorskoolse sentrums in die omgewing in samewerking met die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit te help oplei.
Onder Smit se leiding het die skool uitstekende fasiliteite en toerusting opgebou waarmee die skoolprogram aangebied word.
CARIN VENTER, die begeesterde skoolhoof van Hoërskool Kylemore, wend terselfdertyd ook haar passie, naamlik biologie/lewenswetenskappe, aan om leer lekker te maak vir haar leerders.
‘n Boorling van Bloemfontein, het sy haar hier in Kylemore kom tuismaak, waar sy die gemeenskap en omgewing omhels het en soveel moontlik van die kultuur geleer het.
Hierdie kenner van haar vakgebied leef dit waarin sy glo. Haar toewyding strek verby haar betaalstrokie en werksure. Sy is ‘n omgee-mens, wat altyd tyd vir haar medemens het wanneer hulle haar nodig het. Voorts is sy vol kreatiewe idees om die skool op te hef en die leerlinge te inspireer. So passievol is Venter oor haar werk dat sy selfs ‘n nag by die skool geslaap het om al die administrasie op datum te kry!
Sy het ook haar eie slagspreuk ontwikkel vir haar nuwe tuiste: “Live more, know more, grow more, learn more, conquer more, Kylemore!”
ANTHEA IRENE WILLIAMS is al vir die afgelope 25 jaar ‘n opvoeder en tans die hoof van Dorothea Spesiale Skool. Sy is deel van ‘n span wat daarna streef om mense met gestremdhede in die gemeenskap te integreer.
Haar visie vir die skool sluit in die bevordering van ‘n kwaliteit lewe vir elke unieke leerder deur kwaliteit opvoedkundige dienste aan te bied. Sy verseker ook ‘n veilige leeromgewing vir die diverse leerderkorps wat te kampe het met intellektuele, fisieke en sosiale hindernisse.
Toe Williams in 2014 hoor ‘n groep leerders met outisme moet elke dag na Paarl reis om die Boland skool vir Outisme by te woon, het sy gereël dat Dorothea hierdie groep kan huisves. In 2015 het die eerste Outisme Eenheidsklas tot stand gekom en hieruit het die outisme-eenheidsklasse tot 5 klasse gegroei.
Sy is ‘n voorstander van die inklusiewe beginsel van WKOD, dat geen kind agtergelaat moet word nie. Sy glo sterk dat elke kind die potensiaal het om te kan leer. Williams skep ‘n omgewing waar die leerders kan leer, groei, waardeer en aanvaar word in die gemeenskap. Sy reël ook ekstra aktiwiteite vir die skool deur haar vennootskappe met besighede in en om Stellenbosch.
HILLARY WILLIAMS is “‘n inspirasie en rolmodel vir die leerders van Weber Gedenk Primêr”. So beskryf ‘n oudleerder van Williams, Ashlin van der Merwe, haar. Van der Merwe het as graad 1-onderwyser by die einste juffrou Williams oorgeneem, wat ná 40 jaar se diens as onderwyser in 2017 afgetree het..
Williams het na haar studies begin skoolhou in haar geboortedorp Worcester. In 1974 verhuis sy na Jamestown nadat sy met Bernhard Williams, wat skoolhoof van Weber Gedenk was vir baie jare, getroud is. Sy het begin as graad 1-onderwyser by Weber Gedenk Primêr.
Williams het ook die afgelope 16 jaar by Usiko leiding aan jongmense gegee. Usiko, wat destyds in Jamestown deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch se departement sielkunde geïnisieer is, se programme bemagtig kinders en jeugdiges, tesame met hul ouers, deur die ontwikkeling van nuwe vaardighede met behulp van ‘n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite. Usiko voorsien al die nodige toerusting en materiaal, insluitend vervoer en etes.
Sedert die ontstaan van die Usiko-projek het Williams as mentor opgetree, ook as fasiliteerder vir lewensvaardigheidsessies en sy vergesel jeugdiges op wilderniskampe. Sy het ook die Usiko-baanbrekersprogramme vir skoolgaande meisies begin.
JOSé FLAVIO ANDRADE CABRAL is an educator and coach who hails all the way from Brazil, and who has endeared himself to the Stellenbosch community with his soft-spoken and gentle approach and his inspirational way of teaching moral values through the medium of sport.
Cabral who has been working with schools, clubs, churches and NGOs since 2006, has been involved with programmes related to mass participation sport, crime prevention and social impact and transformation in the e’Bosch dorpies of Stellenbosch.
With the VriendsCUP, initially in collaboration with Eikestadnuus, and now an annual e’Bosch fixture, sponsored by CSV Construction, he has encouraged mass participation of learners from all schools, with boys and girls participating in same teams made up from various schools, thus creating opportunities for social cohesion and greater unity in different sporting disciplines.
The main focus of Cabral’s projects, which are supported by Remgro, is to develop world class citizens through life skills development programmes and association with sport and recreational facilities that help the youth to have a sense of belonging and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.
ALFRED CHARLES CHRISTIANS se eretitel “Meester Christians”, is ‘n bewys van die respek en waardering wat hy in dié rol afgedwing het. En ná 31 jaar in die formele onderwysstelsel, is hy steeds betrokke by die Stellenzicht-leesprojek van die Hoërskool Stellenzicht in Jamestown.
Voeg hierby sy betrokkenheid in die gemeenskap as onder meer stigterslid van die Jamestown Christelike Snaarorkes (1969), lid van die Jamestown Aksiekomitee, Jamestown se gemeenskapsforum en die Rynse Verenigde Gereformeerde Kerk, asook die Jamestown Erfeniskomitee waar hy ‘n groot bydrae tot die boek asook die video oor Jamestown gelewer het.
Die Stellenzicht-leesprojekspan bestaan uit Meester Christians en Ria Engelbrecht en hierdie projek bied aanvullende kurrikulêre groeps- en individuele onderrig, kompetisies, deelname aan WOW- inisiatiewe en ‘n Afrikaanse leesruimte (die Boekhoek). Stellenzicht het ook sy eie spelkompetisie, StellenSpel, en kortverhaal- en poësiekompetisies bied ‘n platform vir jong ontluikende skrywers en digters.
RONALD FRANS, an educator with a vision, has always had the well-being of his pupils and his community at heart. No wonder he recently received the Lifetime Nelson Mandela Award as an educator. He has held the post of principal of Klapmuts Primary school in Klapmuts for the last 30 years, and before that he was a teacher at the school.
His vision of transforming manual learning to E-learning, has seen him actively engaged with the Department of Education, external stakeholders and peers to realise this ideal. The Val de Vie Foundation and Vodacom made substantial investments to transform his manual classrooms to fully fledged E-learning facilities and Remgro, who is very supportive of the school and Frans’s vision, has provided much needed WiFi to the school.
Leadership training for his teachers offered by Remgro and Stellenbosch University and the recruiting and training of 24 class assistants from the Klapmuts community, funded by the Cape Wine Auction Trust, has contributed towards a well-trained and motivated team of teachers and assistants.
Frans and his teachers have also initiated a mentorship programme for other schools and with his open door policy, Frans has opened up his school library and computer room/facilities to the community where they can make copies and do research.
MOEKETSI “KEKE” LEHANA, a coach at training4changeS, is passionate about serving vulnerable children and youth.
The moment in his childhood when he was thrown out of a moving vehicle by a family member encapsulates the extreme difficulties Lehana has had to face throughout his life. The scars he bears from that trauma are a reminder of how adversity has helped to forge him into the role model he has become today.
In 2016 the Mayor of Stellenbosch recognised Lehana for outstanding youth leadership in the Stellenbosch community. His coaching potential has earned an invitation to attend a FIFA Futsal Coaching Course, where he gained valuable knowledge that he is now sharing as a coach at training4changeS Futsal Academy.
In 2018 he was recognised with the WWE Hero in All of Us Award for his use of sport for community transformation. He also won the Courageous Use of Sport Award at the Beyond Sport Global Awards in New York City, USA.
With training4changeS, Lehani helps to lead an academic support initiative providing personalised assistance to primary school boys from Kayamandi, Cloetesville and Ida’s Valley.
MBONGENI CHRISTOPHER MTSHALI, is a founding member of the well-known Kuyasa Kids project in Kayamandi.
The Kuyasa Kids performing arts group started in 2004 from the Kuyasa NGO programme, which sponsors children to attend school in Kayamandi. The group initially started with sponsored children, but has since expanded, as there are no other platforms for performing arts education at local schools.
Kuyasa Kids trains children in traditional dance, music, gumboot dancing and gospel. The children determine the programme to a large extent, but are facilitated by young Kayamandi-based performing artists. The group performs on tour in the USA once a year, depending on funding available from the sponsoring organisation.
As the performing arts coordinator at Kuyasa Kids, Mtshali is involved in the training of the youth of Kayamandi that participate in the Kuyasa Kids project. He has also travelled with the Kuyasa Kids through the USA and he has been a great inspiration to so many young people of Kayamandi through the years.
FREDDIE SIMPSON 'n gewilde oud-onderwyser en bekende inwoner van Pniël is benoem vir sy jare lange onbaatsugtige liefde vir sy dorp en omgewing se kultuurlewe. Sy vermoë om kennis oor te dra, is deeglik bewys by sy betrokkenheid by die kultuurlewe van Pniël en in die jeug van die dorpie in besonder. Hy is ook ‘n stigterslid van die Pniël Museumtrust.
Sy liefde vir musiek is legendaries, en hy het self Pniël se dorpslied, “Coram Deo”, getoonset, waarop die dorpenaars baie trots is en gereeld uit volle bors saam sing.
Simpson was lank betrokke by die dorpie se Pampoenfeeste, wat talle besoekers en groot belangstelling gelok het. Hy is ook ‘n voorslag by die baie gewilde krisanteblommeskou en was betrokke by Pniel se eertydse tennisklub.
Sy e’Bosch-verbintenis is die reëlings en aanbieding van die jaarlikse petanque-toernooi vir e’Bosch-vrywilligers en die Pniel-gemeenskap.
Hier maak hy beginners touwys soos net ‘n onderwyser kan!
LORAIN DU PLESSIS SMIT, skoolhoof van NGK Stellenbosch-Sentraal se Junior Akademie in Uniepark, het sedert 2012 die skool tot nuwe hoogtes gevoer. Aanvanklik ‘n klein versorgingsoord vir sowat 30 kinders wat in 2009 deur die gemeente begin is, het dit onder haar leiding ontwikkel tot ‘n moderne, opvoedkundige sentrum van hoë aansien vir 150 voorskoolse kinders en 28 personeellede.
Smit het die kurrikulum vir al die fases van die skool ontwikkel, van babas van 4 maande tot kleuters van 5 jaar (pre-primêre fase), sodat die kurrikulum van die skool ook nou nasionaal deur die department van gemeenskapsontwikkeling aangewend word. Sy speel ‘n baie belangrike rol om opvoeders van ander voorskoolse sentrums in die omgewing in samewerking met die Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit te help oplei.
Onder Smit se leiding het die skool uitstekende fasiliteite en toerusting opgebou waarmee die skoolprogram aangebied word.
CARIN VENTER, die begeesterde skoolhoof van Hoërskool Kylemore, wend terselfdertyd ook haar passie, naamlik biologie/lewenswetenskappe, aan om leer lekker te maak vir haar leerders.
‘n Boorling van Bloemfontein, het sy haar hier in Kylemore kom tuismaak, waar sy die gemeenskap en omgewing omhels het en soveel moontlik van die kultuur geleer het.
Hierdie kenner van haar vakgebied leef dit waarin sy glo. Haar toewyding strek verby haar betaalstrokie en werksure. Sy is ‘n omgee-mens, wat altyd tyd vir haar medemens het wanneer hulle haar nodig het. Voorts is sy vol kreatiewe idees om die skool op te hef en die leerlinge te inspireer. So passievol is Venter oor haar werk dat sy selfs ‘n nag by die skool geslaap het om al die administrasie op datum te kry!
Sy het ook haar eie slagspreuk ontwikkel vir haar nuwe tuiste: “Live more, know more, grow more, learn more, conquer more, Kylemore!”
ANTHEA IRENE WILLIAMS is al vir die afgelope 25 jaar ‘n opvoeder en tans die hoof van Dorothea Spesiale Skool. Sy is deel van ‘n span wat daarna streef om mense met gestremdhede in die gemeenskap te integreer.
Haar visie vir die skool sluit in die bevordering van ‘n kwaliteit lewe vir elke unieke leerder deur kwaliteit opvoedkundige dienste aan te bied. Sy verseker ook ‘n veilige leeromgewing vir die diverse leerderkorps wat te kampe het met intellektuele, fisieke en sosiale hindernisse.
Toe Williams in 2014 hoor ‘n groep leerders met outisme moet elke dag na Paarl reis om die Boland skool vir Outisme by te woon, het sy gereël dat Dorothea hierdie groep kan huisves. In 2015 het die eerste Outisme Eenheidsklas tot stand gekom en hieruit het die outisme-eenheidsklasse tot 5 klasse gegroei.
Sy is ‘n voorstander van die inklusiewe beginsel van WKOD, dat geen kind agtergelaat moet word nie. Sy glo sterk dat elke kind die potensiaal het om te kan leer. Williams skep ‘n omgewing waar die leerders kan leer, groei, waardeer en aanvaar word in die gemeenskap. Sy reël ook ekstra aktiwiteite vir die skool deur haar vennootskappe met besighede in en om Stellenbosch.
HILLARY WILLIAMS is “‘n inspirasie en rolmodel vir die leerders van Weber Gedenk Primêr”. So beskryf ‘n oudleerder van Williams, Ashlin van der Merwe, haar. Van der Merwe het as graad 1-onderwyser by die einste juffrou Williams oorgeneem, wat ná 40 jaar se diens as onderwyser in 2017 afgetree het..
Williams het na haar studies begin skoolhou in haar geboortedorp Worcester. In 1974 verhuis sy na Jamestown nadat sy met Bernhard Williams, wat skoolhoof van Weber Gedenk was vir baie jare, getroud is. Sy het begin as graad 1-onderwyser by Weber Gedenk Primêr.
Williams het ook die afgelope 16 jaar by Usiko leiding aan jongmense gegee. Usiko, wat destyds in Jamestown deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch se departement sielkunde geïnisieer is, se programme bemagtig kinders en jeugdiges, tesame met hul ouers, deur die ontwikkeling van nuwe vaardighede met behulp van ‘n verskeidenheid aktiwiteite. Usiko voorsien al die nodige toerusting en materiaal, insluitend vervoer en etes.
Sedert die ontstaan van die Usiko-projek het Williams as mentor opgetree, ook as fasiliteerder vir lewensvaardigheidsessies en sy vergesel jeugdiges op wilderniskampe. Sy het ook die Usiko-baanbrekersprogramme vir skoolgaande meisies begin.
Launch and Honorary Awards • 29 Aug 2018 • Bekendstelling en Eretoekennings
This event, held on 29 August 2018 at the Stellenbosch University Museum, was very well attended, possibly because of the reputation of the guest speaker, Thuli Madonsela. Eight community members active in the cultural field were awarded e’Bosch Awards for their contribution to culture and heritage. Altogether 24 candidates that had completed the leadership course presented by e’Bosch in cooperation with Stellenbosch University’s Matie Community Service, also received their certificates.
Speakers included Dr Sias Mostert, chairperson of the e’Bosch Board of Directors, the Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality, Adv Gesie van Deventer and the Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University, Prof Wim de Villiers. Anthony Penderis, member of the e’Bosch team, introduced the audience to the various e’Bosch projects launched in 2018.
The recipients of the e’Bosch honorary awards for excellence in promoting culture and heritage were Matthew Cyster, founder of the Pniël Museum; Marietjie Kritzinger, stalwart in the Voortrekker movement; Dr Peter Martens, director of Stellenbosch International Chamber Music; Moses Muller, craft producer, who trains children and people of the community in beading techniques; Dennis Moss, well-known town planner, recognised by UNESCO as an international expert in Bioregional Planning Biosphere Reserves; Antionette Parks from the Dwars River Valley, who together with the community organisation Imbali Western Cape, has established a fund for the registration fees of motivated and talented young people from the Dwars River Valley at Boland College and other tertiary institutions; Pietman Retief, well known in tourism and museum circles and who has established a number of museums for the wine and brandy industry; and Leatitia Solomons-Manuel, known for her theatrical abilities, who is involved in the preservation of Vlottenburg’s culture and heritage.
Speakers included Dr Sias Mostert, chairperson of the e’Bosch Board of Directors, the Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality, Adv Gesie van Deventer and the Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University, Prof Wim de Villiers. Anthony Penderis, member of the e’Bosch team, introduced the audience to the various e’Bosch projects launched in 2018.
The recipients of the e’Bosch honorary awards for excellence in promoting culture and heritage were Matthew Cyster, founder of the Pniël Museum; Marietjie Kritzinger, stalwart in the Voortrekker movement; Dr Peter Martens, director of Stellenbosch International Chamber Music; Moses Muller, craft producer, who trains children and people of the community in beading techniques; Dennis Moss, well-known town planner, recognised by UNESCO as an international expert in Bioregional Planning Biosphere Reserves; Antionette Parks from the Dwars River Valley, who together with the community organisation Imbali Western Cape, has established a fund for the registration fees of motivated and talented young people from the Dwars River Valley at Boland College and other tertiary institutions; Pietman Retief, well known in tourism and museum circles and who has established a number of museums for the wine and brandy industry; and Leatitia Solomons-Manuel, known for her theatrical abilities, who is involved in the preservation of Vlottenburg’s culture and heritage.
Launch and Honorary Awards • 30 Aug 2017 • Bekendstelling en Eretoekennings

Dr Sias Mostert, (Chairman e’Bosch Executive Committee), with recipients of the e’Bosch Heritage Project Awards for 2017: Bevan Thomas (Cape Winelands Biosphere), Lewis Silberbauer (Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain), Linsey de Jager (Cape Winelands Biosphere), Lydia van Rooyen (Wildlands Conservation Trust) Prof Jan Giliomee, Thando Qayï (Wildlands Conservation Trust), Dave Pepler and Brain Damon with Prof. Wim de Klerk (Rector Stellenbosch University) who handed over the awards. Photo Carol Lakay.
Individuals and organizations who have made an outstanding contribution to the conservation of our natural heritage in the greater Stellenbosch region were the recipients of the 2017 e’Bosch Honorary Awards this year. Prof. Jan Giliomee, Mr. Brian Damonse and Dave Pepler were honoured as individual contributors as well as three organizations the Cape Winelands Biosphere Trust, the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain and the Wildlands Conservation Trust. The awards were presented by Stellenbosch Executive Mayor, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, and prof Wim de Villiers, Rector of Stellenbosch University. Dennis Moss, CEO of Dennis Moss Partnership was the guest speaker. His full speech can be downloaded below.
Individue en organisasies wat 'n uitsonderlike bydrae gelewer het tot die bewaring van ons natuurlike erfenis in die groter Stellenbosch-streek was die ontvangers van die 2017 e'Bosch-eretoekennings vanjaar. Prof. Jan Giliomee, mnr. Brian Damonse en Dave Pepler is vereer as individuele bydraers, sowel as drie organisasies die Cape Winelands Biosphere Trust, die Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain en die Wildlands Conservation Trust. Die toekennings is oorhandig deur die Stellenbosch se uitvoerende burgemeester, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, en prof Wim de Villiers, Rektor van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Dennis Moss, die uitvoerende hoof van Dennis Moss Partnership was die gasspreker. Sy volledige toespraak kan hieronder afgelaai word.
Enquires/Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7820 | <[email protected]>
Individue en organisasies wat 'n uitsonderlike bydrae gelewer het tot die bewaring van ons natuurlike erfenis in die groter Stellenbosch-streek was die ontvangers van die 2017 e'Bosch-eretoekennings vanjaar. Prof. Jan Giliomee, mnr. Brian Damonse en Dave Pepler is vereer as individuele bydraers, sowel as drie organisasies die Cape Winelands Biosphere Trust, die Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain en die Wildlands Conservation Trust. Die toekennings is oorhandig deur die Stellenbosch se uitvoerende burgemeester, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, en prof Wim de Villiers, Rektor van die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Dennis Moss, die uitvoerende hoof van Dennis Moss Partnership was die gasspreker. Sy volledige toespraak kan hieronder afgelaai word.
Enquires/Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7820 | <[email protected]>
Speech by Dennis Moss Guest Speaker @ Launch Function 30 August 2017

speech_dennis_moss_ebosch_honorary_awards__giving_30_august_2017.pdf |
e'Bosch Launch & Honorary Award Function 30 August 2016
A total of 12 Stellenbosch youth leaders were the recipients of this year’s e’Bosch Heritage Awards. Stellenbosch Executive Mayor Adv. Gesie van Deventer and prof Nico Koopman acting Vice Rector of Stellenbosch University handed over the awards at the e’Bosch Heritage Project 2016 launch function this week. The recipients at the front from left are Brent de Wet, Chantel Ruthford, Simone van der Berg, Melissa Makillie, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, prof. Nico Koopman. Second row: Normonde Gxagxiza, Ciska Swartz. Elton Janaurie, Mrs Claire Bruintjies (on behalf of Henricho Bruintjies), Junaid Roman, Dr. Sias Mostert chairman e’Bosch Executive Committee and Johann Murray, Chairman e’Bosch Steering Committee. At the back are Meketsi Lehana, Jaco Botha and Michael Fox.
Please see full speech below by Prof Nico Koopman is vice-rector for social impact, transformation and personnel at Stellenbosch University.
Enquires: Johann Murray; 083 628 7820 | <[email protected]>
Please see full speech below by Prof Nico Koopman is vice-rector for social impact, transformation and personnel at Stellenbosch University.
Enquires: Johann Murray; 083 628 7820 | <[email protected]>
e'Bosch-bekendstelling en Eretoekennings 2016
'n Totaal van 12 Stellenbosch-jeugleiers het vanjaar se e'Bosch-erfenistoekennings ontvang. Stellenbosch se uitvoerende burgemeester, adv. Gesie van Deventer, en prof Nico Koopman, waarnemende vise-rektor van Universiteit Stellenbosch het die toekennings by die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek 2016 se bekendstellingsgeleentheid hierdie week oorhandig. Die ontvangers links van voor is Brent de Wet, Chantel Ruthford, Simone van der Berg, Melissa Makillie, adv . Gesie van Deventer, prof. Nico Koopman. Tweede ry staan Normonde Gxagxiza, Ciska Swartz, Elton Janaurie, Mev Bruintjies (namens Henricho Bruintjies) en Junaid Roman, Dr Sias Mostert voorsitter, e'Bosch se uitvoerende komitee, en Johann Murray, voorsitter e'Bosch-reëlingskomitee. Agter staan Meketsi Lehana, Jaco Botha en Michael Fox.
Sien die volle toespraak onder van prof. Nico Koopman viserektor vir sosiale impak, transformasie en personeel by Stellenbosch Universiteit.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7820 | <[email protected]>
Sien die volle toespraak onder van prof. Nico Koopman viserektor vir sosiale impak, transformasie en personeel by Stellenbosch Universiteit.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7820 | <[email protected]>