Land Art Gathering 30 September 2017
The Land Art Gathering will be preceded by a 2 day Land Art workshop for children to be held on 12 and 18 August in the Legacy Hall. The theme for the Land Art Gathering on 30/09/2017 would be to re-connect people with rivers. There would be art, storytelling and biking. The photographic exhibition at GUS would also tell stories about rivers. Directions from Stellenbosch University to the park will be put up. Transport for persons residing in Ida's Valley without their own transport, would be made available in two trips. The community of Kayamandi who have different experiences of rivers would approach certain persons to take part in the Gathering on 30/9/2017.
Enquiries: Lydia van Rooyen; 060 500 0823 <[email protected]>
Enquiries: Lydia van Rooyen; 060 500 0823 <[email protected]>
Landkunsfees 30 September 2017
‘n Landkunsfees word beplan vir Erfenismaand op 30 September as deel van die e’Bosch-erfenisvieringe. Landkunstenaars soos Hannetjie Coetzee en Wes-Kaapse landkunstenaars sal genooi word om by Koloniesland (Jannaschstraat) langs die oewers van Eersterivier kunswerke vanuit die natuurlike omgewing te skep. Die landkunsfees in Koloniesland op 30 September sal benewens aan landkunstenaars die geleentheid bied om iets te skep uit die onmiddellike rivieromgewing, ook ander kunstenaars die kans gun om hul kuns- en handwerk langs die Eersterivier uit te stal. Vir die gesin sal die Stellenbosch Trail Fund ook ‘n pretfietsrit langs die rivier aanbied wat die historiese Mostertsdrift sal insluit.
Navrae: Lydia van Rooyen; 060 500 0823 <[email protected]>
Navrae: Lydia van Rooyen; 060 500 0823 <[email protected]>