e'Bosch Press Release #021/2017
Media Release e’Bosch #021/2017
19 October 2017
Popular night race overwhelmed by eager runners
The popularity of the night run concept in Stellenbosch was once again proved when the annual Moore Stephens Night Race last week was so overwhelmed with prospective runners that organizers could not enter everyone on time and had to delay the start by 25 minutes.
This popular night race over two distances of 10km and 5km respectively, took place for the fifth year in succession, and started at Stellenbosch High School on Wednesday, 11 October.
According to Erik Eloff, chairman of the Stellenbosch Athletics Club, who was responsible for the race's arrangements, they underestimated the popularity of the race which resulted in a large bottleneck at the registration tables. Although their club has already received about 600 entries online, they have to ensure that all participants are officially enrolled in terms of their legal obligations. When it became apparent that all athletes could not enter in time, the start was delayed by 25 minutes. An unknown number of runners had to turn around or participate unofficially. According to the official results, 668 finished the 10km and 735 the 5km distances.
Despite the peak-hour traffic and the fact that both races started in the dark, the arrangements for the two distances run through the streets of Stellenbosch went well. Mr Eloff had only praise for the Stellenbosch traffic department, who made sure that there were no delays at all the difficult street crossings. He has assured that their club will be much more prepared next year to handle a large number of entries.
The 10km winner was Sibusiso Madikizela in a time of 30:50 minutes, with Danzil Paulse second at 31:30 and Victor Motsi third in 31:35. In the women's race, Thineke Fourie was first in 37; 43; second was Theresa Fourie in 38:42; and third Mia Steytler in 39:21. The 5km was won by Menzi Khoza in 21:03, second was Danya Engelbrecht in 28:29 and third Madelie Liebetrau in 30:27.
The Moore Stephens Night Run is part of the approximately 30 e'Bosch heritage projects hosted annually around heritage month September, by the various villages and neighbourhoods of Stellenbosch. This year there were participation of, among others, villages such as Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central during the month of September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch decided to join the e'Bosch Heritage Project in 2013 by launching the Moore Stephens Night Run. The purpose of this race is to involve all of the communities and surrounding villages to celebrate our heritage together. Moore Stephens also sponsors more than 50 children from the ANNA Foundation every year to take part in this event, " said Moore Stephens director Izak du Plessis.
See www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run for more information or https://www.entryninja.com/results/event/20101 for full results.
Moore Stephens Night Run 2017 – various pics
Participants in this year's Moore Stephens Night Race 10 km and 5km races.
MS Night Run Anna Foundation 2017
Children of the ANNA Foundation sponsored by Moore Stephens to take part in this year’s race.
MS Night Run 2017 Male Winners
In the middle is the winner of the 10km Sibusiso Madikizela in a time of 30:50 minutes, and left Danzil Paulse second in 31:30 and Victor Motsi third in 31:35. On the right is Loré Fullard reprensentative of the sponsor Moore Stephens who handed over the prizes
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
19 October 2017
Popular night race overwhelmed by eager runners
The popularity of the night run concept in Stellenbosch was once again proved when the annual Moore Stephens Night Race last week was so overwhelmed with prospective runners that organizers could not enter everyone on time and had to delay the start by 25 minutes.
This popular night race over two distances of 10km and 5km respectively, took place for the fifth year in succession, and started at Stellenbosch High School on Wednesday, 11 October.
According to Erik Eloff, chairman of the Stellenbosch Athletics Club, who was responsible for the race's arrangements, they underestimated the popularity of the race which resulted in a large bottleneck at the registration tables. Although their club has already received about 600 entries online, they have to ensure that all participants are officially enrolled in terms of their legal obligations. When it became apparent that all athletes could not enter in time, the start was delayed by 25 minutes. An unknown number of runners had to turn around or participate unofficially. According to the official results, 668 finished the 10km and 735 the 5km distances.
Despite the peak-hour traffic and the fact that both races started in the dark, the arrangements for the two distances run through the streets of Stellenbosch went well. Mr Eloff had only praise for the Stellenbosch traffic department, who made sure that there were no delays at all the difficult street crossings. He has assured that their club will be much more prepared next year to handle a large number of entries.
The 10km winner was Sibusiso Madikizela in a time of 30:50 minutes, with Danzil Paulse second at 31:30 and Victor Motsi third in 31:35. In the women's race, Thineke Fourie was first in 37; 43; second was Theresa Fourie in 38:42; and third Mia Steytler in 39:21. The 5km was won by Menzi Khoza in 21:03, second was Danya Engelbrecht in 28:29 and third Madelie Liebetrau in 30:27.
The Moore Stephens Night Run is part of the approximately 30 e'Bosch heritage projects hosted annually around heritage month September, by the various villages and neighbourhoods of Stellenbosch. This year there were participation of, among others, villages such as Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central during the month of September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch decided to join the e'Bosch Heritage Project in 2013 by launching the Moore Stephens Night Run. The purpose of this race is to involve all of the communities and surrounding villages to celebrate our heritage together. Moore Stephens also sponsors more than 50 children from the ANNA Foundation every year to take part in this event, " said Moore Stephens director Izak du Plessis.
See www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run for more information or https://www.entryninja.com/results/event/20101 for full results.
Moore Stephens Night Run 2017 – various pics
Participants in this year's Moore Stephens Night Race 10 km and 5km races.
MS Night Run Anna Foundation 2017
Children of the ANNA Foundation sponsored by Moore Stephens to take part in this year’s race.
MS Night Run 2017 Male Winners
In the middle is the winner of the 10km Sibusiso Madikizela in a time of 30:50 minutes, and left Danzil Paulse second in 31:30 and Victor Motsi third in 31:35. On the right is Loré Fullard reprensentative of the sponsor Moore Stephens who handed over the prizes
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #020/2017
Mediaverklaring e’Bosch #020/2017
17 Oktober 2017
Gewilde nagwedloop oorval met deelnemers
Die gewildheid van ‘n nagwedloop op Stellenbosch is weereens bewys toe die jaarlikse Moore Stephens Nagwedloop verlede week so met voornemende deelnemers oorval is dat organiseerders noodgedwonge ‘n groot aantal nie amptelik kon laat inskryf nie en die wegtrek met 25 minute moes uitstel.
Hierdie gewilde nagwedloop wat nou vir die vyfde jaar agtereenvolgens aangebied is, het Woensdagaand, 11 Oktober, by Hoërskool Stellenbosch oor twee afstande van 10km en 5km onderskeidelik begin.
Volgens Erik Eloff, voorsitter van Stellenbosch Atletiekklub, wat vir die wedloop se reëlings verantwoordelik was, het hulle die populariteit van die wedloop onderskat wat ‘n groot bottelnek by die inskryftafels veroorsaak het. Hoewel klub het reeds sowat 600 inskrywings vooraf aanlyn ontvang, moet die klub weens hul regsverpligtinge op die dag seker maak dat alle deelnemers amptelik ingeskryf is. Toe dit duidelik raak dat al die atlete nie betyds sou kon inskryf nie, is die wegtrek met 25 minute uitgestel. ‘n Onbekende aantal hardlopers moes dus omdraai of nie-amptelik deelneem. Volgens die uitslae het 668 toe die 10km- en 735 die 5km-afstande voltooi.
Ten spyte van die druk verkeer en die feit dat beide die wedlope in die donkerte begin is, het die reëlings vir die twee afstande se bane deur die strate van Stellenbosch egter baie goed verloop. Mnr Eloff was ook vol lof vir die Stellenbosch-verkeersafeling wat seker gemaak het dat daar geen oponthoude by al die moeilike straatkruisings was. Hy het die versekering gegee dat hulle volgende jaar baie meer voorbereid sal wees om ‘n groot aantal inskrywings op die dag te hanteer.
Die wenner van die 10km was Sibusiso Madikizela in ‘n tyd van 30:50 minute, met Danzil Paulse tweede in 31:30 en Victor Motsi derde in 31:35. In die damesafeling was Thineke Fourie eerste in 37;43; tweede was Theresa Fourie in 38:42 en derde Mia Steytler in 39:21. Die 5km is deur Menzi Khoza in 21:03 gewen, tweede was Danya Engelbrecht in 28:29 en derde Madelie Liebetrau in 30:27.
Die Moore Stephens Nagpretloop is deel van die sowat 30 e’Bosch-erfenisprojekte wat jaarliks rondom September, deur die onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte van Stellenbosch aangebied word. Vanjaar was daar deelname van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal gedurende die maand September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch het besluit om in 2013 deel te raak van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deur die Moore Stephens Night Run te begin. Die doel van hierdie wedloop is om almal van die gemeenskap en omliggende dorpies te betrek om saam ons erfenis te vier. Moore Stephens borg elke jaar meer as 50 kinders van die ANNA Foundation om deel te neem,” sê Izak du Plessis, ‘n direkteur van die Moore Stephens.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run vir meer inligting of https://www.entryninja.com/results/event/20101 vir volledige uitslae.
Moore Stephens Night Run 2017 5km (3 x foto’s)
Deelnemers aan vanjaar se Moore Stephens Nagwedloop oor 5km die 5km afstand.
MS Night Run Anna Foundation 2017
Kinders van die ANNA Foundation was aan vanjaar se wedloop deelgeneem het.
Moore Stephens Night Run Poster 2017
MS Night Run 2017 Men Winners
In die middel is die wenner van die 10km Sibusiso Madikizela in ‘n tyd van 30:50 minute, en links Danzil Paulse tweede in 31:30 en Victor Motsi derde in 31:35.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718 [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
17 Oktober 2017
Gewilde nagwedloop oorval met deelnemers
Die gewildheid van ‘n nagwedloop op Stellenbosch is weereens bewys toe die jaarlikse Moore Stephens Nagwedloop verlede week so met voornemende deelnemers oorval is dat organiseerders noodgedwonge ‘n groot aantal nie amptelik kon laat inskryf nie en die wegtrek met 25 minute moes uitstel.
Hierdie gewilde nagwedloop wat nou vir die vyfde jaar agtereenvolgens aangebied is, het Woensdagaand, 11 Oktober, by Hoërskool Stellenbosch oor twee afstande van 10km en 5km onderskeidelik begin.
Volgens Erik Eloff, voorsitter van Stellenbosch Atletiekklub, wat vir die wedloop se reëlings verantwoordelik was, het hulle die populariteit van die wedloop onderskat wat ‘n groot bottelnek by die inskryftafels veroorsaak het. Hoewel klub het reeds sowat 600 inskrywings vooraf aanlyn ontvang, moet die klub weens hul regsverpligtinge op die dag seker maak dat alle deelnemers amptelik ingeskryf is. Toe dit duidelik raak dat al die atlete nie betyds sou kon inskryf nie, is die wegtrek met 25 minute uitgestel. ‘n Onbekende aantal hardlopers moes dus omdraai of nie-amptelik deelneem. Volgens die uitslae het 668 toe die 10km- en 735 die 5km-afstande voltooi.
Ten spyte van die druk verkeer en die feit dat beide die wedlope in die donkerte begin is, het die reëlings vir die twee afstande se bane deur die strate van Stellenbosch egter baie goed verloop. Mnr Eloff was ook vol lof vir die Stellenbosch-verkeersafeling wat seker gemaak het dat daar geen oponthoude by al die moeilike straatkruisings was. Hy het die versekering gegee dat hulle volgende jaar baie meer voorbereid sal wees om ‘n groot aantal inskrywings op die dag te hanteer.
Die wenner van die 10km was Sibusiso Madikizela in ‘n tyd van 30:50 minute, met Danzil Paulse tweede in 31:30 en Victor Motsi derde in 31:35. In die damesafeling was Thineke Fourie eerste in 37;43; tweede was Theresa Fourie in 38:42 en derde Mia Steytler in 39:21. Die 5km is deur Menzi Khoza in 21:03 gewen, tweede was Danya Engelbrecht in 28:29 en derde Madelie Liebetrau in 30:27.
Die Moore Stephens Nagpretloop is deel van die sowat 30 e’Bosch-erfenisprojekte wat jaarliks rondom September, deur die onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte van Stellenbosch aangebied word. Vanjaar was daar deelname van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal gedurende die maand September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch het besluit om in 2013 deel te raak van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deur die Moore Stephens Night Run te begin. Die doel van hierdie wedloop is om almal van die gemeenskap en omliggende dorpies te betrek om saam ons erfenis te vier. Moore Stephens borg elke jaar meer as 50 kinders van die ANNA Foundation om deel te neem,” sê Izak du Plessis, ‘n direkteur van die Moore Stephens.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run vir meer inligting of https://www.entryninja.com/results/event/20101 vir volledige uitslae.
Moore Stephens Night Run 2017 5km (3 x foto’s)
Deelnemers aan vanjaar se Moore Stephens Nagwedloop oor 5km die 5km afstand.
MS Night Run Anna Foundation 2017
Kinders van die ANNA Foundation was aan vanjaar se wedloop deelgeneem het.
Moore Stephens Night Run Poster 2017
MS Night Run 2017 Men Winners
In die middel is die wenner van die 10km Sibusiso Madikizela in ‘n tyd van 30:50 minute, en links Danzil Paulse tweede in 31:30 en Victor Motsi derde in 31:35.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718 [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #019/2017
Media Release e’Bosch #019/2017
6 October 2017
Stellenbosch's most popular night race next week Wednesday, 11 October
Stellenbosch's popular Moore Stephens Night Run, presented for the fifth successive year, will start at 18:15 on Wednesday, 11 October at Stellenbosch High School sport grounds.
This race, a highlight on Stellenbosch's athletics calendar, is an unique experience as it only starts at sunset on a scenic route through the streets of the town and along the banks of the Eerste River. It is done over two distances, the easy 5km route for the whole family, with walkers and parents with their children even in prams taking part whereas the longer 10km route is for serious athletes.
The 10km run starts at 18:15 and costs R60 plus an additional R30 for a temporary license. The 5km fun run and walk starts at 18:30 with an entry fee of R30. Online entries have already closed on 4 October but registration can be done at the Stellenbosch High School in Jannasch Road from 15:00 to 18:00 on the day of the race.
The Moore Stephens Night Run is part of the approximately 30 e'Bosch heritage projects hosted annually around heritage day, 24 September, by the various villages and neighbourhoods of Stellenbosch. This year there was participation of, among others, villages such as Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central during the month of September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch decided to join the e'Bosch Heritage Project in 2013 by launching the Moore Stephens Night Run. The purpose of this race is to involve all of the communities and surrounding villages to celebrate our heritage together. Moore Stephens also sponsors more than 50 children from the ANNA Foundation every year to take part in this event, " said Moore Stephens director Izak du Plessis.
A record number of 1450 completed last year's Night Run in perfect weather with a total of 742 runners in the 10km and 708 in the 5km division. The 10km was won by Nuyolwethu Mbupushe (RCS Gugs) in a 27:40 with Justin Fritz (Ceres) second in 27:51 and Tsungai Mwanengeni (RCS Gugs) in 28:18. The first lady over the finish line in 31:38 was Fortunate Chidziva (Nedbank WP) and second was T Maxwell (Boxer) in 31:42 and third was Sunel Jacobs (Maties) in 34:52.
See www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run for more information or contact [email protected]
e'Bosch logo
The e’Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes the mission of this movement which is to establish a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region.
Moore Stephens Night Run Start 2016
Last year's Moore Stephens Night Run completed in perfect weather was a great success with a record number of 1450 participants completing, the 10km and 5km distances together.
Moore Stephens Podium Men 2016
The 2016 Moore Stephens Night Run 10km distance was won by RCS Gugs’ Nuyolwethu Mbupushe in 27:40, with Justin Fritz of Ceres second in 27:51, and third in 28:18 was Tsungai Mwanengeni of RCS Gugs.
Moore Stephens Night Run Poster 2017
Details for Moore Stephens Night Race entry in both items plus prize money for the 10km distance.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
6 October 2017
Stellenbosch's most popular night race next week Wednesday, 11 October
Stellenbosch's popular Moore Stephens Night Run, presented for the fifth successive year, will start at 18:15 on Wednesday, 11 October at Stellenbosch High School sport grounds.
This race, a highlight on Stellenbosch's athletics calendar, is an unique experience as it only starts at sunset on a scenic route through the streets of the town and along the banks of the Eerste River. It is done over two distances, the easy 5km route for the whole family, with walkers and parents with their children even in prams taking part whereas the longer 10km route is for serious athletes.
The 10km run starts at 18:15 and costs R60 plus an additional R30 for a temporary license. The 5km fun run and walk starts at 18:30 with an entry fee of R30. Online entries have already closed on 4 October but registration can be done at the Stellenbosch High School in Jannasch Road from 15:00 to 18:00 on the day of the race.
The Moore Stephens Night Run is part of the approximately 30 e'Bosch heritage projects hosted annually around heritage day, 24 September, by the various villages and neighbourhoods of Stellenbosch. This year there was participation of, among others, villages such as Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central during the month of September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch decided to join the e'Bosch Heritage Project in 2013 by launching the Moore Stephens Night Run. The purpose of this race is to involve all of the communities and surrounding villages to celebrate our heritage together. Moore Stephens also sponsors more than 50 children from the ANNA Foundation every year to take part in this event, " said Moore Stephens director Izak du Plessis.
A record number of 1450 completed last year's Night Run in perfect weather with a total of 742 runners in the 10km and 708 in the 5km division. The 10km was won by Nuyolwethu Mbupushe (RCS Gugs) in a 27:40 with Justin Fritz (Ceres) second in 27:51 and Tsungai Mwanengeni (RCS Gugs) in 28:18. The first lady over the finish line in 31:38 was Fortunate Chidziva (Nedbank WP) and second was T Maxwell (Boxer) in 31:42 and third was Sunel Jacobs (Maties) in 34:52.
See www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run for more information or contact [email protected]
e'Bosch logo
The e’Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes the mission of this movement which is to establish a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region.
Moore Stephens Night Run Start 2016
Last year's Moore Stephens Night Run completed in perfect weather was a great success with a record number of 1450 participants completing, the 10km and 5km distances together.
Moore Stephens Podium Men 2016
The 2016 Moore Stephens Night Run 10km distance was won by RCS Gugs’ Nuyolwethu Mbupushe in 27:40, with Justin Fritz of Ceres second in 27:51, and third in 28:18 was Tsungai Mwanengeni of RCS Gugs.
Moore Stephens Night Run Poster 2017
Details for Moore Stephens Night Race entry in both items plus prize money for the 10km distance.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #018/2017
Mediaverklaring e’Bosch #018/2017
2 Oktober 2017
e’Bosch se landkuns huldig natuurerfenis
Die e‘Bosch-erfenisprojek het vanjaar besondere klem geplaas op die omgewing. Toekennings is gemaak aan mense en instellings wat hul beywer vir die bewaring van Stellenbosch en omgewing se natuurlike erfenis, en verlede Saterdag het landkuns-aktiwiteite by Koloniesland langs die Eersterivier plaaslike kreatiwiteit met behulp van die natuur-erfenis aangemoedig.
Benewens ‘n heerlike Eersterivier-familiestap langs die rivierwalle wat tans van kappertjies tot bobbejaantjies en viooltjies en ander bolplante oortrek is, het lede van EcoMaties en studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se departement visuele kunste gebou aan landkuns-installasies en ook bootjies om deel te neem aan ‘n resies op die rivier - alles deel van die tema “Herverbintenis met die rivier” (Reconnect with the River).
Die bootjies van boombas, riete, blomme en grasse, alles kunstig saamgebind, is te water gelaat en is tot by die eindstreep luidkeels aangemoedig.
Die geleentheid is gereël deur Wildlands (wat ‘n e’Bosch-toekenning ontvang het) en Stellenbosch Trails Fund as deel van die Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action. Die Koloniesland-gebied het verskeie stappaadjies wat deur die STF gebou is en ‘n veilige plek vir buitemuurse aktiwiteite bied.
By dié geleentheid is ook stories vertel oor die rol van water. Khoisan-hoofman Cornelius Hendriks het die heiligheid van water en veral riviere beklemtoon wat was, klere was en dors les betref. Jong mense het mekaar ook by die rivier ontmoet.
“Ons mense het eerder melk gedrink wanneer water skaars is, sodat daar water vir ons vee en die natuur was. Tydens volmaan is daar gesmeek om reën. ‘n Mens moet respek vir water hê,” het hy gesê.
Ter illustrasie van hoe belangrik water vir die Khoisan is, vertel hy toe Bartholomeus Dias by Santosstrand geland het om sy watervoorraad aan te vul, het die Khoisan gesien hoe sy mense met die water mors. Dit het die Khoi so ontstel dat hulle Dias se mense onder die klippe gesteek het, en iemand is in die onderonsie ook gedood met ‘n pyl en boog. “Waar daar water is, is daar krag en lewe. Ek werk by die rioolwerke waar ons moet verhoed dat te veel chloor in die water beland wat skadelik vir mens en dier is. Ek moet balans bring, want ek weet hoe belangrik water is,” sluit Hendriks af.
Prof. Jan Giliomee, bekende entomoloog en dekades lange voorsitter van die Vriende van die Jan Marais-natuurreservaat (ook ‘n ontvanger van ‘n e’Bosch-tekenning vir natuurerfenis, vertel dat die rivier ontstaan het ná sekere seismiese gebeure en die Jonkershoekvallei gevorm het. Die rivier se een loop was langs Uniepark en die ander waar Banghoekweg is, en wat later een loop gevorm het. Die eiland waarop Simon van der Stel uitgekamp met sy besoek aan Stellenbosch op 7 November 1679, was ongeveer waar die Kweekskool nou is. Die rede daarvoor was waarskynlik uit vrees vir wilde diere soos leeus wat destyds volop in dié gebied was.
Die naam Eersterivier is afkomstig weens die feit dat dit die eerste rivier was wat goew. Van der Stel ná hy Kaapstad verlaat het, waargeneem het. Giliomee het ook genoem die US het destyds beoog om ‘n woonbuurt by Koloniesland op te rig. Intussen het hy en ander gemeenskapslede probeer om dit te beplant met inheemse bome, wat ‘n gesukkel was omdat die grond vol gruis is wat vanuit die steengroef aan die ander kant van die rivier hier gestort is.
“Dit sal jammer wees om hierdie groen area op te offer as ‘n woonbuurt, veral noudat Richard de Villiers en ander lede van STF hierdie pragtige paadjies uitgelê het,” het Giliomee gesê.
Die dringende oproep om reën is besonder goed verwoord in ‘n lied wat by die geleentheid deur die sanggroep United Brothers van Kayamandi gesing is.
Cara (4) en Joanie Groenewald bou aan hul bootjie vir die bootjieresies op die Eersterivier.
Hierdie jong manne moedig hul tuisgemaakte bootjies aan in die bootreisies by die Landkunsdag langs die Eersterivier.
Ronel Hendriks, Khoisan-hoofman Cornelius Hendriks en Ken Antonie het die Khoisan se besondere respek vir water met die gehoor by die Landkunsdag gedeel.
Prof. Jan Giliomee het meer oor die geskiedenis van Eersterivier vertel.
Eve Chantal Menneghin en Johann Murray bou hier aan ‘n klein landkuns-installasie.
Een van die landkuns-installasies by die e’Bosch se Landkunsdag
Saamgestel deur Elsabé Reitief namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Elsabé Retief
082 371 4014; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
2 Oktober 2017
e’Bosch se landkuns huldig natuurerfenis
Die e‘Bosch-erfenisprojek het vanjaar besondere klem geplaas op die omgewing. Toekennings is gemaak aan mense en instellings wat hul beywer vir die bewaring van Stellenbosch en omgewing se natuurlike erfenis, en verlede Saterdag het landkuns-aktiwiteite by Koloniesland langs die Eersterivier plaaslike kreatiwiteit met behulp van die natuur-erfenis aangemoedig.
Benewens ‘n heerlike Eersterivier-familiestap langs die rivierwalle wat tans van kappertjies tot bobbejaantjies en viooltjies en ander bolplante oortrek is, het lede van EcoMaties en studente van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se departement visuele kunste gebou aan landkuns-installasies en ook bootjies om deel te neem aan ‘n resies op die rivier - alles deel van die tema “Herverbintenis met die rivier” (Reconnect with the River).
Die bootjies van boombas, riete, blomme en grasse, alles kunstig saamgebind, is te water gelaat en is tot by die eindstreep luidkeels aangemoedig.
Die geleentheid is gereël deur Wildlands (wat ‘n e’Bosch-toekenning ontvang het) en Stellenbosch Trails Fund as deel van die Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action. Die Koloniesland-gebied het verskeie stappaadjies wat deur die STF gebou is en ‘n veilige plek vir buitemuurse aktiwiteite bied.
By dié geleentheid is ook stories vertel oor die rol van water. Khoisan-hoofman Cornelius Hendriks het die heiligheid van water en veral riviere beklemtoon wat was, klere was en dors les betref. Jong mense het mekaar ook by die rivier ontmoet.
“Ons mense het eerder melk gedrink wanneer water skaars is, sodat daar water vir ons vee en die natuur was. Tydens volmaan is daar gesmeek om reën. ‘n Mens moet respek vir water hê,” het hy gesê.
Ter illustrasie van hoe belangrik water vir die Khoisan is, vertel hy toe Bartholomeus Dias by Santosstrand geland het om sy watervoorraad aan te vul, het die Khoisan gesien hoe sy mense met die water mors. Dit het die Khoi so ontstel dat hulle Dias se mense onder die klippe gesteek het, en iemand is in die onderonsie ook gedood met ‘n pyl en boog. “Waar daar water is, is daar krag en lewe. Ek werk by die rioolwerke waar ons moet verhoed dat te veel chloor in die water beland wat skadelik vir mens en dier is. Ek moet balans bring, want ek weet hoe belangrik water is,” sluit Hendriks af.
Prof. Jan Giliomee, bekende entomoloog en dekades lange voorsitter van die Vriende van die Jan Marais-natuurreservaat (ook ‘n ontvanger van ‘n e’Bosch-tekenning vir natuurerfenis, vertel dat die rivier ontstaan het ná sekere seismiese gebeure en die Jonkershoekvallei gevorm het. Die rivier se een loop was langs Uniepark en die ander waar Banghoekweg is, en wat later een loop gevorm het. Die eiland waarop Simon van der Stel uitgekamp met sy besoek aan Stellenbosch op 7 November 1679, was ongeveer waar die Kweekskool nou is. Die rede daarvoor was waarskynlik uit vrees vir wilde diere soos leeus wat destyds volop in dié gebied was.
Die naam Eersterivier is afkomstig weens die feit dat dit die eerste rivier was wat goew. Van der Stel ná hy Kaapstad verlaat het, waargeneem het. Giliomee het ook genoem die US het destyds beoog om ‘n woonbuurt by Koloniesland op te rig. Intussen het hy en ander gemeenskapslede probeer om dit te beplant met inheemse bome, wat ‘n gesukkel was omdat die grond vol gruis is wat vanuit die steengroef aan die ander kant van die rivier hier gestort is.
“Dit sal jammer wees om hierdie groen area op te offer as ‘n woonbuurt, veral noudat Richard de Villiers en ander lede van STF hierdie pragtige paadjies uitgelê het,” het Giliomee gesê.
Die dringende oproep om reën is besonder goed verwoord in ‘n lied wat by die geleentheid deur die sanggroep United Brothers van Kayamandi gesing is.
Cara (4) en Joanie Groenewald bou aan hul bootjie vir die bootjieresies op die Eersterivier.
Hierdie jong manne moedig hul tuisgemaakte bootjies aan in die bootreisies by die Landkunsdag langs die Eersterivier.
Ronel Hendriks, Khoisan-hoofman Cornelius Hendriks en Ken Antonie het die Khoisan se besondere respek vir water met die gehoor by die Landkunsdag gedeel.
Prof. Jan Giliomee het meer oor die geskiedenis van Eersterivier vertel.
Eve Chantal Menneghin en Johann Murray bou hier aan ‘n klein landkuns-installasie.
Een van die landkuns-installasies by die e’Bosch se Landkunsdag
Saamgestel deur Elsabé Reitief namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Elsabé Retief
082 371 4014; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #017/2017
Mediaverklaring e’Bosch #017/2017
6 Oktober 2017
Stellenbosch se gewildste nagwedloop volgende week Woensdag, 11 Okt, vanaf Hoërskool Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch se gewilde Moore Stephens Nagwedloop wat vanjaar vir die vyfde keer agtereenvolgens aangebied word, begin volgende week Woensdag, 11 Oktober, om 18:15 by Hoërskool Stellenbosch se sportgronde.
Hierdie wedloop, ‘n hoogtepunt op Stellenbosch se atletiek-kalender, is ‘n besonderse ervaring aangesien dit net voor sononder begin en daarna ‘n roete deur die strate van die dorp en langs die Eersterivier volg. Daar is ‘n maklike roete van 5km vir die hele familie waaraan stappers en selfs ouers met hul kinders in stootwaentjies deelneem terwyl die langer roete van 10km vir die ernstige atlete is.
Die 10km begin stiptelik om 18:15 en kos R60 plus ‘n ekstra R30 vir ‘n tydelike lisensie. Die 5km begin om 18:30 en kos R30 om in te skryf. Inskrywings kan reeds aanlyn by entryninja.com tot 4 Oktober by gedoen word. Daar is ook geleentheid om op die dag van die wedloop vooraf by Hoërskool Stellenbosch vanaf 15:00 tot 18:00 in te skryf.
Die Moore Stephens Nagpretloop is deel van die sowat 30 e’Bosch-erfenisprojekte wat jaarliks rondom erfenisdag, 24 September, deur die onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte van Stellenbosch aangebied word. Vanjaar was daar deelname van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal gedurende die maand September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch het besluit om in 2013 deel te raak van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deur die Moore Stephens Night Run te begin. Die doel van hierdie wedloop is om almal van die gemeenskap en omliggende dorpies te betrek om saam ons erfenis te vier. Moore Stephens borg elke jaar meer as 50 kinders van die ANNA Foundation om deel te neem,” sê Izak du Plessis, ‘n direkteur van die Moore Stephens.
Verlede jaar se nagpretloop was 'n groot sukses en is in perfekte weer afgehandel met 'n rekordgetal van 1450 deelnemers wat voltooi het naamlik 742 in die 10km en 708 in die 5km-afdeling. Die 10km is gewen deur Nuyolwethu Mbupushe van RSC Gugs in 'n tyd van 27min en 40 sekondes met Justin Fritz van Ceres in 27:51 en Tsungai Mwanengeni van RCS Gugs in 28:18. Die eerste dame oor die eindstreep was Fortunate Chidziva van Nedbank WP in 31:38; tweede was T Maxwell van Boxer in 31:42 en derde was Sunel Jacobs van Maties in 34:52.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run vir meer inligting of kontak [email protected]
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel.
Moore Stephens Night Run Start 2016
Verlede jaar se Moore Stephens Nagpretloop was 'n groot sukses en is in perfekte weer afgehandel met 'n rekordgetal van 1450 deelnemers wat voltooi het, naamlik 742 in die 10km en 708 in die 5km-afdeling.
Moore Stephens Podium Men 2016
Die Moore Stephens Nagwedloop se 10km-afstand is gewen deur Nuyolwethu Mbupushe van RSC Gugs in 'n tyd van 27min en 40 sekondes met Justin Fritz van Ceres in 27:51 en Tsungai Mwanengeni van RCS Gugs in 28:18.
Moore Stephens Night Run Poster 2017
Detail vir Moore Stephens Nagwedloop inskrywing in beide items plus prysgeld vir die 10km-afstand.
‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718 [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
6 Oktober 2017
Stellenbosch se gewildste nagwedloop volgende week Woensdag, 11 Okt, vanaf Hoërskool Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch se gewilde Moore Stephens Nagwedloop wat vanjaar vir die vyfde keer agtereenvolgens aangebied word, begin volgende week Woensdag, 11 Oktober, om 18:15 by Hoërskool Stellenbosch se sportgronde.
Hierdie wedloop, ‘n hoogtepunt op Stellenbosch se atletiek-kalender, is ‘n besonderse ervaring aangesien dit net voor sononder begin en daarna ‘n roete deur die strate van die dorp en langs die Eersterivier volg. Daar is ‘n maklike roete van 5km vir die hele familie waaraan stappers en selfs ouers met hul kinders in stootwaentjies deelneem terwyl die langer roete van 10km vir die ernstige atlete is.
Die 10km begin stiptelik om 18:15 en kos R60 plus ‘n ekstra R30 vir ‘n tydelike lisensie. Die 5km begin om 18:30 en kos R30 om in te skryf. Inskrywings kan reeds aanlyn by entryninja.com tot 4 Oktober by gedoen word. Daar is ook geleentheid om op die dag van die wedloop vooraf by Hoërskool Stellenbosch vanaf 15:00 tot 18:00 in te skryf.
Die Moore Stephens Nagpretloop is deel van die sowat 30 e’Bosch-erfenisprojekte wat jaarliks rondom erfenisdag, 24 September, deur die onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte van Stellenbosch aangebied word. Vanjaar was daar deelname van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal gedurende die maand September.
"Moore Stephens Stellenbosch het besluit om in 2013 deel te raak van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deur die Moore Stephens Night Run te begin. Die doel van hierdie wedloop is om almal van die gemeenskap en omliggende dorpies te betrek om saam ons erfenis te vier. Moore Stephens borg elke jaar meer as 50 kinders van die ANNA Foundation om deel te neem,” sê Izak du Plessis, ‘n direkteur van die Moore Stephens.
Verlede jaar se nagpretloop was 'n groot sukses en is in perfekte weer afgehandel met 'n rekordgetal van 1450 deelnemers wat voltooi het naamlik 742 in die 10km en 708 in die 5km-afdeling. Die 10km is gewen deur Nuyolwethu Mbupushe van RSC Gugs in 'n tyd van 27min en 40 sekondes met Justin Fritz van Ceres in 27:51 en Tsungai Mwanengeni van RCS Gugs in 28:18. Die eerste dame oor die eindstreep was Fortunate Chidziva van Nedbank WP in 31:38; tweede was T Maxwell van Boxer in 31:42 en derde was Sunel Jacobs van Maties in 34:52.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run vir meer inligting of kontak [email protected]
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel.
Moore Stephens Night Run Start 2016
Verlede jaar se Moore Stephens Nagpretloop was 'n groot sukses en is in perfekte weer afgehandel met 'n rekordgetal van 1450 deelnemers wat voltooi het, naamlik 742 in die 10km en 708 in die 5km-afdeling.
Moore Stephens Podium Men 2016
Die Moore Stephens Nagwedloop se 10km-afstand is gewen deur Nuyolwethu Mbupushe van RSC Gugs in 'n tyd van 27min en 40 sekondes met Justin Fritz van Ceres in 27:51 en Tsungai Mwanengeni van RCS Gugs in 28:18.
Moore Stephens Night Run Poster 2017
Detail vir Moore Stephens Nagwedloop inskrywing in beide items plus prysgeld vir die 10km-afstand.
‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Loré Fullard
021 880 1718 [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #016/2017
29 September 2017
Media Release
Business engages in the future heritage of Stellenbosch
To weave the social fabric of Stellenbosch into an inclusive community where everyone knows, appreciates and respects one another was the main theme of a business workshop presented by the e’Bosch Heritage Project at Stellenbosch.
The workshop, sponsored by Distell for the second consecutive year as part of the e’Bosch Heritage Project festivities during the month of September was facilitated by Thandi Chaane, an expert change-enabler.
Ms Chaane works with communities throughout the African continent on human rights, transformation and cultural diversity shared her personal experience from the 1976 uprising to her current involvement in the South African business sector. She provided a constructive backdrop to the understanding of our current political, economic and social challenges and the effect it might have on our future.
The event focused on South Africa’s social heritage, how it impacts business and communities and how we may build a sustainable future heritage despite a changing political, economic and social environment.
“The vision of the e’Bosch Heritage Project is to weave the social fabric of Stellenbosch into an inclusive community where everyone knows, appreciates and respects one another. Distell’s support is invaluable to the project’s progress thus far and we believe that ultimately the business community can achieve significant return on investment in the social fabric of Stellenbosch,” says Dr Sias Mostert, chairperson of the e’Bosch Heritage Project executive committee.
“As business in Stellenbosch, it is important to support initiatives that build on the social fabric of this beautiful community. We appreciate the contributions of the facilitator Thandi Chaane, an educator by heart, who delivered an inspiring message which brings South African history to life through her personal experiences and encounters,” says Nichole Solomons, Manager: Distell Sustainable Socio-Economic Development
“Many light and intense moments were shared but it is up to those who live, work and play in Stellenbosch to take their learnings to heart and move forward. The workshop was experienced as inspirational, sincere and action-driven by all,” says Ms Solomons.
Distell Workshop Group
Antendees of the Distell Foundation Workshop on Social Cohesion held at the Van Ryn Cellar in Vlottenburg, Stellenboch this month. The workshop was sponsored by Distell for the second consecutive year as part of the Stellenbosch Heritage Project festivities during the month of September.
Thandi Chaane
Thandi Chaane facilitator in action at the Distell Foundation Workshop on Social Cohesion this year.
Nichole Solomons
Nichole Solomons, Manager: Distell Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, makes a point at the workshop.
Annamarie Ferns and Cornelia Kirsten at the Distell Foundation Workshop on Social Cohesion this month.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Media Release
Business engages in the future heritage of Stellenbosch
To weave the social fabric of Stellenbosch into an inclusive community where everyone knows, appreciates and respects one another was the main theme of a business workshop presented by the e’Bosch Heritage Project at Stellenbosch.
The workshop, sponsored by Distell for the second consecutive year as part of the e’Bosch Heritage Project festivities during the month of September was facilitated by Thandi Chaane, an expert change-enabler.
Ms Chaane works with communities throughout the African continent on human rights, transformation and cultural diversity shared her personal experience from the 1976 uprising to her current involvement in the South African business sector. She provided a constructive backdrop to the understanding of our current political, economic and social challenges and the effect it might have on our future.
The event focused on South Africa’s social heritage, how it impacts business and communities and how we may build a sustainable future heritage despite a changing political, economic and social environment.
“The vision of the e’Bosch Heritage Project is to weave the social fabric of Stellenbosch into an inclusive community where everyone knows, appreciates and respects one another. Distell’s support is invaluable to the project’s progress thus far and we believe that ultimately the business community can achieve significant return on investment in the social fabric of Stellenbosch,” says Dr Sias Mostert, chairperson of the e’Bosch Heritage Project executive committee.
“As business in Stellenbosch, it is important to support initiatives that build on the social fabric of this beautiful community. We appreciate the contributions of the facilitator Thandi Chaane, an educator by heart, who delivered an inspiring message which brings South African history to life through her personal experiences and encounters,” says Nichole Solomons, Manager: Distell Sustainable Socio-Economic Development
“Many light and intense moments were shared but it is up to those who live, work and play in Stellenbosch to take their learnings to heart and move forward. The workshop was experienced as inspirational, sincere and action-driven by all,” says Ms Solomons.
Distell Workshop Group
Antendees of the Distell Foundation Workshop on Social Cohesion held at the Van Ryn Cellar in Vlottenburg, Stellenboch this month. The workshop was sponsored by Distell for the second consecutive year as part of the Stellenbosch Heritage Project festivities during the month of September.
Thandi Chaane
Thandi Chaane facilitator in action at the Distell Foundation Workshop on Social Cohesion this year.
Nichole Solomons
Nichole Solomons, Manager: Distell Sustainable Socio-Economic Development, makes a point at the workshop.
Annamarie Ferns and Cornelia Kirsten at the Distell Foundation Workshop on Social Cohesion this month.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #015/2017
26 September 2017
Stellenbossers ooraloor vier hul erfenis op gepaste wyse
Verskeie Stellenbosch-gemeenskappe het die afgelope naweek rondom Erfensidag, 24 September, hul bewustheid van ons erfenis getoon deur ‘n groot aantal saamtrekke en feesvieringe in hul onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte as deel van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek aan te bied.
‘n Uitstaande kenmerk van vanjaar se vieringe is dat gemeenskappe onder die vaandel van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek nie net enkele projek aanbied nie, maar eerder uitbreide programme wat selfs oor verskeie dae kon strek. Mintens 30 saamtrekke is sodoende verwesenlik deur bydraes van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal.
Die doelstelling van die e'Bosch-erfenispojek, nou in sy sewende bestaansjaar, is om op Stellenboch ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur tot stand te bring waar daar wedersydse respek en vertroue tussen al die bevolkingsroepe is en almal welkom en tuis voel.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting oor hul bedrywighede.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel. Foto: Elsabé Retief
‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
e'Bosch 2017 Imbali gesin
Imbali Wes-Kaap het sy jaarlikse kinderkuns-uitstalling in die Edna & Bernard Podlashuk-kunssentrum in Kylemore as deel van die e’Bosch-erfenisprogram gehou. Met behulp van ‘n Lotto-toekenning word kunsklasse, wat voorheen maandeliks vir Kylemore se jeug aangebied is, nou ook aan leerders van die Frank’s Haven-crèche van Kindersorg Stellenbosch gegee. Yolandi Michaels, met klein Skyler (2) op haar heup, is baie trots op haar dogter by Kaylen (10), wie se kunswerk (links bo) deel van die uitstalling vorm. Foto: Elsabé Retief
e'Bosch 2017 Imbali groepfoto
Nelis Koegelenberg, hoof van PJ Olivier-kunssentrum in Stellenbosch, het die Imbali-kinderkunsuitstalling in Kylemore geopen. Hier is hy by sommige van die leerders wie se kunswerke uitgestal is. Foto: Elsabé Retief
e'Bosch 2017 Imbali-bestuur
By die opening van die Imbali-kinderkunsuitstalling in Kylemore, wat jaarliks deel van e’Bosch se erfenisprojekte in September vorm, is (van links) Jeanne Bestbier-Bloch (sekretaresse van Imbali Wes-Kaap), Nelis Koegelenberg (hoof van PJ Olivier-kunssentrum) wat die uitstalling geopen het, Yvonne Wilson (voorsitter van Imbali), en Teresa Engelhage (lid van die Imbali-bestuur). Foto: Elsabé Retief
Skoolkoorfees laerskole 4999 & 2646
Minstens 650 leerders van 16 laerskole uit die Stellenbosch- en Franschhoek-omgewing het Vrydagaand in die stadsaal aan die e’Bosch-skoolkoorfees deelgeneem. Elke skool het die geleentheid gehad om twee liedjies op te voer waarna al die skole gesamentlik opgetree en met die volkslied afgesluit het. Foto: Ernest Birkenstock
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Stellenbossers ooraloor vier hul erfenis op gepaste wyse
Verskeie Stellenbosch-gemeenskappe het die afgelope naweek rondom Erfensidag, 24 September, hul bewustheid van ons erfenis getoon deur ‘n groot aantal saamtrekke en feesvieringe in hul onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte as deel van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek aan te bied.
‘n Uitstaande kenmerk van vanjaar se vieringe is dat gemeenskappe onder die vaandel van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek nie net enkele projek aanbied nie, maar eerder uitbreide programme wat selfs oor verskeie dae kon strek. Mintens 30 saamtrekke is sodoende verwesenlik deur bydraes van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal.
Die doelstelling van die e'Bosch-erfenispojek, nou in sy sewende bestaansjaar, is om op Stellenboch ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur tot stand te bring waar daar wedersydse respek en vertroue tussen al die bevolkingsroepe is en almal welkom en tuis voel.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting oor hul bedrywighede.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel. Foto: Elsabé Retief
‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
e'Bosch 2017 Imbali gesin
Imbali Wes-Kaap het sy jaarlikse kinderkuns-uitstalling in die Edna & Bernard Podlashuk-kunssentrum in Kylemore as deel van die e’Bosch-erfenisprogram gehou. Met behulp van ‘n Lotto-toekenning word kunsklasse, wat voorheen maandeliks vir Kylemore se jeug aangebied is, nou ook aan leerders van die Frank’s Haven-crèche van Kindersorg Stellenbosch gegee. Yolandi Michaels, met klein Skyler (2) op haar heup, is baie trots op haar dogter by Kaylen (10), wie se kunswerk (links bo) deel van die uitstalling vorm. Foto: Elsabé Retief
e'Bosch 2017 Imbali groepfoto
Nelis Koegelenberg, hoof van PJ Olivier-kunssentrum in Stellenbosch, het die Imbali-kinderkunsuitstalling in Kylemore geopen. Hier is hy by sommige van die leerders wie se kunswerke uitgestal is. Foto: Elsabé Retief
e'Bosch 2017 Imbali-bestuur
By die opening van die Imbali-kinderkunsuitstalling in Kylemore, wat jaarliks deel van e’Bosch se erfenisprojekte in September vorm, is (van links) Jeanne Bestbier-Bloch (sekretaresse van Imbali Wes-Kaap), Nelis Koegelenberg (hoof van PJ Olivier-kunssentrum) wat die uitstalling geopen het, Yvonne Wilson (voorsitter van Imbali), en Teresa Engelhage (lid van die Imbali-bestuur). Foto: Elsabé Retief
Skoolkoorfees laerskole 4999 & 2646
Minstens 650 leerders van 16 laerskole uit die Stellenbosch- en Franschhoek-omgewing het Vrydagaand in die stadsaal aan die e’Bosch-skoolkoorfees deelgeneem. Elke skool het die geleentheid gehad om twee liedjies op te voer waarna al die skole gesamentlik opgetree en met die volkslied afgesluit het. Foto: Ernest Birkenstock
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #014/2017
22 September 2017
Media Release Eikestadnuus/Gazette
e’Bosch celebrates nature, conservation and art this Saturday
The e’Bosch Heritage Project will present a public celebration of nature, conservation and art on the banks of the Eerste River this Saturday, 30 September, as a fitting finale to their month-long September heritage festival activities.
The beautifully restored Koloniesland Park will be the venue for their Land Art project where numerous land artists from all over the Western Cape will ply their trade to create works of art using mostly material available in nature. The whole-day event will kick off at 9:00 with a 7km family fun run along the banks of the Eerste River while artists get to work on their numerous works of natural art all over the park.
The Stellenbosch University Society (ECOMATIES) will do a special display and a story-telling session will also be presented from 13:00 to 14:00 on the day. Entry is free and picnic spots are available for those who want to make it a day-long outing.
The new Koloniesland Park is a beautiful site along the Eerste River recently restored by Wildlands and Stellenbosch Trail Fund as part of the Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action. The park features new walking paths, spectacular spring flowers and gracious trees which offers a safe space for all kinds of outdoor activities, and spectacular Land Art.
The e'Bosch movement proactively engages all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region and presented at least 30 projects this September the traditional heritage month. Just about all the towns or ‘dorpies’ of the region participated which inlcuded Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central. See www.ebosch.co.za for more information and their full program.
School Mass Choir
Some 500 learners from 8 Stellenbosch high schools took part in this performance of the e’Bosch School Choir Festival on Wednesday, 19 September at Bloemhof Girls’ High School. The second performance by 650 learners from 16 primary schools was on Friday, 22 September in the Stellenbosch City Hall. Photo: Ernest Birkenstock
e’Bosch logo
The e'Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes their vision to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Media Release Eikestadnuus/Gazette
e’Bosch celebrates nature, conservation and art this Saturday
The e’Bosch Heritage Project will present a public celebration of nature, conservation and art on the banks of the Eerste River this Saturday, 30 September, as a fitting finale to their month-long September heritage festival activities.
The beautifully restored Koloniesland Park will be the venue for their Land Art project where numerous land artists from all over the Western Cape will ply their trade to create works of art using mostly material available in nature. The whole-day event will kick off at 9:00 with a 7km family fun run along the banks of the Eerste River while artists get to work on their numerous works of natural art all over the park.
The Stellenbosch University Society (ECOMATIES) will do a special display and a story-telling session will also be presented from 13:00 to 14:00 on the day. Entry is free and picnic spots are available for those who want to make it a day-long outing.
The new Koloniesland Park is a beautiful site along the Eerste River recently restored by Wildlands and Stellenbosch Trail Fund as part of the Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action. The park features new walking paths, spectacular spring flowers and gracious trees which offers a safe space for all kinds of outdoor activities, and spectacular Land Art.
The e'Bosch movement proactively engages all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region and presented at least 30 projects this September the traditional heritage month. Just about all the towns or ‘dorpies’ of the region participated which inlcuded Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central. See www.ebosch.co.za for more information and their full program.
School Mass Choir
Some 500 learners from 8 Stellenbosch high schools took part in this performance of the e’Bosch School Choir Festival on Wednesday, 19 September at Bloemhof Girls’ High School. The second performance by 650 learners from 16 primary schools was on Friday, 22 September in the Stellenbosch City Hall. Photo: Ernest Birkenstock
e’Bosch logo
The e'Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes their vision to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #013/2017
19 September 2017
Mediaverklaring: Eikestadnuus
Stellenbosch se dorpies span saam vir ‘n vol program oor erfenismaand
Erfenismaand word behoorlik hierdie September op die dorp gevier deur die aanbieding van tientalle projekte wat oral in die distrik deur die verskeie gemeenskappe en dorpies aangebied word as deel van Stellenbsoch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Vanjaar het die meerderheid van Stellenbosch se gemeenskappe saamgespan om minstens 30 projekte te verwesenlik. Bydraes word onder meer gemaak deur dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal.
“Die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek, nou in sy sewende jaar, is 'n proses wat klein begin het na die identifisering van 'n uitgesproke behoefte vir veranding en om 'n groter gedeelte van ons gemeenskap te betrek. Vanjaar se deelname getuig weereens van individue en korporatiewe organisasies se bereidwilligheid om onderlinge respek en waardering vir mekaar te help ontwikkel,” sê Johann Murray voorsitter van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se reëlingskomitee.
“Dit plaas ook fokus op die identifisering van kernbehoegtes binne ons gemeenskappe wat ons steeds moet aanspreek. Vandag, soos toe, bly die groot vraag: watter verksil kan ons maak aan ons toekomstige erfenis? e'Bosch nooi weereens almal uit om ons projekte te ondersteun en deel te neem aan die skep van 'n inklusiewe kultuur vir Stellenbosch en sy dorpies wat by ons almal geborgenheid en trots sal bring,” sê Johann.
Die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se program vir die res van September lyk as volg:
Vrydag 22 September:
Saterdag 23 September
Sondag 24 September
Maandag 24 September
Donderdag 28 September
Saterdag 30 September
Woensdag 11 Oktober
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting en die volle program.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel.
‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Johann Murray
Johann Murray voorsitter van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se reëlingskomitee.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Mediaverklaring: Eikestadnuus
Stellenbosch se dorpies span saam vir ‘n vol program oor erfenismaand
Erfenismaand word behoorlik hierdie September op die dorp gevier deur die aanbieding van tientalle projekte wat oral in die distrik deur die verskeie gemeenskappe en dorpies aangebied word as deel van Stellenbsoch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Vanjaar het die meerderheid van Stellenbosch se gemeenskappe saamgespan om minstens 30 projekte te verwesenlik. Bydraes word onder meer gemaak deur dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal.
“Die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek, nou in sy sewende jaar, is 'n proses wat klein begin het na die identifisering van 'n uitgesproke behoefte vir veranding en om 'n groter gedeelte van ons gemeenskap te betrek. Vanjaar se deelname getuig weereens van individue en korporatiewe organisasies se bereidwilligheid om onderlinge respek en waardering vir mekaar te help ontwikkel,” sê Johann Murray voorsitter van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se reëlingskomitee.
“Dit plaas ook fokus op die identifisering van kernbehoegtes binne ons gemeenskappe wat ons steeds moet aanspreek. Vandag, soos toe, bly die groot vraag: watter verksil kan ons maak aan ons toekomstige erfenis? e'Bosch nooi weereens almal uit om ons projekte te ondersteun en deel te neem aan die skep van 'n inklusiewe kultuur vir Stellenbosch en sy dorpies wat by ons almal geborgenheid en trots sal bring,” sê Johann.
Die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se program vir die res van September lyk as volg:
Vrydag 22 September:
- Stellenbosch-sentraal: Skoolkoorfees (laerskole), Stadsaal 18:30, toegang gratis;
- Kylemore: Teeparty vir pensionarisse en blommerangskikking-demonstrasies 9:00 – 13:00;
- Kylemore: Raakrugby-toernooi18:00;
- Pniël: Leer die dorp ken-toer 10:00.
Saterdag 23 September
- Jamestown: Foto-uitstalling van kerkgeskiedenis 9:00 – 15:00 (tot 25 Sep);
- Raithby: Veilige straatsport 10:00 - 14:00;
- Kylemore: skaakontwikkeling, Imbali se kinderkunsuitstalling 10:00 – 15:00;
- Cloetesville: Jeugsportdag 10:00 – 14:00;
- Klapmuts: Erfenisdagvieringe 10:00 – 18:00
- Kayamandi: isiXhosa-erfenisvieringe 13:00 – 17:00;
- Pniël: Kansa Familiepretloop 9:00;
Sondag 24 September
- Klapmuts: Gospel- en dramaprogram 10:00 – 18:00;
- Jamestown: Erfenisdiens Assembly of God Kerk 10:00 –11:30;
- Jamestown: Plaaslike kunstenaars en skole musiek, Assembly of God Kerk 11:30 – 15:00;
- Stellenbosch-sentraal: Spesiale ope kerkdiens Kruiskerk 19:00;
Maandag 24 September
- Klapmuts: Inheemse spele en Draadkar Grand Prix 9:00 – 14:00;
- Kayamandi: Onder-11 Sokkertoernooi 9:00 – 17:00;
- Stellenbosch: VriendsCup Spele Rhenish Hoër Meisieskool 14:00 – 16:30;
Donderdag 28 September
- Stellenbosch-sentraal: Last Thursday Ope Gallerye 17:00 – 20:00;
Saterdag 30 September
- Stellenbosch: Landskuns en pretloop Koloniesland 9:00 – 15:00;
Woensdag 11 Oktober
- Stellenbosch: Moore Stephens Nagpretloop Hoërskool Stellenbosch 18:15
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting en die volle program.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel.
‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Johann Murray
Johann Murray voorsitter van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se reëlingskomitee.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #012/2017
14 September 2017
Media Release
Stellenbosch's schools team together for a feast of singing
Stellenbosch will be treated to a school choir festival of note next week when at least 1,100 learners from 24 schools from the region will present two performances as part of the annual e'Bosch Heritage Project's celebrations during heritage month September.
On Tuesday, 19 September, the first performance will be held by approximately 490 learners from eight of Stellenbosch's high schools at Bloemhof Girls’ High starting at at 19:00. The second performance by 650 learners from 16 primary schools will be on Friday, 22 September at 18:30 in the Stellenbosch City Hall. Entry is free to both performances.
After months of preparation, the first joint choir practice for high schools took place at this past weekend. It was attended by the following schools with their choir leaders in brackets: Bloemhof High School (Marijke Roos); Cloetesville Senior Secondary (Carl Rhode); Kayamandi Senior Secondary (Phinda Makapela); Makapula Senior Secondary (Andiswa Sesanti); Paul Roos Gymnasium (Stephan Bezuidenhout); Rhenish Girls' High (Sonja Van Amstel); Stellenbosch High School (Xander Kritzinger) and Stellenzicht Senior Secondary (Danelle Paulse). A second joint exercise for high schools will be held at Bloemhof Girls’ High this Saturday.
The e'Bosch School Choir Festival, the sixth in a row, also enjoys its highest level of professional support this year. Choir leaders from various schools now receive coaching from inter alia the Stellenbosch University's Department of Music and practical support by Matie Community Service.
The high school choir performance on 19 September promises to deliver high quality music. The school choirs of all eight schools will also perform an e'Bosch song, specially composed for the performance by Stellenbosch High School choir leader Xander Kritzinger.
The school choir festival is one of the e'Bosch Heritage Projects' many events aimed at promoting volunteer participation without the pressure of competition between the different communities of the region. The ultimate goal of the e'Bosch movement is to create a united heritage for all the communities in the greater Stellenbosch region where everyone appreciates and respects one another and feel at home.
The e'Bosch movement offers at least 30 projects over September, with contributions from, among others, towns or ‘dorpies’ such as e Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central. See www.ebosch.co.za for more information and the full program.
e’Bosch logo
The e'Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes their vision to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region
School Choir Festival 1 & 2 & 3
Learners from eight high schools from the Stellenbosch area have been involved in their first joint practice this past weekend. Their official performances will be held next week at 19:00 at Bloemhof Girls’ High in Stellenbosch. The primary schools’ performance is on Friday, 22 September, at 18:30 in the Stellenbosch City Hall. Entry to both performances is free. Photo: Ashley Abrahams.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray: 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Media Release
Stellenbosch's schools team together for a feast of singing
Stellenbosch will be treated to a school choir festival of note next week when at least 1,100 learners from 24 schools from the region will present two performances as part of the annual e'Bosch Heritage Project's celebrations during heritage month September.
On Tuesday, 19 September, the first performance will be held by approximately 490 learners from eight of Stellenbosch's high schools at Bloemhof Girls’ High starting at at 19:00. The second performance by 650 learners from 16 primary schools will be on Friday, 22 September at 18:30 in the Stellenbosch City Hall. Entry is free to both performances.
After months of preparation, the first joint choir practice for high schools took place at this past weekend. It was attended by the following schools with their choir leaders in brackets: Bloemhof High School (Marijke Roos); Cloetesville Senior Secondary (Carl Rhode); Kayamandi Senior Secondary (Phinda Makapela); Makapula Senior Secondary (Andiswa Sesanti); Paul Roos Gymnasium (Stephan Bezuidenhout); Rhenish Girls' High (Sonja Van Amstel); Stellenbosch High School (Xander Kritzinger) and Stellenzicht Senior Secondary (Danelle Paulse). A second joint exercise for high schools will be held at Bloemhof Girls’ High this Saturday.
The e'Bosch School Choir Festival, the sixth in a row, also enjoys its highest level of professional support this year. Choir leaders from various schools now receive coaching from inter alia the Stellenbosch University's Department of Music and practical support by Matie Community Service.
The high school choir performance on 19 September promises to deliver high quality music. The school choirs of all eight schools will also perform an e'Bosch song, specially composed for the performance by Stellenbosch High School choir leader Xander Kritzinger.
The school choir festival is one of the e'Bosch Heritage Projects' many events aimed at promoting volunteer participation without the pressure of competition between the different communities of the region. The ultimate goal of the e'Bosch movement is to create a united heritage for all the communities in the greater Stellenbosch region where everyone appreciates and respects one another and feel at home.
The e'Bosch movement offers at least 30 projects over September, with contributions from, among others, towns or ‘dorpies’ such as e Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby and Stellenbosch Central. See www.ebosch.co.za for more information and the full program.
e’Bosch logo
The e'Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes their vision to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region
School Choir Festival 1 & 2 & 3
Learners from eight high schools from the Stellenbosch area have been involved in their first joint practice this past weekend. Their official performances will be held next week at 19:00 at Bloemhof Girls’ High in Stellenbosch. The primary schools’ performance is on Friday, 22 September, at 18:30 in the Stellenbosch City Hall. Entry to both performances is free. Photo: Ashley Abrahams.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray: 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #011/2017
14 September 2017
Stellenbosch se skole span saam vir ‘n fees van sang
Stellenbossers kan hulle regmaak vir ‘n skoolkoorfees soos min vanjaar wanneer minstens 1100 leerders van 24 skole uit die streek volgende week twee optredes sal aanbied as deel van die jaarlikse e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se vieringe oor Septembermaand.
Op Dinsdagaand, 19 September, sal die eerste optrede deur sowat 490 leerders van agt van Stellenbosch se hoërskole om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof aangebied word. Die tweede optrede is deur 650 leerders van 16 laerskole is op Vrydagaand, 22 September, om 18:30 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Toegang is gratis na albei geleenthede.
Ná maande se voorbereiding het die eerste gesamentlike kooroefening vir hoërskole die afgelope naweek by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof plaasgevind. Dit is bygewoon deur die volgende skole met hul koorleiers tussen hakies: Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof (Marijke Roos); Cloetesville Senior Sekondêr (Carl Rhode); Kayamandi Senior Sekondêr (Phinda Makapela); Makapula Senior Sekondêr (Andiswa Sesanti); Paul Roos Gimnasium (Stephan Bezuidenhout); Rhenish Girls’ High (Sonja Van Amstel); Hoërskool Stellenbosch (Xander Kritzinger) en Stellenzicht Senior Sekondêr (Danelle Paulse). ‘n Tweede gesamentlke oefening vir hoërskole word vir eerskomende Saterdag weer by Bloemhof aangebied.
Die e’Bosch-skoolkoorfees, die sesde een in ‘n ry, geniet vanjaar ook sy hoogste vlak van professionele ondersteuning tot dusver. Koorleiers van verskeie skole ontvang vanjaar afrigting van Stellenbosch Universiteit se Departement Musiek en praktiese ondersteuning van Maties Gemeenskapsdiens.
Die kort program van ongeveer een uur waartydens gekombineerde kore saamgestel uit bogemelde skole belowe om op 19 September musiek van hoogstaande gehalte te lewer. Die e’Bosch-lied, spesiaal vir die doel deur Xander Kritzinger gekomponeer, sal deur ‘n massakoor bestaande uit al die kore uitgevoer word.
Die skoolkoorfees is een van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se vele projekte wat daarop gemik is om deur middel van vrywillige deelname sonder die druk van kompetisie interaksie tussen die streek se verskillende bevolkingsgroepe gemeenskappe van die onderskeie en dorpies te bevorder. Die uiteindelik doelwit van die e’Bosch-beweging is om ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur te vestig waar almal mekaar waardeer en respekteer en sodoende die groter Stellenbosch ‘n streek te maak waar almal welkom voel.
Die e’Bosch-beweging bied minstens 30 projekte oor Septembermaad aan met bydraes van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal. Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting en die volle program.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel.
Skoolkoorfees 1 & 2 & 3
Leerders van 8 hoërskole uit die Stellenbosch-omgewing besig met hul eerste gesamentlike oefening by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof die afgelope naweek. Die hoërskole se optrede is volgende week 19 September om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof. Die laerskole se optrede is Vrydag, 22 September, om 18:30 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Toegang vir albei opvoerings is gratis. Daar sal altesame 1,100 leerders van 24 skole aan hierdie vlagskipprojek van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deelneem. Foto: Ashley Abrahams.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Stellenbosch se skole span saam vir ‘n fees van sang
Stellenbossers kan hulle regmaak vir ‘n skoolkoorfees soos min vanjaar wanneer minstens 1100 leerders van 24 skole uit die streek volgende week twee optredes sal aanbied as deel van die jaarlikse e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se vieringe oor Septembermaand.
Op Dinsdagaand, 19 September, sal die eerste optrede deur sowat 490 leerders van agt van Stellenbosch se hoërskole om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof aangebied word. Die tweede optrede is deur 650 leerders van 16 laerskole is op Vrydagaand, 22 September, om 18:30 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Toegang is gratis na albei geleenthede.
Ná maande se voorbereiding het die eerste gesamentlike kooroefening vir hoërskole die afgelope naweek by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof plaasgevind. Dit is bygewoon deur die volgende skole met hul koorleiers tussen hakies: Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof (Marijke Roos); Cloetesville Senior Sekondêr (Carl Rhode); Kayamandi Senior Sekondêr (Phinda Makapela); Makapula Senior Sekondêr (Andiswa Sesanti); Paul Roos Gimnasium (Stephan Bezuidenhout); Rhenish Girls’ High (Sonja Van Amstel); Hoërskool Stellenbosch (Xander Kritzinger) en Stellenzicht Senior Sekondêr (Danelle Paulse). ‘n Tweede gesamentlke oefening vir hoërskole word vir eerskomende Saterdag weer by Bloemhof aangebied.
Die e’Bosch-skoolkoorfees, die sesde een in ‘n ry, geniet vanjaar ook sy hoogste vlak van professionele ondersteuning tot dusver. Koorleiers van verskeie skole ontvang vanjaar afrigting van Stellenbosch Universiteit se Departement Musiek en praktiese ondersteuning van Maties Gemeenskapsdiens.
Die kort program van ongeveer een uur waartydens gekombineerde kore saamgestel uit bogemelde skole belowe om op 19 September musiek van hoogstaande gehalte te lewer. Die e’Bosch-lied, spesiaal vir die doel deur Xander Kritzinger gekomponeer, sal deur ‘n massakoor bestaande uit al die kore uitgevoer word.
Die skoolkoorfees is een van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se vele projekte wat daarop gemik is om deur middel van vrywillige deelname sonder die druk van kompetisie interaksie tussen die streek se verskillende bevolkingsgroepe gemeenskappe van die onderskeie en dorpies te bevorder. Die uiteindelik doelwit van die e’Bosch-beweging is om ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur te vestig waar almal mekaar waardeer en respekteer en sodoende die groter Stellenbosch ‘n streek te maak waar almal welkom voel.
Die e’Bosch-beweging bied minstens 30 projekte oor Septembermaad aan met bydraes van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal. Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting en die volle program.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die strewe van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n nuwe kultuur te skep wat sal lei tot ‘n gemeenskaplike erfenis waarin alle Stellenbossers kan deel.
Skoolkoorfees 1 & 2 & 3
Leerders van 8 hoërskole uit die Stellenbosch-omgewing besig met hul eerste gesamentlike oefening by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof die afgelope naweek. Die hoërskole se optrede is volgende week 19 September om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof. Die laerskole se optrede is Vrydag, 22 September, om 18:30 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Toegang vir albei opvoerings is gratis. Daar sal altesame 1,100 leerders van 24 skole aan hierdie vlagskipprojek van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deelneem. Foto: Ashley Abrahams.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #010/2017
8 September 2017
Media Release
e’Bosch Heritage Project presents business workshop on social transformation
Thandi Chaane, an expert change-enabler who works with communities throughout the African continent on human rights and diverse cultural issues will present an open business workshop as part of the e’Bosch Heritage Project festivities during the month of the September.
This session will focus on our South African social heritage, how it impacts communities and how a collective culture could be crafted to address the need for mutual understanding and respect between different communities.
Businesses in Stellenbosch will be attending this exclusive event sponsored by Distell, on Tuesday, 19 September at the Van Ryn Cellar in Vlottenburg where they will share their insights, expertise and available resources. This will add value to changing the social fabric of Stellenbosch into an inclusive community where everyone knows, appreciates and respects one another.
Ms Chaane is the co-founding director of The Human Capital Engine, a consultancy focused on organisational transformation, diversity management and human capital development. She will share her personal experience from the 1976 uprising to her current involvement in the South African environment. This will provide the backdrop to a better understanding of our current political, economic and social challenges.
Enquiries can be directed to Johann Murray on 083 628 7820 or Porchia Adams on 082 441 2510.
Ms Thandi Chaane an expert change-enabler who will lead a social transformation workshop for the business community in Stellebosch this month.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Media Release
e’Bosch Heritage Project presents business workshop on social transformation
Thandi Chaane, an expert change-enabler who works with communities throughout the African continent on human rights and diverse cultural issues will present an open business workshop as part of the e’Bosch Heritage Project festivities during the month of the September.
This session will focus on our South African social heritage, how it impacts communities and how a collective culture could be crafted to address the need for mutual understanding and respect between different communities.
Businesses in Stellenbosch will be attending this exclusive event sponsored by Distell, on Tuesday, 19 September at the Van Ryn Cellar in Vlottenburg where they will share their insights, expertise and available resources. This will add value to changing the social fabric of Stellenbosch into an inclusive community where everyone knows, appreciates and respects one another.
Ms Chaane is the co-founding director of The Human Capital Engine, a consultancy focused on organisational transformation, diversity management and human capital development. She will share her personal experience from the 1976 uprising to her current involvement in the South African environment. This will provide the backdrop to a better understanding of our current political, economic and social challenges.
Enquiries can be directed to Johann Murray on 083 628 7820 or Porchia Adams on 082 441 2510.
Ms Thandi Chaane an expert change-enabler who will lead a social transformation workshop for the business community in Stellebosch this month.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #009/2017
8 September 2017
e’Bosch-erfenisprojek bied sakelui werkswinkel vir sosiale transformasie
Thandi Chaane, ‘n bekende veranderingsaktivis wat met gemeenskappe dwarsoor die Afrika-vasteland werk om menseregte en verskeie kulturele sake te bevorder, sal ‘n werksessie vir Stellenbosse sakelui aanbied as deel van die Stellenbosch e’Bosch-erfenisprojek gedurende September.
Hierdie werksessie sal fokus op Suid-Afrika se erfenis, hoe dit gemeenskappe beïnvloed - in besonder die gemeenskap van Stellenbosch – en hoe om ‘n gesamentlike kultuur te kan skep om die behoefte aan ‘n groter begrip en respek tussen die verskillende gemeenskappe aan te spreek.
Besighede in Stellenbosch sal hierdie eksklusiewe geleentheid, wat deur Distell geborg word, bywoon op Dinsdag, 19 September, by die Van Ryn Kelder, Vlottenburg waar hulle hul insig, ervaring en beskikbare hulpbronne sal deel. Hierdie sal ‘n bydrae lewer tot die verandering van ‘n verdeelde Stellenbosch na ‘n inklusiewe gemeenskap waar almal mekaar ken, waardeer en respekteer.
Me. Chaane is die medestigter en direkteur van The Human Capital Engine, ‘n konsultantmaatskappy wat fokus op organisatoriese transformasie, diversiteitsbestuur en menslike kapitaalontwikkeling. Sy sal haar persoonlike ervaring sedert die 1976-opstand tot haar huidige betrokkenheid by die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing met die aanwesiges deel, wat as agtergrond sal dien vir die kweek van ‘n beter begrip van ons huidige politieke, ekonomiese en sosiale uitdagings.
Navrae kan aan Johann Murray by 083 628 7820 of Porchia Adams by 082 441 2510 gerig word.
Me Thandi Chaane, ‘n bekende veranderingsaktivis wat ‘n werkswinkel vir sakelui op Stellenbosch dié maand aanbied.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e’Bosch-erfenisprojek bied sakelui werkswinkel vir sosiale transformasie
Thandi Chaane, ‘n bekende veranderingsaktivis wat met gemeenskappe dwarsoor die Afrika-vasteland werk om menseregte en verskeie kulturele sake te bevorder, sal ‘n werksessie vir Stellenbosse sakelui aanbied as deel van die Stellenbosch e’Bosch-erfenisprojek gedurende September.
Hierdie werksessie sal fokus op Suid-Afrika se erfenis, hoe dit gemeenskappe beïnvloed - in besonder die gemeenskap van Stellenbosch – en hoe om ‘n gesamentlike kultuur te kan skep om die behoefte aan ‘n groter begrip en respek tussen die verskillende gemeenskappe aan te spreek.
Besighede in Stellenbosch sal hierdie eksklusiewe geleentheid, wat deur Distell geborg word, bywoon op Dinsdag, 19 September, by die Van Ryn Kelder, Vlottenburg waar hulle hul insig, ervaring en beskikbare hulpbronne sal deel. Hierdie sal ‘n bydrae lewer tot die verandering van ‘n verdeelde Stellenbosch na ‘n inklusiewe gemeenskap waar almal mekaar ken, waardeer en respekteer.
Me. Chaane is die medestigter en direkteur van The Human Capital Engine, ‘n konsultantmaatskappy wat fokus op organisatoriese transformasie, diversiteitsbestuur en menslike kapitaalontwikkeling. Sy sal haar persoonlike ervaring sedert die 1976-opstand tot haar huidige betrokkenheid by die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing met die aanwesiges deel, wat as agtergrond sal dien vir die kweek van ‘n beter begrip van ons huidige politieke, ekonomiese en sosiale uitdagings.
Navrae kan aan Johann Murray by 083 628 7820 of Porchia Adams by 082 441 2510 gerig word.
Me Thandi Chaane, ‘n bekende veranderingsaktivis wat ‘n werkswinkel vir sakelui op Stellenbosch dié maand aanbied.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #008/2017
1 September 2017
Press Release
e’Bosch honors contributors to our natural heritage
Individuals and organizations who have made an outstanding contribution to the conservation of our natural heritage in the greater Stellenbosch region were the recipients of the 2017 e’Bosch Honorary Awards this year.
Prof. Jan Giliomee, Mr. Brian Damonse and Dave Pepler were honoured as individual contributors as well as three organizations the Cape Winelands Biosphere Trust, the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain and the Wildlands Conservation Trust.
“Every year we honor individuals and organizations which have made contributions to the heritage of their our society or the environment in which we live. This year our criteria for nominations were based on positive contributions to nature conservation of indigenous flora and fauna of our region,” says Johann Murray, chairman of Stellenbosch’s e’Bosch Heritage Project now in its 7th year of existence.
“The public was invited to submit nominations forWe considered contributions outside the agricultural sector in the form of education and dissemination of expertise; research; practical work in forestry or fynbos; projects with an impact on a community; the eradication of alien plants; or any innovative contributions.
“Our awards committee led by Johann Portia Bolton, Head: Urban Greening at Stellenbosch Municipality, Bierman judged therefore decided that all three nominated individuals from the regions who deserved recognition as per these criteria. They were Mnr Brian Damonse, head of the Cape Bush Doctor’s Organization; Prof Jan Giliomee, founder of the Jan Marais Park; and Dave Pepler, the well-known nature conservationist; and Mnr Brian Damonse, head of the Cape Bush Doctor’s Organization.
“The nominated organizations that also qualified were Cape Winelands Biosphere Trust known for their People’s Food Forest project; the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain who does a lot of work to eradicate alien plants and restore vegetation after field fires; and the Wildlands Conservation Trust who initiated a Greening Your Future Project. The full citation of every recipient can be found on our website at www.ebosch.co.za,” says Johann.
The awards were presented by Stellenbosch Executive Mayor, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, and prof Wim de Villiers, Rector of Stellenbosch University, at the e’Bosch Heritage Project launch function this week.
Caption: Honorary awards e’Bosch2017.jpg
Dr Sias Mostert, (Chairman e’Bosch Executive Committee), with recipients of the e’Bosch Heritage Project Awards for 2017: Bevan Thomas (Cape Winelands Biosphere), Lewis Silberbauer (Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain), Linsey de Jager (Cape Winelands Biosphere), Lydia van Rooyen (Wildlands Conservation Trust) Prof Jan Giliomee, Thando Qayï (Wildlands Conservation Trust), Dave Pepler and Brain Damonse with Prof. Wim de Villiers (Rector Stellenbosch University) who handed over the awards. Photo Carol Lakay.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Press Release
e’Bosch honors contributors to our natural heritage
Individuals and organizations who have made an outstanding contribution to the conservation of our natural heritage in the greater Stellenbosch region were the recipients of the 2017 e’Bosch Honorary Awards this year.
Prof. Jan Giliomee, Mr. Brian Damonse and Dave Pepler were honoured as individual contributors as well as three organizations the Cape Winelands Biosphere Trust, the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain and the Wildlands Conservation Trust.
“Every year we honor individuals and organizations which have made contributions to the heritage of their our society or the environment in which we live. This year our criteria for nominations were based on positive contributions to nature conservation of indigenous flora and fauna of our region,” says Johann Murray, chairman of Stellenbosch’s e’Bosch Heritage Project now in its 7th year of existence.
“The public was invited to submit nominations forWe considered contributions outside the agricultural sector in the form of education and dissemination of expertise; research; practical work in forestry or fynbos; projects with an impact on a community; the eradication of alien plants; or any innovative contributions.
“Our awards committee led by Johann Portia Bolton, Head: Urban Greening at Stellenbosch Municipality, Bierman judged therefore decided that all three nominated individuals from the regions who deserved recognition as per these criteria. They were Mnr Brian Damonse, head of the Cape Bush Doctor’s Organization; Prof Jan Giliomee, founder of the Jan Marais Park; and Dave Pepler, the well-known nature conservationist; and Mnr Brian Damonse, head of the Cape Bush Doctor’s Organization.
“The nominated organizations that also qualified were Cape Winelands Biosphere Trust known for their People’s Food Forest project; the Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain who does a lot of work to eradicate alien plants and restore vegetation after field fires; and the Wildlands Conservation Trust who initiated a Greening Your Future Project. The full citation of every recipient can be found on our website at www.ebosch.co.za,” says Johann.
The awards were presented by Stellenbosch Executive Mayor, Adv. Gesie van Deventer, and prof Wim de Villiers, Rector of Stellenbosch University, at the e’Bosch Heritage Project launch function this week.
Caption: Honorary awards e’Bosch2017.jpg
Dr Sias Mostert, (Chairman e’Bosch Executive Committee), with recipients of the e’Bosch Heritage Project Awards for 2017: Bevan Thomas (Cape Winelands Biosphere), Lewis Silberbauer (Friends of Stellenbosch Mountain), Linsey de Jager (Cape Winelands Biosphere), Lydia van Rooyen (Wildlands Conservation Trust) Prof Jan Giliomee, Thando Qayï (Wildlands Conservation Trust), Dave Pepler and Brain Damonse with Prof. Wim de Villiers (Rector Stellenbosch University) who handed over the awards. Photo Carol Lakay.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #007/2017
27 Augustus 2017
e'Bosch Museumtoer 2017
Stellenbosch Museum se bydrae tot vanjaar se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is ‘n bustoer, onder leiding van Pietman Retief, op Saterdag 16 September, van kerke in Stellenbosch wat ‘n belangrike rol in die geskiedenis van die dorp gespeel het. Die gratis bustoer vertrek om 09:00 van die Rynse Kerk op die Braak. Middagete (vir eie koste) sal Pniël se teetuin geniet word. Besprekings is noodsaaklik, bel Esmé by 021 887 2937. Hier is ‘n groep deelnemers aan ‘n vorige toer by die pragtige Congregational Kerk in Pniël. Foto: Elsabé Retief
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Museumtoer 2017
Stellenbosch Museum se bydrae tot vanjaar se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is ‘n bustoer, onder leiding van Pietman Retief, op Saterdag 16 September, van kerke in Stellenbosch wat ‘n belangrike rol in die geskiedenis van die dorp gespeel het. Die gratis bustoer vertrek om 09:00 van die Rynse Kerk op die Braak. Middagete (vir eie koste) sal Pniël se teetuin geniet word. Besprekings is noodsaaklik, bel Esmé by 021 887 2937. Hier is ‘n groep deelnemers aan ‘n vorige toer by die pragtige Congregational Kerk in Pniël. Foto: Elsabé Retief
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #006/2017
25 Augustus 2017
e'Bosch 2017 se amptelike opening volgende week 30 Augustus
Stellenbosch se e'Bosch-erfenisprojek nou in sy sewende bestaansjaar skop amptelik eerskomende Woensdag, 30 Augustus, af met die tradisionele burgemeester- en rektorsfunksie in die Universiteitsmuseum. Tydens die geleetheid sal die jaarlikse e'Bosch-eretoekennings sowel as sertifkate vir die voltooiers van die gemeenskapsleierskursus oorhandig word.
Vanjaar se e'Bosch-eretoekennings gaan vanjaar aan drie individue en drie organisasies wat oor ‘n redelike tydperk ‘n positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die behoud en restourasie van ons inheemse plante- of diereryk. Verder sal 12 persone wat vanjaar se gemeenskapsleierskursus voltooi het hul sertifikate ontvang.
Hierdie jaar word sowat 30 items oor die maand September as deel van die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek aangebied. Minstens 10 van die streek se dorpies sal of hul eie erfenisfeesvierings aanbied of deelneem aan die projekte. Dit sluit onder meer verteenwoordigers in van Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal, sowel as die plaasgemeenskappe.
Die eregaste by Woensdagaand se geleentheid sal Stellenbosch se burgemeester, advokaat Gesie van Deventer en die Universiteit Stellenbosch se rektor, prof Wim de Villiers wees. Die geleentheid wat oop is vir die publiek begin om 17:30 vir 18:00 in die Universiteitsmuseum in Ryneveldstraatkakel Johann Murray vir meer inligting by 083 628 7828; [email protected].
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Skoolkoorfees 2016.jpg
e’Bosch se skoolkoorfees is een van die beweging se vlagskipprojekte waaraan vanjaar sowat 1,100 leerders van 24 skole sal deelneem. Twee opvoerings word beplan. Een vir hoërskole op Dinsdagaand, 19 September, om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof en een vir laerskole op Vrydagaand, 22 September, om 18:00 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Toegang is gratis.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch 2017 se amptelike opening volgende week 30 Augustus
Stellenbosch se e'Bosch-erfenisprojek nou in sy sewende bestaansjaar skop amptelik eerskomende Woensdag, 30 Augustus, af met die tradisionele burgemeester- en rektorsfunksie in die Universiteitsmuseum. Tydens die geleetheid sal die jaarlikse e'Bosch-eretoekennings sowel as sertifkate vir die voltooiers van die gemeenskapsleierskursus oorhandig word.
Vanjaar se e'Bosch-eretoekennings gaan vanjaar aan drie individue en drie organisasies wat oor ‘n redelike tydperk ‘n positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die behoud en restourasie van ons inheemse plante- of diereryk. Verder sal 12 persone wat vanjaar se gemeenskapsleierskursus voltooi het hul sertifikate ontvang.
Hierdie jaar word sowat 30 items oor die maand September as deel van die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek aangebied. Minstens 10 van die streek se dorpies sal of hul eie erfenisfeesvierings aanbied of deelneem aan die projekte. Dit sluit onder meer verteenwoordigers in van Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal, sowel as die plaasgemeenskappe.
Die eregaste by Woensdagaand se geleentheid sal Stellenbosch se burgemeester, advokaat Gesie van Deventer en die Universiteit Stellenbosch se rektor, prof Wim de Villiers wees. Die geleentheid wat oop is vir die publiek begin om 17:30 vir 18:00 in die Universiteitsmuseum in Ryneveldstraatkakel Johann Murray vir meer inligting by 083 628 7828; [email protected].
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Skoolkoorfees 2016.jpg
e’Bosch se skoolkoorfees is een van die beweging se vlagskipprojekte waaraan vanjaar sowat 1,100 leerders van 24 skole sal deelneem. Twee opvoerings word beplan. Een vir hoërskole op Dinsdagaand, 19 September, om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof en een vir laerskole op Vrydagaand, 22 September, om 18:00 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Toegang is gratis.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Navrae: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #005/2017
15 August 2017
Media Release
Land Art celebrated in Koloniesland
This year the e’Bosch Heritage Project has been focusing to a large extent on the environment, with heritage awards going to organisations conserving our environment, and to top it all, a Land Art gathering will be held where nature, conservation and art will all be celebrated together.
This event, a first for Stellenbosch, will take place on Saturday 30 September, from 09:00 to 15:00 at Koloniesland, next to the Eerste River.
While land artists will be constructing their land art from natural materials collected on site, the Eerste River Run will commence at 09:00. This free family fun run of about 7 km, will include a crossing of the Eerste River at the old drift of Mostertsdrift.
This beautiful site along the Eerste River has been restored by Wildlands and Stellenbosch Trail Fund (STF) as part of Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action. The Koloniesland Park also features new walking paths, built by the STF, and is a safe space for all kinds of outdoor activities.
Wildlands will be presenting their Trees for Life exhibition and have an information desk in the middle of the park. They will also offer a shuttle service for people in Kayamandi (Kayamandi Tourism Corridor), Ida’s Valley (library) and the Kruithuis on the Braak from 08:00 that morning.
Apart from viewing the land art created by local artists and art students, you can also attend the Story Circle that will be held from 13:00 to 14:00. Come and listen to history as told by local historians, a KhoiSan chief and a Xhosa resident, with the Eerste River as theme.
EcoMaties, a Stellenbosch University student sustainability organisation, and students from the visual arts department, will also bring a special display of their water projects. Handcraft of local crafters will also be exhibited in the park. Their theme is “Reconnect with the Rivers”.
Coffee can be bought at Koloniesland, and you can bring your own snacks or picnic along.
Please remember to park in the section of Jannasch Street adjacent to the Stellenbosch High and Primary Schools and the Jan Marais Nature Reserve, and not near the gate that leads to Koloniesland and the Eerste River.
The Eerste River, together with the Krom, Plankenbrug and Blaauwklippen Rivers, are truly in good hands, with wonderful conservation work being done by NPOs such as Wildlands, Stellenbosch Trail Fund, the Stellenbosch Municipality and companies such as Distell, Spier and Remgro, as well as Stellenbosch University. They all form part of the Stellenbosch River Collaborative, with the Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action doing the actual work of conserving our rivers and their surrounds.
The conservation work is an extension of the municipality’s Adopt a River-programme, and as many as 14 institutions are now taking stewardship of Stellenbosch’s rivers. These organisations have each adopted a section of a river and taking responsibility for keeping it clean and clear of alien invasive plants and rubbish.
For more information on the Land Art gathering, call Lydia van Rooyen of Wildlands on 060 500 0823 and for info on the Fun Run, call Richard de Villiers of STF on 083 310 1105 or see www.ebosch.co.za
Lydia van Rooyen from Wildlands, demonstrates how they are ridding the river banks of alien vegetation at Koloniesland. Photo: Elsabé Retief
Compiled by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
Media Release
Land Art celebrated in Koloniesland
This year the e’Bosch Heritage Project has been focusing to a large extent on the environment, with heritage awards going to organisations conserving our environment, and to top it all, a Land Art gathering will be held where nature, conservation and art will all be celebrated together.
This event, a first for Stellenbosch, will take place on Saturday 30 September, from 09:00 to 15:00 at Koloniesland, next to the Eerste River.
While land artists will be constructing their land art from natural materials collected on site, the Eerste River Run will commence at 09:00. This free family fun run of about 7 km, will include a crossing of the Eerste River at the old drift of Mostertsdrift.
This beautiful site along the Eerste River has been restored by Wildlands and Stellenbosch Trail Fund (STF) as part of Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action. The Koloniesland Park also features new walking paths, built by the STF, and is a safe space for all kinds of outdoor activities.
Wildlands will be presenting their Trees for Life exhibition and have an information desk in the middle of the park. They will also offer a shuttle service for people in Kayamandi (Kayamandi Tourism Corridor), Ida’s Valley (library) and the Kruithuis on the Braak from 08:00 that morning.
Apart from viewing the land art created by local artists and art students, you can also attend the Story Circle that will be held from 13:00 to 14:00. Come and listen to history as told by local historians, a KhoiSan chief and a Xhosa resident, with the Eerste River as theme.
EcoMaties, a Stellenbosch University student sustainability organisation, and students from the visual arts department, will also bring a special display of their water projects. Handcraft of local crafters will also be exhibited in the park. Their theme is “Reconnect with the Rivers”.
Coffee can be bought at Koloniesland, and you can bring your own snacks or picnic along.
Please remember to park in the section of Jannasch Street adjacent to the Stellenbosch High and Primary Schools and the Jan Marais Nature Reserve, and not near the gate that leads to Koloniesland and the Eerste River.
The Eerste River, together with the Krom, Plankenbrug and Blaauwklippen Rivers, are truly in good hands, with wonderful conservation work being done by NPOs such as Wildlands, Stellenbosch Trail Fund, the Stellenbosch Municipality and companies such as Distell, Spier and Remgro, as well as Stellenbosch University. They all form part of the Stellenbosch River Collaborative, with the Stellenbosch River Stewardship Action doing the actual work of conserving our rivers and their surrounds.
The conservation work is an extension of the municipality’s Adopt a River-programme, and as many as 14 institutions are now taking stewardship of Stellenbosch’s rivers. These organisations have each adopted a section of a river and taking responsibility for keeping it clean and clear of alien invasive plants and rubbish.
For more information on the Land Art gathering, call Lydia van Rooyen of Wildlands on 060 500 0823 and for info on the Fun Run, call Richard de Villiers of STF on 083 310 1105 or see www.ebosch.co.za
Lydia van Rooyen from Wildlands, demonstrates how they are ridding the river banks of alien vegetation at Koloniesland. Photo: Elsabé Retief
Compiled by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Enquiries: Johann Murray; 083 628 7828; [email protected] | Anthony Penderis; 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #004/2017
11 August 2017
Media Release
e’Bosch school choir festival reaches new heights
A record number of some 1,100 learners from 24 Stellenbosch and Franschhoek schools will participate in the e'Bosch school choir festival in September this year.
Apart from the fact that it represents the biggest participation since the school choir festival was presented for the first time in 2012, this e’Bosch flagship event will this year also achieve its highest level of professional support so far. Choir leaders at the various schools will receive coaching for the first time from inter alia Stellenbosch University's music department and practical support through the Matie Community Service department.
"This year's interest again demonstrates the need for such an opportunity where children, through participation in choir singing without the pressure of competition, get to know each other in a spontaneous way, build character, experience inner enrichment and celebrate their unity as Stellenbosch's youth," says Johann Murray, chairman of the e'Bosch organizing committee and co-ordinator of this year's choir festivals.
"We look forward to the performance of 490 learners from 8 of Stellenbosch High Schools on Tuesday, 19 September, at 19:00 at Bloemhof Girls High School and 650 learners from 18 primary schools at 18:00 on Friday evening, 22 September in the Stellenbosch city hall. Entry is free.
"This year we have four new primary schools that set up their choirs for the first time to participate. The Stellenbosch University Music Department, which produced the best student choir in the world, is providing us with invaluable support by offering two weekends training to 13 of the primary school choir leaders. The Matie Community Service department also mobilizes students to support choir leaders at 10 of the schools with coaching and guidance," says Murray.
Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project now in its 7th year of existence is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country that proactively encourages the participation of all the villages or ‘dorpies’ of the area in their effort to create a common culture and a united future legacy for the greater Stellenbosch district.
The movement’s vision is to establish a culture of voluntary participation in enjoyable opportunities through which communities can get to know each other, appreciate and respect each other and thereby pave the way for sharing common goals.
The towns from the greater Stellenbosch district that have contributed so far include Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg and Stellenbosch Central, as well as the farm communities.
The school choir festival, made possible by sponsorships of major companies in Stellenbosch as well as BASA, is one of the highlights of the e'Bosch Heritage Project's program of about 30 items presented during September this year. See more about the project at http://www.ebosch.co.za.
e’Bosch logo
The e'Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes their vision to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region.
School Choir Festival Images 2016
Learners from various Stellenbosch schools who performed last year at the e'Bosch school choir festival. This year, approximately 1,100 learners from 24 schools will participate in this flagship project of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Johann Murray
083 628 7828; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
Media Release
e’Bosch school choir festival reaches new heights
A record number of some 1,100 learners from 24 Stellenbosch and Franschhoek schools will participate in the e'Bosch school choir festival in September this year.
Apart from the fact that it represents the biggest participation since the school choir festival was presented for the first time in 2012, this e’Bosch flagship event will this year also achieve its highest level of professional support so far. Choir leaders at the various schools will receive coaching for the first time from inter alia Stellenbosch University's music department and practical support through the Matie Community Service department.
"This year's interest again demonstrates the need for such an opportunity where children, through participation in choir singing without the pressure of competition, get to know each other in a spontaneous way, build character, experience inner enrichment and celebrate their unity as Stellenbosch's youth," says Johann Murray, chairman of the e'Bosch organizing committee and co-ordinator of this year's choir festivals.
"We look forward to the performance of 490 learners from 8 of Stellenbosch High Schools on Tuesday, 19 September, at 19:00 at Bloemhof Girls High School and 650 learners from 18 primary schools at 18:00 on Friday evening, 22 September in the Stellenbosch city hall. Entry is free.
"This year we have four new primary schools that set up their choirs for the first time to participate. The Stellenbosch University Music Department, which produced the best student choir in the world, is providing us with invaluable support by offering two weekends training to 13 of the primary school choir leaders. The Matie Community Service department also mobilizes students to support choir leaders at 10 of the schools with coaching and guidance," says Murray.
Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project now in its 7th year of existence is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country that proactively encourages the participation of all the villages or ‘dorpies’ of the area in their effort to create a common culture and a united future legacy for the greater Stellenbosch district.
The movement’s vision is to establish a culture of voluntary participation in enjoyable opportunities through which communities can get to know each other, appreciate and respect each other and thereby pave the way for sharing common goals.
The towns from the greater Stellenbosch district that have contributed so far include Cloetesville, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg and Stellenbosch Central, as well as the farm communities.
The school choir festival, made possible by sponsorships of major companies in Stellenbosch as well as BASA, is one of the highlights of the e'Bosch Heritage Project's program of about 30 items presented during September this year. See more about the project at http://www.ebosch.co.za.
e’Bosch logo
The e'Bosch Heritage Project logo symbolizes their vision to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region.
School Choir Festival Images 2016
Learners from various Stellenbosch schools who performed last year at the e'Bosch school choir festival. This year, approximately 1,100 learners from 24 schools will participate in this flagship project of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Johann Murray
083 628 7828; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #003/2017
7 Augustus 2017
e'Bosch se skoolkoorfees bereik nuwe hoogtes
‘n Rekordgetal van sowat 1100 leerders van 24 skole uit die Stellenbosch- en Franschhoek-omgewing sal vanjaar aan die e’Bosch-skoolkoorfees deelneem.
Afgesien van die feit dat dit die grootste deelname verteenwoordig sedert die skoolkoorfees in 2012 vir die eerste keer aangebied is, bereik hierdie vlagskip-aanbieding van e’Bosch vanjaar ook sy hoogste vlak van professionelealiteit ondersteuning tot dusver. Koorleiers by die verskeieonderskeie skole ontvang vanjaar afrigting van onder meer Stellenbosch Universiteit se musiekdepartment en praktiese ondersteuning via Maties Gemeenskapsdiens.
“Die belangstelling vanjaar getuig weereens van die behoefte aan so ‘n geleentheid, waar kinders deur deelname aan koorsang sonder die druk van kompetisie op spontane wyse mekaar leer ken, karakter bou, innerlike verryking ervaar en hul samehorigheid as Stellenbosch se jeug kan vier,” sê Johann Murray, voorsitter van die e’Bosch-reëlingskomitee en koördineerder van vanjaar se koorfeeste.
“Ons sien uit na die optrede van 490 leerders van 8 van Stellenbosch se hoërskole op Dinsdagaand, 19 September, om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof om 19:00 en 650 leerders van 183 laerskole op Vrydagaand, 22 September, om 18:00 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Kaartjies sal by die deure beskikbaar wees.Toegang is gratis.
“Vanjaar is daar vier laerskole wat vir die eerste keer ‘n koor op die been bring om deel te kan neem. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se musiekdepartement, wat die beste studentekoor in die wêreld voortgebring het, ondersteun hierdie skole deur oor twee naweke opleiding aan 13 van die laerskool-koorleiers te bied. Die Maties Gemeenskapdiens mobiliseer verder studente vir 10 van die skole wat koorleiers met afrigting en begeleiding bystaan,” sê mnr. Murray.
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is een van die mees unieke bewegings van sy soort in die land wat homself beywer vir die deelname van al die dorpies van die omgewing in hul poging om ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur en 'n verenigde toekomstige erfenis[J1] vir die groter Stellenbosch-distrik tot stand te bring.
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is ‘n unieke inklusiewe beweging wat gemik is op die vestiging van ‘n kultuur van vrywillige deelname aan genotvolle geleenthede waardeur gemeenskappe mekaar kan leer ken, waardeer en respekteer en daardeur die pad baan vir die saamerk aan gemeenskaplike doelwitte.
Die dorpies wat tot dusver ‘n bydrae gelewer het, is onder meer Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal, sowel as die plaasgemeenskappe.
Die skoolkoorfees, wat moontlik gemaak word deur borgskappe van groot maatskappye in Stellenbosch asook BASA, is een van die hoogtepunte op die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se program van sowat 30 items wat gedurende September vanjaar aangebied word. Die volle program kan by http://www.ebosch.co.za/program.html afgelaai word.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Skoolkoorfees 2016.jpg
Leerders van skole uit die Stellenbosch-omgewing wat tydens e’Bosch se skoolkoorfees verlede jaar opgetree het. Daar sal vanjaar sowat 1100 leerders van 24 skole aan hierdie vlagskipprojek van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deelneem.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Johann Murray:
083 628 7828; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch se skoolkoorfees bereik nuwe hoogtes
‘n Rekordgetal van sowat 1100 leerders van 24 skole uit die Stellenbosch- en Franschhoek-omgewing sal vanjaar aan die e’Bosch-skoolkoorfees deelneem.
Afgesien van die feit dat dit die grootste deelname verteenwoordig sedert die skoolkoorfees in 2012 vir die eerste keer aangebied is, bereik hierdie vlagskip-aanbieding van e’Bosch vanjaar ook sy hoogste vlak van professionelealiteit ondersteuning tot dusver. Koorleiers by die verskeieonderskeie skole ontvang vanjaar afrigting van onder meer Stellenbosch Universiteit se musiekdepartment en praktiese ondersteuning via Maties Gemeenskapsdiens.
“Die belangstelling vanjaar getuig weereens van die behoefte aan so ‘n geleentheid, waar kinders deur deelname aan koorsang sonder die druk van kompetisie op spontane wyse mekaar leer ken, karakter bou, innerlike verryking ervaar en hul samehorigheid as Stellenbosch se jeug kan vier,” sê Johann Murray, voorsitter van die e’Bosch-reëlingskomitee en koördineerder van vanjaar se koorfeeste.
“Ons sien uit na die optrede van 490 leerders van 8 van Stellenbosch se hoërskole op Dinsdagaand, 19 September, om 19:00 by Hoër Meisieskool Bloemhof om 19:00 en 650 leerders van 183 laerskole op Vrydagaand, 22 September, om 18:00 in Stellenbosch se stadsaal. Kaartjies sal by die deure beskikbaar wees.Toegang is gratis.
“Vanjaar is daar vier laerskole wat vir die eerste keer ‘n koor op die been bring om deel te kan neem. Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch se musiekdepartement, wat die beste studentekoor in die wêreld voortgebring het, ondersteun hierdie skole deur oor twee naweke opleiding aan 13 van die laerskool-koorleiers te bied. Die Maties Gemeenskapdiens mobiliseer verder studente vir 10 van die skole wat koorleiers met afrigting en begeleiding bystaan,” sê mnr. Murray.
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is een van die mees unieke bewegings van sy soort in die land wat homself beywer vir die deelname van al die dorpies van die omgewing in hul poging om ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur en 'n verenigde toekomstige erfenis[J1] vir die groter Stellenbosch-distrik tot stand te bring.
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is ‘n unieke inklusiewe beweging wat gemik is op die vestiging van ‘n kultuur van vrywillige deelname aan genotvolle geleenthede waardeur gemeenskappe mekaar kan leer ken, waardeer en respekteer en daardeur die pad baan vir die saamerk aan gemeenskaplike doelwitte.
Die dorpies wat tot dusver ‘n bydrae gelewer het, is onder meer Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal, sowel as die plaasgemeenskappe.
Die skoolkoorfees, wat moontlik gemaak word deur borgskappe van groot maatskappye in Stellenbosch asook BASA, is een van die hoogtepunte op die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se program van sowat 30 items wat gedurende September vanjaar aangebied word. Die volle program kan by http://www.ebosch.co.za/program.html afgelaai word.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Skoolkoorfees 2016.jpg
Leerders van skole uit die Stellenbosch-omgewing wat tydens e’Bosch se skoolkoorfees verlede jaar opgetree het. Daar sal vanjaar sowat 1100 leerders van 24 skole aan hierdie vlagskipprojek van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deelneem.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Johann Murray:
083 628 7828; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #002/2017
28 July 2017
Media Release
e'Bosch honors contributions to our natural heritage this year
Individuals and organizations that have made a positive contribution to the conservation and development of our indigenous natural heritage will receive awards from the Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project this year.
"We look forward to nominations for individuals and organizations from our region that have contributed positively to the conservation and restoration of our native plant or animal kingdom," says Dr. Sias Mostert, chairperson of Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project executive committee.
Nominations can be made for contributions in the form of education and dissemination of expertise; research; practical work in forestry or fynbos; projects with an impact on a community; the eradication of alien plants; or any innovative contributions. Those who wish to submit candidates can send Johann Bierman an SMS on 083 406 2621 or email to [email protected] to obtain a nomination form. Nominations close at 12:00 on 15 August. The awards to finalists will be presented on 30 August at the annual e'Bosch Heritage Project opening function.
The Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project, one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country, proactively engages all the communities in the greater Stellenbosch district in its effort to create a common culture and a united future legacy for the area.
Representatives from at least ten villages or dorpies in the area are expected to reunite in their efforts during heritage month, September this year. The dorpies that have contributed so far include inter alia Cloetesville, Idas Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg and Stellenbosch Central, as well as the farm communities
"The e'Bosch Heritage Project is now in its seventh year of existence. Through this project the communities of Stellenbosch engage in a practical way to build an inclusive future. This year, the project is expanding its activities to promote a culture of entrepreneurship as part of our goal of establishing a sustainable heritage.
"Apart from our variety of projects in the field of debate, sport, art and music, our vision is to utilize the skills of the people in the 10 dorpies by providing entrepreneurship education and building bridges with the business sector. We believe that this will, in addition to our other projects, help to address the fragility in our society at large. All in all our projects are instrumental in weaving a healthy social fabric within which business, communities and individuals can flourish," says Dr. Mostert.
Read more about e'Bosch Heritage Project at www.ebosch.co.za
e'Bosch logo.jpg
The e'Bosch emblem symbolizes the attempt of the movement to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region through 10 defined villages or dorpies.
School Choir Festival 2016.jpg
Learners from the primary school group who performed at last year's e'Bosch school choir festival. This year, about 1200 learners from 22 schools will participate in this flagship project of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Sias Mostert.jpg
Dr. Sias Mostert, chairperson of the e'Bosch Heritage Project's executive committee.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Queries: Anthony Penderis 084 306 0331; [email protected] | Johann Murray 083 628 7828; [email protected]
Media Release
e'Bosch honors contributions to our natural heritage this year
Individuals and organizations that have made a positive contribution to the conservation and development of our indigenous natural heritage will receive awards from the Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project this year.
"We look forward to nominations for individuals and organizations from our region that have contributed positively to the conservation and restoration of our native plant or animal kingdom," says Dr. Sias Mostert, chairperson of Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project executive committee.
Nominations can be made for contributions in the form of education and dissemination of expertise; research; practical work in forestry or fynbos; projects with an impact on a community; the eradication of alien plants; or any innovative contributions. Those who wish to submit candidates can send Johann Bierman an SMS on 083 406 2621 or email to [email protected] to obtain a nomination form. Nominations close at 12:00 on 15 August. The awards to finalists will be presented on 30 August at the annual e'Bosch Heritage Project opening function.
The Stellenbosch's e'Bosch Heritage Project, one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country, proactively engages all the communities in the greater Stellenbosch district in its effort to create a common culture and a united future legacy for the area.
Representatives from at least ten villages or dorpies in the area are expected to reunite in their efforts during heritage month, September this year. The dorpies that have contributed so far include inter alia Cloetesville, Idas Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg and Stellenbosch Central, as well as the farm communities
"The e'Bosch Heritage Project is now in its seventh year of existence. Through this project the communities of Stellenbosch engage in a practical way to build an inclusive future. This year, the project is expanding its activities to promote a culture of entrepreneurship as part of our goal of establishing a sustainable heritage.
"Apart from our variety of projects in the field of debate, sport, art and music, our vision is to utilize the skills of the people in the 10 dorpies by providing entrepreneurship education and building bridges with the business sector. We believe that this will, in addition to our other projects, help to address the fragility in our society at large. All in all our projects are instrumental in weaving a healthy social fabric within which business, communities and individuals can flourish," says Dr. Mostert.
Read more about e'Bosch Heritage Project at www.ebosch.co.za
e'Bosch logo.jpg
The e'Bosch emblem symbolizes the attempt of the movement to create a united heritage for all the communities of the greater Stellenbosch region through 10 defined villages or dorpies.
School Choir Festival 2016.jpg
Learners from the primary school group who performed at last year's e'Bosch school choir festival. This year, about 1200 learners from 22 schools will participate in this flagship project of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Sias Mostert.jpg
Dr. Sias Mostert, chairperson of the e'Bosch Heritage Project's executive committee.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis on behalf of the e'Bosch Heritage Project.
Queries: Anthony Penderis 084 306 0331; [email protected] | Johann Murray 083 628 7828; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #001/2017
24 Julie 2017
Persverklaring: Eikestadnuus
e'Bosch vereer bydraes tot inheemse natuur-erfenis vanjaar
Individue en organisasies wat ‘n positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die behoud en ontwikkeling van ons inheemse natuur-erfenis sal vanjaar toekennings van Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek ontvang.
“Ons sien uit na nominasies vir individue en organisasies uit ons streek wat oor ‘n redelike tydperk ‘n positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die behoud en restourasie van ons inheemse plante- of diereryk,” sê dr. Sias Mostert, voorsitter van die uitvoerende komitee van Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Nominasies kan gemaak word vir bydraes in die vorm van opvoeding en verspreiding van kundigheid; navorsing, praktiese werk in bosbou of met fynbos, projekte met ‘n impak op ‘n gemeenskap; die uitroei van indringerplante; en innoverende bydraes. Diegene wat nominasies wil indien kan Johann Bierman sms by 083 406 2621 of epos stuur na [email protected].
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek, een van die mees unieke bewegings van sy soort in die land, vind vanjaar weer gedurende erfenismaand, September, plaas. Dit sal op 30 Augustus afskop met ‘n openingsfunksie waar die ere-toekennings vir natuur-erfenis gemaak sal word.
Daar word verwag dat verteenwoordigers van minstens tien dorpies uit die omgewing weer sal saamstaan in hul poging om ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur en 'n verenigde toekomstige erfenis vir die groter Stellenbosch-distrik tot stand te bring.
Die dorpies wat tot dusver ‘n bydrae gelewer het, is onder meer Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal, sowel as die plaasgemeenskappe.
“Die Stellenbosch e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is nou in sy sewende bestaansjaar. Die burgerlike samelewing van Stellenbosch stel met die e’Bosch-projek ‘n voorbeeld van 'n praktiese manier om 'n inklusiewe toekoms te bou. Vanjaar brei die projek uit met die byvoeging van aktiwiteite om 'n kultuur van entrepreneurskap as deel van ons doel om 'n volhoubare erfenis te vestig.” sê dr. Mostert.
“Afgesien van ons verskeidenheid van projekte op die gebied van debat, sport, kuns en musiek is ons visie vanjaar om die vaardigheid van die mense binne die 10 dorpies te benut deur entrepreneurs-opleiding te verskaf en daardeur ‘n brug te bou met die sakesektor. Die bou van brûe help om die gebrokenheid in die samelewing aan te spreek. Die projek verteenwoordig die suksesvolle implementering van ‘n innoverende suksesresep vir die weef van ‘n gesonde sosiale weefsel waarbinne besigheid, gemeenskappe en individue kan floreer,” sê dr. Mostert.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Skoolkoorfees 2016.jpg
Leerders van die laerskoolgroep wat tydens e’Bosch se skoolkoorfees verlede jaar opgetree het. Daar sal vanjaar sowat 1200 leerders van 22 skole aan hierdie vlagskipprojek van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deelneem.
Sias Mostert.jpg
Dr. Sias Mostert, voorsitter van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se uitvoerende komitee.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
Johann Murray:
083 628 7828; [email protected]
Persverklaring: Eikestadnuus
e'Bosch vereer bydraes tot inheemse natuur-erfenis vanjaar
Individue en organisasies wat ‘n positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die behoud en ontwikkeling van ons inheemse natuur-erfenis sal vanjaar toekennings van Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek ontvang.
“Ons sien uit na nominasies vir individue en organisasies uit ons streek wat oor ‘n redelike tydperk ‘n positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die behoud en restourasie van ons inheemse plante- of diereryk,” sê dr. Sias Mostert, voorsitter van die uitvoerende komitee van Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Nominasies kan gemaak word vir bydraes in die vorm van opvoeding en verspreiding van kundigheid; navorsing, praktiese werk in bosbou of met fynbos, projekte met ‘n impak op ‘n gemeenskap; die uitroei van indringerplante; en innoverende bydraes. Diegene wat nominasies wil indien kan Johann Bierman sms by 083 406 2621 of epos stuur na [email protected].
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek, een van die mees unieke bewegings van sy soort in die land, vind vanjaar weer gedurende erfenismaand, September, plaas. Dit sal op 30 Augustus afskop met ‘n openingsfunksie waar die ere-toekennings vir natuur-erfenis gemaak sal word.
Daar word verwag dat verteenwoordigers van minstens tien dorpies uit die omgewing weer sal saamstaan in hul poging om ‘n gemeenskaplike kultuur en 'n verenigde toekomstige erfenis vir die groter Stellenbosch-distrik tot stand te bring.
Die dorpies wat tot dusver ‘n bydrae gelewer het, is onder meer Cloetesville, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal, sowel as die plaasgemeenskappe.
“Die Stellenbosch e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is nou in sy sewende bestaansjaar. Die burgerlike samelewing van Stellenbosch stel met die e’Bosch-projek ‘n voorbeeld van 'n praktiese manier om 'n inklusiewe toekoms te bou. Vanjaar brei die projek uit met die byvoeging van aktiwiteite om 'n kultuur van entrepreneurskap as deel van ons doel om 'n volhoubare erfenis te vestig.” sê dr. Mostert.
“Afgesien van ons verskeidenheid van projekte op die gebied van debat, sport, kuns en musiek is ons visie vanjaar om die vaardigheid van die mense binne die 10 dorpies te benut deur entrepreneurs-opleiding te verskaf en daardeur ‘n brug te bou met die sakesektor. Die bou van brûe help om die gebrokenheid in die samelewing aan te spreek. Die projek verteenwoordig die suksesvolle implementering van ‘n innoverende suksesresep vir die weef van ‘n gesonde sosiale weefsel waarbinne besigheid, gemeenskappe en individue kan floreer,” sê dr. Mostert.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Skoolkoorfees 2016.jpg
Leerders van die laerskoolgroep wat tydens e’Bosch se skoolkoorfees verlede jaar opgetree het. Daar sal vanjaar sowat 1200 leerders van 22 skole aan hierdie vlagskipprojek van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek deelneem.
Sias Mostert.jpg
Dr. Sias Mostert, voorsitter van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek se uitvoerende komitee.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331; [email protected]
Johann Murray:
083 628 7828; [email protected]