e'Bosch Press Release #023/2018
Media Release
9 November 2018
e’Bosch workshops concept of a sustainable future heritage for all
The concept of how to create a sustainable future heritage for all will be the main theme at the e’Bosch Heritage Project’s Social Cohesion Workshop next week at the Doornbosch Centre in Stellenbosch.
The e’Bosch Heritage Project now in its 8th year of existence stands for respecting human dignity, eliminating social injustices and forging social inclusion for all. The challenges facing all our communities range over many dimensions and we are urged to create a sustainable future heritage for all is the take of the e’Bosch Management Committee.
To encourages everyone not only to celebrate their own heritage but also to build bridges between different racial and cultural groups so as to get to know and trust each other is intrinsic to their approach. The e’Bosch Management Committee therefore thought it fitting to get the expert change-enabler ms Thandi Chaane to run their workshop again for the third consecutive year.
Ms Chaane works with communities throughout the African continent on human rights, transformation and cultural diversity. Her personal experience goes back to the 1976 uprising up to her current involvement in the South African business sector. She uses this experience in an inspiring way and as a constructive backdrop to the understanding of our current political, economic and social challenges and the effect it might have on our future.
The outcome of the workshop is aimed to make every attendee leave motivated and equipped with tools to establish that desired cultural future in his or her own workplace and community.
The workshop is primarily aimed at the business community and attendance free, but bookings are essential as space is limited. It takes place on Tuesday, 20 November 2018 from 9;00 to 13:00 at the Doornbosch Centre on the R44 just outside Stellenbosch.
Contact Porchia Adams at [email protected] or 084 441 2510 not later than 15 November for reservations.
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Last year’s attendees of the e’Bosch Social Cohesion workshop held at the Van Ryn Cellar in Vlottenburg, Stellenboch.
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Thandi Chaane the expert change-enabler who will facilitate the e’Bosch Workshop on how to create a sustainable future heritage for all.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Porchia Adams
084 441 2510
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
9 November 2018
e’Bosch workshops concept of a sustainable future heritage for all
The concept of how to create a sustainable future heritage for all will be the main theme at the e’Bosch Heritage Project’s Social Cohesion Workshop next week at the Doornbosch Centre in Stellenbosch.
The e’Bosch Heritage Project now in its 8th year of existence stands for respecting human dignity, eliminating social injustices and forging social inclusion for all. The challenges facing all our communities range over many dimensions and we are urged to create a sustainable future heritage for all is the take of the e’Bosch Management Committee.
To encourages everyone not only to celebrate their own heritage but also to build bridges between different racial and cultural groups so as to get to know and trust each other is intrinsic to their approach. The e’Bosch Management Committee therefore thought it fitting to get the expert change-enabler ms Thandi Chaane to run their workshop again for the third consecutive year.
Ms Chaane works with communities throughout the African continent on human rights, transformation and cultural diversity. Her personal experience goes back to the 1976 uprising up to her current involvement in the South African business sector. She uses this experience in an inspiring way and as a constructive backdrop to the understanding of our current political, economic and social challenges and the effect it might have on our future.
The outcome of the workshop is aimed to make every attendee leave motivated and equipped with tools to establish that desired cultural future in his or her own workplace and community.
The workshop is primarily aimed at the business community and attendance free, but bookings are essential as space is limited. It takes place on Tuesday, 20 November 2018 from 9;00 to 13:00 at the Doornbosch Centre on the R44 just outside Stellenbosch.
Contact Porchia Adams at [email protected] or 084 441 2510 not later than 15 November for reservations.
Distell Workshop Group.jpg
Last year’s attendees of the e’Bosch Social Cohesion workshop held at the Van Ryn Cellar in Vlottenburg, Stellenboch.
Thandi Chaane.jpg
Thandi Chaane the expert change-enabler who will facilitate the e’Bosch Workshop on how to create a sustainable future heritage for all.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Porchia Adams
084 441 2510
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #022/2018
23 Oktober 2018
Gewilde Stellenbosse Nagpretloop lok aantal inskrywings
Die jaarlikse Moore Stephens Nagpretloop deur die strate van Stellenbosch verlede week het weereens sy gewildheid bewys met mintens 1300 deelnemers vanjaar.
Terwyl ernstige atlete mekaar in die 10 km-wedloop aangepak het, was die korter 5km-afstand soos gewoonlik gewild onder jonk en oud en gesinne wat selfs hul babas en honde saamgebring het.
Die twee wedlope het op Woensdagaand, 17 Oktober om 18:30 by die Laerskool Stellenbosch begin en roetes deur die strate van die omliggende woonbuurtes begin om uiteindelik op die skool te sportvelde te eindig. Die 10km het 602 amptelike inskrywing gelok terwyl die 5km-afstand 699 inskrywings ontvang het. ‘n Nuwigheid vanjaar was die elektroniese chip op elke deelnemer se nommer wat tydhouding by einde baie vergemaklik het.
Die wenner in die 5km-afstand was Ashwell Clooco 18:51 met Jacques Wolmarans tweede in 21:17 en Albertus le Roux derde in 21:33. Die top dames was Suzan Hobson 25:06; Grace Sargeant 26:16; en Jana Wessels 26:32.
In die 10k km-afstand was die manlike wenners Deon-Lee Hendricks 31:36; Raydon Bailie 31:45; en André Afrika 32:00 Die dameswenners was Vicky van der Merwe 38:22; Mia Steytler 38:47; en Lijan van Niekerk 40:45.
Die volledige uitslae vir albei wedlope is beskikbaar by http://pureadventures.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run/
Die Moore Stephens Nagpretloop is deel van die sowat 30 e’Bosch-erfenisprojekte wat jaarliks rondom Septembermaand deur die onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte van Stellenbosch aangebied word. Vanjaar was daar deelname van onder meer dorpies soos Cloetesville, Devonvallei, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Lanquedoc, Kylemore, Pniël, Raithby en Stellenbosch-sentraal gedurende die maand September. Kyjk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting.
Kassie vir uitslae
- Ashwell Clooco 18:51
- Jacques Wolmarans 21:17
- Albertus Le Roux 21:33
- Edward Loubser 22:23
- Waldo Kotze 22:34
- Suzan Hobson 25:06
- Grace Sargeant 26:16
- Jana Wessels 26:32
- Erika Van Der Merwe 26:45
- Lisa du Plessis 27:15
- Deon Lee Hendricks 31:36
- Raydon Balie 31:45
- Andre Afrika 32:00
- Akhona Ndada 32:11
- Philani Sengce 33:18
- Vicky van der Merwe 38:22
- Mia Steytler 38:47
- Lijan van Niekerk 40:05
- Mel Sharon 43:45
- Belinda Noades 43:52
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Suzan Hobson die eerste dame oor die eindstreep in die Moor Stephens Nagpretloop se 5km-afstand in ‘n tyd van 25:06.
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Atlete spring weg vir die 10km-astand in die Moore Stephens Pretloop verlede week op Stellenbosch.
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Pa met kinders en honde in die 5km-afstand. (Het nie ‘n naam nie)
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Margi Eksteen (1322) en Marjorie Young (1265) van die Strand wat aan die 10km-afstand deelgeneem het.
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Deelnemers aan die 10km-afstand is Hans Hugo (1406); Betty du Plessis (1565) en Judy Fischer (1547).
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Wenners in die ouderdomsgroep 60 – 69 jaar is van links Judith Grove 2de; Marcelle le Roux 1ste; Loré Fullard verteenwoordiger van die borg Moore Stephens Inc. en Louisa van der Westhuizen in 3de posisie.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis Mediadienste namens’Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Nicola Collins
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #021/2018
Media Release
19 October 2018
Popular Stellenbosch Night Run attracts huge field
The annual Moore Stephens Night Run through the streets of Stellenbosch was as popular as ever attracting a field of more than 1000 runners last week.
While serious athletes contested each other in the 10km race the shorter 5km distance was as usual crowded with fathers and mothers and their children, some even with babies in runner's prams and a number of dogs on leashes.
The two events which started at Stellenbosch Primary school on Wednesday evening, 17 October, at 18:30 followed a course through the streets of the surrounding neighbourhoods and ended on the school's sport grounds. The first 500 finishers in the 10km and 5km respectively received a medal each. The total number of official finishers in the 10km event were 514 while 563 finished the 5km event.
The male podium finishers in the 5km event were Jacques Wolmarans 21:17; Eduard Loubser 22:23; and Waldo Kotzé 22:34. The top ladies were Suzan Hobson 25:06; Grace Sargeant 26;16; and Jana Wessels 26:32.
In the 10k km event the male podium finishers were Deon-Lee Hendricks 31:36; Akhona Ndada 32:11; and Philani Sengce 33:18. The lady winners were Vicky van der Merwe 38:22; Mia Steytler 38:47; and Louise van Rensburg 39:35
The full results for both races can be viewed at http://pureadventures.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run/
The Moore Stephens Night Run is on of the flagship events of the Stellenbosch e'Bosch Heritage Project one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country which proactively engages all its communities in all of its projects. This the neighbourhoods or 'dorpies' of the district which participate in their projects include Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Ida's Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniel, Raithby, Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch Central and the farm communities. See more about them at www.ebosch.co.za.
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Suzan Hobson first lady home in the 5km Moore Stephens Night Run in a time of 25:06.
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Start of the 5km distance in the Moore Stephens Night Run at Stellenbosch last week.
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Start of the 10km distance in the Moore Stephens Night Run at Stellenbosch last week.
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Suzan Hobson first lady home in the 5km Moore Stephens Night Run with Loré Fullard a representative of the sponsor Moore Stephens Inc and Grace Sargeant second lady home on the right.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Nicola Collins
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #020/2018
11 Oktober 2018
Gewilde nagwedloop volgende week weer deur Stellenbosch se strate
Die jaarlikse Moore Stephens Nagwedloop begin eerskomende Woensdagaand, 17 Oktober, om 18:30 by die Laerskool Stellenbosch in Endlerstraat, Mostertsdrift.
Minstens 1500 deelnemers word verwag vir hierdie gewilde nagwedloop oor 5km en 10km deur die strate van Stellenbosch. Dit is die sesde jaar dat die marathon agtereenvolgens plaasvind.
Verlede jaar se wenner oor die 10km was Sibusiso Madikizela in ‘n tyd van 30:50 minute in die mansafdeling terwyl Thineke Fourie die eerste dame in ‘n tyd van 37:43 was. Die 5km wat ook baie gewild onder families, kinders en stappers is, is verlede jaar deur Menzi Khoza in 21:03 gewen.
Aanlyn-inskrywings kan nog tot 12 Oktober by pureadventures.co.za gedoen word. Die inskryfgeld is R40.00 vir die 5km- en R70.00 vir die 10km-afstand. Tydelike lisensiegeld van R35.00 is bykomend betaalbaar vir die 10km-afstand. Laat-inskrywing kan teen ‘n bykomende R20.00 gedoen word op 15 Oktober by die Neelsie vanaf 12:00 tot 14:00 en op 16 Oktober vanaf 15:00 tot 17:30 by Moore Stephens in Technorylaan 24, Moore Stephensgebou. Wedloopnommers kan ook by bogenoemde plekke en tye opgetel word asook by Laerskool Stellenbosch voor die wegtrek.
Die Moore Stephens Nagpretloop is deel van die sowat 30 e’Bosch-erfenisprojekte wat jaarliks rondom erfenismaand, September, deur die onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte van Stellenbosch aangebied word. Vanjaar was daar deelname van dorpies soos Cloetesville, Devonvallei, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run vir meer inligting.
Deelnemers aan verlede jaar se Moore Stephens Nagwedloop oor 5km en 10 km.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis Mediadienste namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Loré Fullard: 021 880 1718; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis: 084 306 0331; [email protected]
11 Oktober 2018
Gewilde nagwedloop volgende week weer deur Stellenbosch se strate
Die jaarlikse Moore Stephens Nagwedloop begin eerskomende Woensdagaand, 17 Oktober, om 18:30 by die Laerskool Stellenbosch in Endlerstraat, Mostertsdrift.
Minstens 1500 deelnemers word verwag vir hierdie gewilde nagwedloop oor 5km en 10km deur die strate van Stellenbosch. Dit is die sesde jaar dat die marathon agtereenvolgens plaasvind.
Verlede jaar se wenner oor die 10km was Sibusiso Madikizela in ‘n tyd van 30:50 minute in die mansafdeling terwyl Thineke Fourie die eerste dame in ‘n tyd van 37:43 was. Die 5km wat ook baie gewild onder families, kinders en stappers is, is verlede jaar deur Menzi Khoza in 21:03 gewen.
Aanlyn-inskrywings kan nog tot 12 Oktober by pureadventures.co.za gedoen word. Die inskryfgeld is R40.00 vir die 5km- en R70.00 vir die 10km-afstand. Tydelike lisensiegeld van R35.00 is bykomend betaalbaar vir die 10km-afstand. Laat-inskrywing kan teen ‘n bykomende R20.00 gedoen word op 15 Oktober by die Neelsie vanaf 12:00 tot 14:00 en op 16 Oktober vanaf 15:00 tot 17:30 by Moore Stephens in Technorylaan 24, Moore Stephensgebou. Wedloopnommers kan ook by bogenoemde plekke en tye opgetel word asook by Laerskool Stellenbosch voor die wegtrek.
Die Moore Stephens Nagpretloop is deel van die sowat 30 e’Bosch-erfenisprojekte wat jaarliks rondom erfenismaand, September, deur die onderskeie dorpies en woonbuurte van Stellenbosch aangebied word. Vanjaar was daar deelname van dorpies soos Cloetesville, Devonvallei, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg en Stellenbosch-sentraal.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za/moore-stephens-night-run vir meer inligting.
Deelnemers aan verlede jaar se Moore Stephens Nagwedloop oor 5km en 10 km.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis Mediadienste namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Loré Fullard: 021 880 1718; [email protected]
Anthony Penderis: 084 306 0331; [email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #019/2018
27 September 2018
’n Talentefees soos min in Jan Marais-park eerskomende Saterdag
Stellenbossers kan hul voorberei vir ’n talentefees soos min eerskomende Saterdag met die afskop van die eerste e’Bosch Fees van Talente geborg deur Nedbank in die Jan Marais Natuurpark op die dorp.
Bekende plaaslike kunstenaars soos Marthie Hauptfleisch, Mynhardt Krüger, Robin Wyngaardt, Toby de Ruiter, Brent de Wet, Jusitn Jafters, Dillan en Byron McEath sal onder meer die verhoog deel met gewilde plaaslike groepe soos Amazinc Live, Red Sheep, die Stellenbosch B Boys en United African Brothers. Verder sal die program van oor die 20 items aangebied word deur die drie baie vermaaklike seremoniesmeesters Wiseman Ndamase, Josh the Entertainer en Laetitia Manual-Solomons. Dit is afgesien van buskers soos Acrobat Africa, Dr. Musk, Painter en Mamy wat bykomende vermaak op die kant sal verskaf.
Vermaak en afleiding vir jonk en oud word ook af van die verhoog op die res van die terrein van 10:00 tot 16:00 aangebied met ‘n groot verskeidenheid stalletjies wat plaaslike voedseldisse en handwerkkuns insluit. Die immergewilde stokbroodbraai aangebied deur die Stellenbosch-voortrekkers, springkastele en gesigverfkunstenaars behoort ook groot aftrek by kinders te kry.
Bykomende e’Bosch-projekte wat ook op die terrein op die bopunt van Victorialaan sal plaasvind is ‘n Zumba-marathon van 8:30 tot 10:00 en geleentheid vir die besigtiging van kunswerke tussen 13:00 en 14:00 wat die oggend uit plaaslike materiaal tydens ‘n Landskuns-saamtrek in die park geskep is. Die heel eerste Eerterivier-pelgrimstog sal ook die dag om 14:00 by die feesterrein met ‘n baie spesiale seremonie eindig.
Ander projekte wat ook op dieselfde dag in assosiasie met e’Bosch plaasvind is Imbali se kinderkunsuitstalling vanaf 10:00 tot 15:00 in Kylemore en die Stellenbosch Kunsvereniging se uitstalling wat om 10:00 in die Hofmeyersaal open. Verder is daar ook nog die Distell Diversititeits- en Sosiale Kohesie-werksessie op 3 Oktober en die Moore Stephens Nagwedloop op 17 Oktober om na uit te sien.
Besoek www.ebosch.co.za/program vir volledige besonderhede van al die e’Bosch-projekte.
Marthie Hauptfleisch.jpg
Marthe Hauptfleisch sal die aanslag van plaaslike talent lei by Saterdag se e’Bosch se Fees van Talente geborg deur Nedbank in die Jan Maraispark.
Die Stellenbosch Voortrekkers se immergewide stokbroodbraai sal ‘n groot trekpleister vir die kinders by Saterdag se Fees van Talente in Jan Maraispark wees.
Die bekende sanggroep van Kayamandi wat Saterdag om 14:00 hul vertoning sal aanbied.
Verhoogprogram vir e’Bosch Fees van Talente geborg deur Nedbank op Saterdag, 29 September in Jan Maraispark, Stellenbosch.
Anthony Penderis Mediadienste het hierdie verslag namens die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek saamgestel.
Porchia Adams
082 441 2510
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
27 September 2018
’n Talentefees soos min in Jan Marais-park eerskomende Saterdag
Stellenbossers kan hul voorberei vir ’n talentefees soos min eerskomende Saterdag met die afskop van die eerste e’Bosch Fees van Talente geborg deur Nedbank in die Jan Marais Natuurpark op die dorp.
Bekende plaaslike kunstenaars soos Marthie Hauptfleisch, Mynhardt Krüger, Robin Wyngaardt, Toby de Ruiter, Brent de Wet, Jusitn Jafters, Dillan en Byron McEath sal onder meer die verhoog deel met gewilde plaaslike groepe soos Amazinc Live, Red Sheep, die Stellenbosch B Boys en United African Brothers. Verder sal die program van oor die 20 items aangebied word deur die drie baie vermaaklike seremoniesmeesters Wiseman Ndamase, Josh the Entertainer en Laetitia Manual-Solomons. Dit is afgesien van buskers soos Acrobat Africa, Dr. Musk, Painter en Mamy wat bykomende vermaak op die kant sal verskaf.
Vermaak en afleiding vir jonk en oud word ook af van die verhoog op die res van die terrein van 10:00 tot 16:00 aangebied met ‘n groot verskeidenheid stalletjies wat plaaslike voedseldisse en handwerkkuns insluit. Die immergewilde stokbroodbraai aangebied deur die Stellenbosch-voortrekkers, springkastele en gesigverfkunstenaars behoort ook groot aftrek by kinders te kry.
Bykomende e’Bosch-projekte wat ook op die terrein op die bopunt van Victorialaan sal plaasvind is ‘n Zumba-marathon van 8:30 tot 10:00 en geleentheid vir die besigtiging van kunswerke tussen 13:00 en 14:00 wat die oggend uit plaaslike materiaal tydens ‘n Landskuns-saamtrek in die park geskep is. Die heel eerste Eerterivier-pelgrimstog sal ook die dag om 14:00 by die feesterrein met ‘n baie spesiale seremonie eindig.
Ander projekte wat ook op dieselfde dag in assosiasie met e’Bosch plaasvind is Imbali se kinderkunsuitstalling vanaf 10:00 tot 15:00 in Kylemore en die Stellenbosch Kunsvereniging se uitstalling wat om 10:00 in die Hofmeyersaal open. Verder is daar ook nog die Distell Diversititeits- en Sosiale Kohesie-werksessie op 3 Oktober en die Moore Stephens Nagwedloop op 17 Oktober om na uit te sien.
Besoek www.ebosch.co.za/program vir volledige besonderhede van al die e’Bosch-projekte.
Marthie Hauptfleisch.jpg
Marthe Hauptfleisch sal die aanslag van plaaslike talent lei by Saterdag se e’Bosch se Fees van Talente geborg deur Nedbank in die Jan Maraispark.
Die Stellenbosch Voortrekkers se immergewide stokbroodbraai sal ‘n groot trekpleister vir die kinders by Saterdag se Fees van Talente in Jan Maraispark wees.
Die bekende sanggroep van Kayamandi wat Saterdag om 14:00 hul vertoning sal aanbied.
Verhoogprogram vir e’Bosch Fees van Talente geborg deur Nedbank op Saterdag, 29 September in Jan Maraispark, Stellenbosch.
Anthony Penderis Mediadienste het hierdie verslag namens die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek saamgestel.
Porchia Adams
082 441 2510
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #018/2018
Media Release: e’Bosch Brochure 2018
19 September 2018
e’Bosch and Distell collaborate with local crafters training program
The e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Programme in collaboration with Distell, produced its first graduates consisting of 21 crafters who successfully completed their introductory training course and are now enrolled in a mentorship programme over a period of one year.
The crafters completed a two week workshop in February, which was then repeated in June this year. Candidates enrolled in the programme already have skills in crafts such as beadwork, mosaic, sewing, crochet, candle painting and jewellery making.
“The initiative assists graduates to become sustainable entrepreneurs with training and support in product development, costing, marketing, as well as the retail of their products. The project is aimed at teaching craft producers who already have a skill that they can use to create products that can be sold to earn an income,” says Anna Kruger, course leader and director of Crafts Alive.
The crafters are also offered the opportunity to sell their products at iThemba Curios, an established curios retail shop at the Stellenbosch Information Centre which focuses on the retail of products from local craft producers.
“For Distell, success in sustainability is about building partnerships that deliver a positive impact along our value chain and the communities where we operate. As such, we invest in programmes which foster collaboration between different sectors and communities, to establish entrepreneurship as a meaningful component of the overall socio-economic footprint,” says Eric Leong Son, Distell Group Manager: Sustainability.
Programme graduates will be informed of future training workshops available after the one-year training and mentoring programme has been completed. Other craft producers interested in attendingthe next course can contact Anna on 081 363 9762 or [email protected]
The e'Bosch Heritage Project now in its 8th year of existence, seeks to build mutual respect and trust, and to unite residents of Stellenbosch and surrounds by encouraging cultural events in all neighbourhoods (named dorpies), whilst creating a unifying culture and future heritage. The initiative also stimulates debate; encouraging sporting activities, environmental and local history projects, as well as the arts and crafts.
Communities participating in the more than 30 projects per year are Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Ida's Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniël, Raithby, Stellenbosch Central, Vlottenburg and several farming communities. All of this is organised by the e’Bosch Management Committee of some 40 full-time volunteers and supported by another 300 part-time volunteers during the month of September, the peak period of their activities.
Crafts Alive Team
Crafters who successfully completed their introductory training course in the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Programme in collaboration with the Distell Foundation; at the back from left to right: Nomalanga Lupahla, Nolusindiso Mntuyedwa, Sarah Daniels, Christine Japhta, Angela Pietersen, Denise Jacobs, Lucille Visagie, Ingrid Williams, Rochelle Davids, Mirriam Mxesibe and Anna Kruger (course leader).
At the front from left are Moses Muller, Shamela Klaassens, Roachelle Daars, Chriselene Davids, Clare Hanekom and Sylvia Bolitsh.
Crafts Alice Group Pic Candles
Angela Pietersen, Mirriam Mxesibe and Shamela Klaassens from Candles@Stellenbosch who are enrolled in the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Program in collaboration with the Distell Foundation.
Crafts Alive Group Pic Clothes
Clare Hannekom, Ingrid Williams, Denise Jacobs and Rochelle Davids from the Imbali Project in Kylemore who are enrolled in the the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Program in collaboration with the Distell Foundation.
Crafts Alive Two with cushion
Two Kayamandi ladies Sylvia Bolutshi (beadwork project) and Nolusindiso Mntuyedwa (Uvuyu Project) who are enrolled in the the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Program in collaboration with the Distell Foundation.
Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project compiled this report.
Anna Kruger: 0813639762 or [email protected]
Gerhard Claassens: 021 809 8031 or [email protected]
A Penderis: 084 306 0331or [email protected]; www.anthonypenderis.com
19 September 2018
e’Bosch and Distell collaborate with local crafters training program
The e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Programme in collaboration with Distell, produced its first graduates consisting of 21 crafters who successfully completed their introductory training course and are now enrolled in a mentorship programme over a period of one year.
The crafters completed a two week workshop in February, which was then repeated in June this year. Candidates enrolled in the programme already have skills in crafts such as beadwork, mosaic, sewing, crochet, candle painting and jewellery making.
“The initiative assists graduates to become sustainable entrepreneurs with training and support in product development, costing, marketing, as well as the retail of their products. The project is aimed at teaching craft producers who already have a skill that they can use to create products that can be sold to earn an income,” says Anna Kruger, course leader and director of Crafts Alive.
The crafters are also offered the opportunity to sell their products at iThemba Curios, an established curios retail shop at the Stellenbosch Information Centre which focuses on the retail of products from local craft producers.
“For Distell, success in sustainability is about building partnerships that deliver a positive impact along our value chain and the communities where we operate. As such, we invest in programmes which foster collaboration between different sectors and communities, to establish entrepreneurship as a meaningful component of the overall socio-economic footprint,” says Eric Leong Son, Distell Group Manager: Sustainability.
Programme graduates will be informed of future training workshops available after the one-year training and mentoring programme has been completed. Other craft producers interested in attendingthe next course can contact Anna on 081 363 9762 or [email protected]
The e'Bosch Heritage Project now in its 8th year of existence, seeks to build mutual respect and trust, and to unite residents of Stellenbosch and surrounds by encouraging cultural events in all neighbourhoods (named dorpies), whilst creating a unifying culture and future heritage. The initiative also stimulates debate; encouraging sporting activities, environmental and local history projects, as well as the arts and crafts.
Communities participating in the more than 30 projects per year are Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Ida's Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniël, Raithby, Stellenbosch Central, Vlottenburg and several farming communities. All of this is organised by the e’Bosch Management Committee of some 40 full-time volunteers and supported by another 300 part-time volunteers during the month of September, the peak period of their activities.
Crafts Alive Team
Crafters who successfully completed their introductory training course in the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Programme in collaboration with the Distell Foundation; at the back from left to right: Nomalanga Lupahla, Nolusindiso Mntuyedwa, Sarah Daniels, Christine Japhta, Angela Pietersen, Denise Jacobs, Lucille Visagie, Ingrid Williams, Rochelle Davids, Mirriam Mxesibe and Anna Kruger (course leader).
At the front from left are Moses Muller, Shamela Klaassens, Roachelle Daars, Chriselene Davids, Clare Hanekom and Sylvia Bolitsh.
Crafts Alice Group Pic Candles
Angela Pietersen, Mirriam Mxesibe and Shamela Klaassens from Candles@Stellenbosch who are enrolled in the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Program in collaboration with the Distell Foundation.
Crafts Alive Group Pic Clothes
Clare Hannekom, Ingrid Williams, Denise Jacobs and Rochelle Davids from the Imbali Project in Kylemore who are enrolled in the the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Program in collaboration with the Distell Foundation.
Crafts Alive Two with cushion
Two Kayamandi ladies Sylvia Bolutshi (beadwork project) and Nolusindiso Mntuyedwa (Uvuyu Project) who are enrolled in the the e’Bosch Craft Alive Development Program in collaboration with the Distell Foundation.
Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project compiled this report.
Anna Kruger: 0813639762 or [email protected]
Gerhard Claassens: 021 809 8031 or [email protected]
A Penderis: 084 306 0331or [email protected]; www.anthonypenderis.com
e'Bosch Press Release #017/2018
Media Release e’Bosch Brochure
24 Sep 2018
Nedbank Proud about my Town joins e’Bosch
The month of October marks the Stellenbosch launch of an exciting initiative set to benefit Early Childhood Development centres in our town. Under the banner Proud about my Town/Trots op my Dorp, this Nedbank programme aims to make a meaningful contribution towards addressing key issues in towns, neighbourhoods and communities.
Proud about my Town was first launched in Paarl in 2017. Whilst it supports targeted interventions in the areas that form part of the programme, the initiative is more than a fund. It is a movement – a way of thinking about the places where our communities work, live, learn and play. It is an initiative that seeks to help build unity, celebrate that which makes every town unique, showcase local talent and tell the stories of the selfless heroes who make a difference in our communities.
One of the first focus areas of the initiative is Early Childhood Development. In its first year, Proud about my Town benefited 1017 children from 40 crèches in Paarl. The programme will now also be rolled out in communities across Stellenbosch with another 20 crèches coming on board as part of the first round of the project in Stellenbosch. As the fund grows, so will the programme’s capacity to include even more ECD centres and other interventions that align with its core purpose.
Sharing the e’Bosch Heritage Project vision to celebrate our towns, Nedbank came on board as one of the main sponsors of this year’s e’Bosch Heritage Festival. The Proud about my Town story will be on display at the festival showcase being held at Jan Marais Park on 29 September 2018.
To find out more about the initiative and how you can become involved, visit a Stellenbosch Nedbank branch or contact [email protected]. Join us on this exciting journey as we celebrate this place we all call home.
Proud about Town One
Proud about Town Two
24 Sep 2018
Nedbank Proud about my Town joins e’Bosch
The month of October marks the Stellenbosch launch of an exciting initiative set to benefit Early Childhood Development centres in our town. Under the banner Proud about my Town/Trots op my Dorp, this Nedbank programme aims to make a meaningful contribution towards addressing key issues in towns, neighbourhoods and communities.
Proud about my Town was first launched in Paarl in 2017. Whilst it supports targeted interventions in the areas that form part of the programme, the initiative is more than a fund. It is a movement – a way of thinking about the places where our communities work, live, learn and play. It is an initiative that seeks to help build unity, celebrate that which makes every town unique, showcase local talent and tell the stories of the selfless heroes who make a difference in our communities.
One of the first focus areas of the initiative is Early Childhood Development. In its first year, Proud about my Town benefited 1017 children from 40 crèches in Paarl. The programme will now also be rolled out in communities across Stellenbosch with another 20 crèches coming on board as part of the first round of the project in Stellenbosch. As the fund grows, so will the programme’s capacity to include even more ECD centres and other interventions that align with its core purpose.
Sharing the e’Bosch Heritage Project vision to celebrate our towns, Nedbank came on board as one of the main sponsors of this year’s e’Bosch Heritage Festival. The Proud about my Town story will be on display at the festival showcase being held at Jan Marais Park on 29 September 2018.
To find out more about the initiative and how you can become involved, visit a Stellenbosch Nedbank branch or contact [email protected]. Join us on this exciting journey as we celebrate this place we all call home.
Proud about Town One
Proud about Town Two
e'Bosch Press Release #016/2018
Media Release
25 September 2018
e'Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival a great success
The annual e’Bosch Senior School Choir Festival held last week Wednesday, 19 September in the Stellenbosch Town Hall was once again a great success with children from 8 different schools singing to a packed hall. The Stellenbosch secondary schools who participated this year were Calling Academy, Cloetesville Secondary School, Khayamandi High School, Lückhoff Secondary School, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Rhenish Girls High, Stellenbosch High School and Stellenzicht Secondary School. Songs dedicated to late President Nelson Mandela in recognition of his centenary as well as a specially composed e’Bosch were inter alia performed.
This is the 7th consecutive year that this flagship event of the e'Bosch Heritage Project was presented which due to the large number of children involved had to be split up into primary and secondary school concerts. The e'Bosch Primary School Choir Festival with 22 school participating already took place on Saturday, 25 August at Coetzenberg Centre. Both the concerts were made possible by financial contributions from BASA and Remgro.
The Stellenbosch e'Bosch Heritage Project is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country and hosts some 30 events during September this year culminating in the Festival of Talents at Jan Marais Park on Saturday, 29 September. Almost all the neighbourhoods or 'dorpies' of the district participate in this. These include Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Idas Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniel, Raithby, Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch Central and the farm communities.
See www.ebosch.co.za for more information on the e'Bosch School Choir Festival.
Captions Img 3754; 3757; 3744
Scenes from e’Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival held this year on 19 September 2018 in the Stellenbosch Town Hall.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
25 September 2018
e'Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival a great success
The annual e’Bosch Senior School Choir Festival held last week Wednesday, 19 September in the Stellenbosch Town Hall was once again a great success with children from 8 different schools singing to a packed hall. The Stellenbosch secondary schools who participated this year were Calling Academy, Cloetesville Secondary School, Khayamandi High School, Lückhoff Secondary School, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Rhenish Girls High, Stellenbosch High School and Stellenzicht Secondary School. Songs dedicated to late President Nelson Mandela in recognition of his centenary as well as a specially composed e’Bosch were inter alia performed.
This is the 7th consecutive year that this flagship event of the e'Bosch Heritage Project was presented which due to the large number of children involved had to be split up into primary and secondary school concerts. The e'Bosch Primary School Choir Festival with 22 school participating already took place on Saturday, 25 August at Coetzenberg Centre. Both the concerts were made possible by financial contributions from BASA and Remgro.
The Stellenbosch e'Bosch Heritage Project is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country and hosts some 30 events during September this year culminating in the Festival of Talents at Jan Marais Park on Saturday, 29 September. Almost all the neighbourhoods or 'dorpies' of the district participate in this. These include Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Idas Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniel, Raithby, Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch Central and the farm communities.
See www.ebosch.co.za for more information on the e'Bosch School Choir Festival.
Captions Img 3754; 3757; 3744
Scenes from e’Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival held this year on 19 September 2018 in the Stellenbosch Town Hall.
Compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #015/2018
Media Release
14 Sep 2018
Night stroll through historic Stellenbosch
Join well-known guide to historical Stellenbosch, Pietman Retief, on an evening walking tour of the historical core of Stellenbosch, on Thursday 20 September. This evening stroll is Stellenbosch Museum’s contribution to the e’Bosch Heritage Festival during Heritage Month.
Starting at 18:00 at the Kruithuis near the Braak, you will walk down historical streets where splendid examples of various architectural periods in Stellenbosch are represented, and listen to the stories of the people who actually lived there and the juicy gossip of those times. Perhaps you will even be (un)fortunate enough to see the ghost of one of these early residents of this town, while you wander through the streets and visit buildings that form the heart of historical Stellenbosch.
The evening ends with a finger supper and wine at Erfurt House in Ryneveld Street.The cost for the evening stroll is R100 per person. Booking is essential; please call Esme at the Stellenbosch Museum on 021 887 2937.
This report was composed by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
14 Sep 2018
Night stroll through historic Stellenbosch
Join well-known guide to historical Stellenbosch, Pietman Retief, on an evening walking tour of the historical core of Stellenbosch, on Thursday 20 September. This evening stroll is Stellenbosch Museum’s contribution to the e’Bosch Heritage Festival during Heritage Month.
Starting at 18:00 at the Kruithuis near the Braak, you will walk down historical streets where splendid examples of various architectural periods in Stellenbosch are represented, and listen to the stories of the people who actually lived there and the juicy gossip of those times. Perhaps you will even be (un)fortunate enough to see the ghost of one of these early residents of this town, while you wander through the streets and visit buildings that form the heart of historical Stellenbosch.
The evening ends with a finger supper and wine at Erfurt House in Ryneveld Street.The cost for the evening stroll is R100 per person. Booking is essential; please call Esme at the Stellenbosch Museum on 021 887 2937.
This report was composed by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #014/2018
7 September 2018
e’Bosch se bus toer weer
Die e’Bosch-bus se wiele rol weer vanjaar op ‘n kultuurhistoriese toer wat die Stellenbosch Dorpsmuseum jaarliks onderneem as bydrae tot die e’Boschfees.
Vanjaar neem die begeleide toer ‘n interessante nuwe wending deur te konsentreer op museums, terwyl daar ook besoek afgelê sal word by ‘n paar van Stellenbosch se “dorpies”. Op 15 September, om 09:00, begin die toertjie by die Dorpsmuseum in Ryneveldstraat, waar inligting visueel oor die vier hoof koloniale tydperke in die geskiedenis van Stellenbosch uitgelig sal word, tesame met inligting oor die slawegeskiedenis.
Van daar af stap die groep na die US Botaniese Tuin wat onlangs as een van nét nege botaniese tuine van besondere gehalte ter wêreld aangewys is. Die Bonsaiversameling, wat ook reeds internasionale erkenning ontvang het, sal ook besoek en bespreek word.
Die US Museum in Ryneveldstraat word hierna besoek vir meer inligting oor die kuns- en historiese versameling van Universiteit Stellenbosch.
Hierna word daar vir die eerste keer op die bus geklim vir ‘n besoek aan Jamestown om meer te hoor en sien van die foto’s wat die historiese verhaal van hierdie dorpie vertel. Die bus vertrek dan na Cloetesville vir ‘n baie spesiale ontvangs deur inwoners van hierdie dorpie.
Die toer word afgesluit in die museum van Pniël, wat die geskiedenis van hierdie dorpie uitlig met ‘n ligte middagete op eie koste.
Debbie Gabriels en Pietman Retief van die Dorpsmuseum sal die toer begelei. Behalwe vir die ligte ete is die toer gratis en behoort dit teen 15:00 te eindig.
Besprekings moet asseblief gedoen word by Esme by 021 887 2937 voor Vrydag 14 September.
This report was composed by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
7 September 2018
e’Bosch se bus toer weer
Die e’Bosch-bus se wiele rol weer vanjaar op ‘n kultuurhistoriese toer wat die Stellenbosch Dorpsmuseum jaarliks onderneem as bydrae tot die e’Boschfees.
Vanjaar neem die begeleide toer ‘n interessante nuwe wending deur te konsentreer op museums, terwyl daar ook besoek afgelê sal word by ‘n paar van Stellenbosch se “dorpies”. Op 15 September, om 09:00, begin die toertjie by die Dorpsmuseum in Ryneveldstraat, waar inligting visueel oor die vier hoof koloniale tydperke in die geskiedenis van Stellenbosch uitgelig sal word, tesame met inligting oor die slawegeskiedenis.
Van daar af stap die groep na die US Botaniese Tuin wat onlangs as een van nét nege botaniese tuine van besondere gehalte ter wêreld aangewys is. Die Bonsaiversameling, wat ook reeds internasionale erkenning ontvang het, sal ook besoek en bespreek word.
Die US Museum in Ryneveldstraat word hierna besoek vir meer inligting oor die kuns- en historiese versameling van Universiteit Stellenbosch.
Hierna word daar vir die eerste keer op die bus geklim vir ‘n besoek aan Jamestown om meer te hoor en sien van die foto’s wat die historiese verhaal van hierdie dorpie vertel. Die bus vertrek dan na Cloetesville vir ‘n baie spesiale ontvangs deur inwoners van hierdie dorpie.
Die toer word afgesluit in die museum van Pniël, wat die geskiedenis van hierdie dorpie uitlig met ‘n ligte middagete op eie koste.
Debbie Gabriels en Pietman Retief van die Dorpsmuseum sal die toer begelei. Behalwe vir die ligte ete is die toer gratis en behoort dit teen 15:00 te eindig.
Besprekings moet asseblief gedoen word by Esme by 021 887 2937 voor Vrydag 14 September.
This report was composed by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #013/2018
Media Release
7 September 2018
The e’Bosch Heritage Project of Stellenbosch invites you to attend their first event on Interfaith Dialogue. Featuring ordinary Stellenbosch residents who are practising or supporting different faith traditions, the focus will be on ‘How does your faith help you in building a community of more social inclusion?' or ‘What in the teaching of your faith tradition motivates you in community building?”
Date: 13th September 2018
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: University Museum, 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
Panel speakers introducing the dialogue include Mr. Thandoxolo Tyhulu (speaking on African faith), Ydelene Coetzee ( Christianity), Mr.Bradley van Sitters (Khoi -spirituality), and Ansaaf Crombie ( Islamic Faith). The program will be fascilitated by Llewellyn Macmaster.
This is an open discussion and you are invited to participate. We are looking for commonalities in our traditions and not to highlight differencess.
For information on the program and to book RSVP to [email protected]., indicating the number of guests. Cell 0828677885.
Die e'Bosch Erfenisprojek nooi jou vriendelik uit na hul eerste geleentheid van Intergeloof Dialoog. Gewone Stellenbossers, wat `n bepaalde gelooftradisie praktiseer of ondersteun, kry geleentheid om gesprek te voer met die fokus op "Hoe help jou geloof jou om te bou aan `n gemeenskap van groter sosiale inklusiwiteit?" of "Wat in my geloofstradisie motiveer my om hegter gemeenskapsbande te bou?"
Datum: 13th September 2018
Tyd: 18:00 - 19:30
Plek: Universiteitsmuseum, 52 Ryneveldstraat, Stellenbosch
Sprekers wat as paneel die gesprek inlei, sluit in Mnr Thandoxolo Tyhulu (Tradisionele Afrikageloof), Ydelene Coetzee ( Christen gelowige), Mnr Bradley van Sitters (Khoi Spiritualiteit), Ansaaf Crombie ( Moslem gelowige). Die program word gefasiliteer deur Llewellyn Macmaster.
Hierdie is `n ope gesprek en u word genooi om deel te neem. Ons soek na ooreenkomste in ons geloofstradisies en poog nie om verskille uit te lig nie.
Vir meer inligting oor die program en om te bespreek stuur epos na [email protected] (noem aantal gaste) of selno 0828677885
IPhulo lezeLifa lezeMveli laseStellenbosch elaziwa njenge-e’Bosch Heritage Project likumemela kumsitho walo wokuqala kuThethwano kwezeNkolo (Interfaith Dialogue). Oku kubandakanya abahlali base-Stellenbosch ngokubanzi, abanqula okanye abakhuthaza iinkolo ezahlukeneyo. Konke oku kujolise kumbuzo othi: ‘Lukuncedisa njani ukholo lwakho ekwakheni indibanisela kubumbano kwezentlalo?’ okanye Yintoni ekwimfundiso kuwe kwinkolo yakho ekukhuthazayo ekwakheni ubumbano nentlanganisela loluntu?”
Umhla: 13 kuSeptemba 2018
Ixesha: 18:00 - 19:30
Indawo: University Museum, 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
Uluhlu lwezithethi elitshayelela olu thethwano lubandakanya aba:Umnu. Thandoxolo Tyhulu (oza kuthetha ngenkolo yase-Afrika), UYdelene Coetzee ( UbuKrestu), Umnu.Bradley van Sitters (inkolo yama-Khoi ), no-Ansaaf Crombie ( inkolo yamaMoslem). Inkqubo iza kuququzelelwa, iphelekwa nguLlewellyn Macmaster.
Le ngxoxo ivuleleke kuye wonke ubani yaye uyamenywa ukuba uthathe inxaxheba. Sijonge phambili kwimiba esidibanisayo,nesihlanganisayo kwiinkolo zethu, hayi ukugqamisa okusahlukanisayo.
Ngokuphathelele kwingcaciso malunga neprogramu kwakunye nokubekelwa indawo , nceda uthumele umyalezo ku: [email protected]., uchze inani leendwendwe. ISelula ithi: 0828677885.
7 September 2018
The e’Bosch Heritage Project of Stellenbosch invites you to attend their first event on Interfaith Dialogue. Featuring ordinary Stellenbosch residents who are practising or supporting different faith traditions, the focus will be on ‘How does your faith help you in building a community of more social inclusion?' or ‘What in the teaching of your faith tradition motivates you in community building?”
Date: 13th September 2018
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Venue: University Museum, 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
Panel speakers introducing the dialogue include Mr. Thandoxolo Tyhulu (speaking on African faith), Ydelene Coetzee ( Christianity), Mr.Bradley van Sitters (Khoi -spirituality), and Ansaaf Crombie ( Islamic Faith). The program will be fascilitated by Llewellyn Macmaster.
This is an open discussion and you are invited to participate. We are looking for commonalities in our traditions and not to highlight differencess.
For information on the program and to book RSVP to [email protected]., indicating the number of guests. Cell 0828677885.
Die e'Bosch Erfenisprojek nooi jou vriendelik uit na hul eerste geleentheid van Intergeloof Dialoog. Gewone Stellenbossers, wat `n bepaalde gelooftradisie praktiseer of ondersteun, kry geleentheid om gesprek te voer met die fokus op "Hoe help jou geloof jou om te bou aan `n gemeenskap van groter sosiale inklusiwiteit?" of "Wat in my geloofstradisie motiveer my om hegter gemeenskapsbande te bou?"
Datum: 13th September 2018
Tyd: 18:00 - 19:30
Plek: Universiteitsmuseum, 52 Ryneveldstraat, Stellenbosch
Sprekers wat as paneel die gesprek inlei, sluit in Mnr Thandoxolo Tyhulu (Tradisionele Afrikageloof), Ydelene Coetzee ( Christen gelowige), Mnr Bradley van Sitters (Khoi Spiritualiteit), Ansaaf Crombie ( Moslem gelowige). Die program word gefasiliteer deur Llewellyn Macmaster.
Hierdie is `n ope gesprek en u word genooi om deel te neem. Ons soek na ooreenkomste in ons geloofstradisies en poog nie om verskille uit te lig nie.
Vir meer inligting oor die program en om te bespreek stuur epos na [email protected] (noem aantal gaste) of selno 0828677885
IPhulo lezeLifa lezeMveli laseStellenbosch elaziwa njenge-e’Bosch Heritage Project likumemela kumsitho walo wokuqala kuThethwano kwezeNkolo (Interfaith Dialogue). Oku kubandakanya abahlali base-Stellenbosch ngokubanzi, abanqula okanye abakhuthaza iinkolo ezahlukeneyo. Konke oku kujolise kumbuzo othi: ‘Lukuncedisa njani ukholo lwakho ekwakheni indibanisela kubumbano kwezentlalo?’ okanye Yintoni ekwimfundiso kuwe kwinkolo yakho ekukhuthazayo ekwakheni ubumbano nentlanganisela loluntu?”
Umhla: 13 kuSeptemba 2018
Ixesha: 18:00 - 19:30
Indawo: University Museum, 52 Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
Uluhlu lwezithethi elitshayelela olu thethwano lubandakanya aba:Umnu. Thandoxolo Tyhulu (oza kuthetha ngenkolo yase-Afrika), UYdelene Coetzee ( UbuKrestu), Umnu.Bradley van Sitters (inkolo yama-Khoi ), no-Ansaaf Crombie ( inkolo yamaMoslem). Inkqubo iza kuququzelelwa, iphelekwa nguLlewellyn Macmaster.
Le ngxoxo ivuleleke kuye wonke ubani yaye uyamenywa ukuba uthathe inxaxheba. Sijonge phambili kwimiba esidibanisayo,nesihlanganisayo kwiinkolo zethu, hayi ukugqamisa okusahlukanisayo.
Ngokuphathelele kwingcaciso malunga neprogramu kwakunye nokubekelwa indawo , nceda uthumele umyalezo ku: [email protected]., uchze inani leendwendwe. ISelula ithi: 0828677885.
e'Bosch Press Release #012/2018
Media Release
7 September 2018
The e’Bosch bus is off, once again
The wheels of the e’Bosch bus are turning once again this year on a cultural historic tour that the Stellenbosch Village Museum annually undertakes as its contribution to the e’Bosch Heritage Festival.
This year the guided tour will focus on museums in particular, although a visit to some of the dorpies of Stellenbosch is included as well.
On 15 September, at 09:00, the tour begins at the Village Museum in Ryneveld Street, where visual information on the four main colonial periods in the history of Stellenbosch will be presented, together with the history of slaves.
From there the group will walk to the Stellenbosch University’s Botanical Garden, which recently was elected as one of only nine botanical gardens of outstanding quality in the world. A visit will also be paid to the bonsai collection which has already received international recognition.
Next on the list will be the SU Museum in Ryneveld Street with the valuable art and historical collection of the Stellenbosch University.
And now for the bus ride, firstly to Jamestown, where a collection of photos will enlighten the visitors on the history of this dorpie, and then to Cloetesville for a special reception by the residents of this neighbourhood at their Centenary Festival.
The tour will be concluded at the museum of Pniël, which will tell the story of this dorpie, followed by a light lunch at own cost.
Debbie Gabriels and Pietman Retief will guide the tour on behalf of the Stellenbosch Museum. Except for the light lunch, the tour is free and should end by 15:00.
Booking is necessary; call Esme on 021 887 2937 before Friday 14 September.
This report was composed by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
7 September 2018
The e’Bosch bus is off, once again
The wheels of the e’Bosch bus are turning once again this year on a cultural historic tour that the Stellenbosch Village Museum annually undertakes as its contribution to the e’Bosch Heritage Festival.
This year the guided tour will focus on museums in particular, although a visit to some of the dorpies of Stellenbosch is included as well.
On 15 September, at 09:00, the tour begins at the Village Museum in Ryneveld Street, where visual information on the four main colonial periods in the history of Stellenbosch will be presented, together with the history of slaves.
From there the group will walk to the Stellenbosch University’s Botanical Garden, which recently was elected as one of only nine botanical gardens of outstanding quality in the world. A visit will also be paid to the bonsai collection which has already received international recognition.
Next on the list will be the SU Museum in Ryneveld Street with the valuable art and historical collection of the Stellenbosch University.
And now for the bus ride, firstly to Jamestown, where a collection of photos will enlighten the visitors on the history of this dorpie, and then to Cloetesville for a special reception by the residents of this neighbourhood at their Centenary Festival.
The tour will be concluded at the museum of Pniël, which will tell the story of this dorpie, followed by a light lunch at own cost.
Debbie Gabriels and Pietman Retief will guide the tour on behalf of the Stellenbosch Museum. Except for the light lunch, the tour is free and should end by 15:00.
Booking is necessary; call Esme on 021 887 2937 before Friday 14 September.
This report was composed by Elsabé Retief on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #011/2018
Media Release
28 August 2018
Madonsela urges an improved legacy for our children
Anthony Penderis
We are all born with a heritage over which we had no control but we have the power to choose what we are going to leave as heritage to our children and their successive generations.
This was the crux of the message delivered by Prof. Thuli Madonsela as guest speaker at the annual e'Bosch Heritage Project launch function in Stellenbosch last week.
"Today no one can be blamed for colonialism or the start of Apartheid in 1948 because none of us were around then. But it left a legacy of pain, injustice and inequality. We must deal with that legacy in a manner that advances social justice for the next generation," said Prof Madonsela.
She pointed out that to deal with injustices of the past it is always good to look at case studies from other countries. One of the examples she discussed concerns the country Rwanda. They experienced a period of genocide as recently as 1994 which amounted to the systemic killing of one group by another. In her visits to the country she observed that the people from Rwanda deal with it firstly by acknowledging that something terrible has happened.
“They believe that feeling ashamed and not talking about what happened would cover it up. The people from Rwanda therefore regularly acknowledge that it is possibly the lowest level humanity could sink to, and discuss how to avoid it in future. They tell the good and bad. To go forward they realise they have to embrace the humanity of every person,” Prof Madonsela said.
Prof Madonsela expressed her concern of the fact that more than 50 percent of South African people are poor. She sees it as a time bomb as it makes the poor resentful and angry and let them lash out at society. This, unfortunately is often not directed at the source of the problem. According to her poverty amounts to a structural inefficiency within our society which is not good for the economy as a whole.
She pointed out that the government has undertaken to wipe out poverty by 2030 which is less than 12 years from now. But, even if we eradicate out all corruption and maladministration within our own government it will still be totally impossible. She sees our problems with education, nutrition and infrastructure as service issues.
Prof Madonsela is nevertheless hopeful for the future of the country: "We have a good constitution, we have political freedom and we believe in equality. Every generation has the responsibility to make sure that the next chapter of its community is a better place."
She commended the e’Bosch Heritage Project on its efforts to break down the walls within the Stellenbosch society and build a united culture based on friendship.
The annual e'Bosch Heritage Project launch function was held on Wednesday, 29 August at the Stellenbosch Museum. The e'Bosch Honorary Awards were also handed over to eight Stellenbosch residents for their services to the community at the function opened by Dr. Sias Mostert, chairman of the e'Bosch Executive Committee. Stellenbosch Executive Mayor, Adv Gesie van Deventer and the university rector and vice-chancellor, Prof Wim de Villiers were guests of honour at the event.
Caption Thuli Madonsela.jpg
Prof Thuli Madonsela guest speaker at the e’Bosch Heritage Project launch function at the Stellenbosch Museum last week.
This report was composed by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
28 August 2018
Madonsela urges an improved legacy for our children
Anthony Penderis
We are all born with a heritage over which we had no control but we have the power to choose what we are going to leave as heritage to our children and their successive generations.
This was the crux of the message delivered by Prof. Thuli Madonsela as guest speaker at the annual e'Bosch Heritage Project launch function in Stellenbosch last week.
"Today no one can be blamed for colonialism or the start of Apartheid in 1948 because none of us were around then. But it left a legacy of pain, injustice and inequality. We must deal with that legacy in a manner that advances social justice for the next generation," said Prof Madonsela.
She pointed out that to deal with injustices of the past it is always good to look at case studies from other countries. One of the examples she discussed concerns the country Rwanda. They experienced a period of genocide as recently as 1994 which amounted to the systemic killing of one group by another. In her visits to the country she observed that the people from Rwanda deal with it firstly by acknowledging that something terrible has happened.
“They believe that feeling ashamed and not talking about what happened would cover it up. The people from Rwanda therefore regularly acknowledge that it is possibly the lowest level humanity could sink to, and discuss how to avoid it in future. They tell the good and bad. To go forward they realise they have to embrace the humanity of every person,” Prof Madonsela said.
Prof Madonsela expressed her concern of the fact that more than 50 percent of South African people are poor. She sees it as a time bomb as it makes the poor resentful and angry and let them lash out at society. This, unfortunately is often not directed at the source of the problem. According to her poverty amounts to a structural inefficiency within our society which is not good for the economy as a whole.
She pointed out that the government has undertaken to wipe out poverty by 2030 which is less than 12 years from now. But, even if we eradicate out all corruption and maladministration within our own government it will still be totally impossible. She sees our problems with education, nutrition and infrastructure as service issues.
Prof Madonsela is nevertheless hopeful for the future of the country: "We have a good constitution, we have political freedom and we believe in equality. Every generation has the responsibility to make sure that the next chapter of its community is a better place."
She commended the e’Bosch Heritage Project on its efforts to break down the walls within the Stellenbosch society and build a united culture based on friendship.
The annual e'Bosch Heritage Project launch function was held on Wednesday, 29 August at the Stellenbosch Museum. The e'Bosch Honorary Awards were also handed over to eight Stellenbosch residents for their services to the community at the function opened by Dr. Sias Mostert, chairman of the e'Bosch Executive Committee. Stellenbosch Executive Mayor, Adv Gesie van Deventer and the university rector and vice-chancellor, Prof Wim de Villiers were guests of honour at the event.
Caption Thuli Madonsela.jpg
Prof Thuli Madonsela guest speaker at the e’Bosch Heritage Project launch function at the Stellenbosch Museum last week.
This report was composed by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
709 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #010/2018
22 August 2018
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisfees skop af
Die agste jaarlikse e’Bosch-erfenisfees op Stellenbosch begin hierdie naweek met ’n vol program van sowat 30 funksies wat oor die volgende twee maande plaasvind.
Die eerste item op die program is hierdie Saterdag (25 Augustus) se e’Bosch-skoolkoorfees, met kore van 21 laerskole van die Stellenbosch- en Franschhoek-distrik wat daaraan deelneem. Toegang tot die program, wat om 15:00 in die Coetzenburg-sentrum begin, is gratis vir die publiek.
Woensdag, 29 Augustus is die amptelike bekendstelling van e’Bosch-erfenisfees 2018 by die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) Museum in Ryneveldstraat, aangebied deur adv. Gesie van Deventer, uitvoerende burgemeester van Stellenbosch-munisipaliteit, en prof. Wim de Villiers, rektor en visekanselier van Universiteit Stellenbosch. Adv. Thuli Madonsela sal die gasspreker wees.
’n Aantal Stellenbosch-inwoners sal by die geleentheid e’Bosch-toekennings ontvang vir hul voortreflike bydrae tot die bevordering en bewaring van kultuur en erfenis in die distrik. Opleidingsertifikate sal ook aan lede van die gemeenskap wat vanjaar ‘n leierskapskursus voltooi het, toegeken word.
Die volgende Saterdag, 1 September, sal lede van die Dorpies-erfeniskomitee in Pniël aan ’n jaarlikse e’Bosch Petanque-kompetisie deelneem om mekaar beter te leer ken. Idasvallei sal hul Familie-erfenisuitstalling van Maandag 4 tot 30 September in hul biblioteek aanbied. Ander dorpies soos Devonvallei, Jamestown, Cloetesville, Klapmuts, Lanquedoc en Kylemore sal ook ‘n verskeidenheid van erfenisfunksies in September hou.
Stellenbosch-museum bied twee toere aan as bydrae tot die e’Bosch-erfenisfees. Op 15 September vind ’n besoek plaas aan die Stellenbosch-museum, US Botaniese Tuin, US Museum, Jamestown-erfenisuitstalling, Pniël-museum (met middagete) en die Cloetesville-erfenisfees. Die tweede toer is ‘n aandwandeling met die bekende gids, Pietman Retief, deur die historiese kern van Stellenbosch op Vrydag om 18:00 met ‘n vingerete daarna by Grosvenor-huis.
Ander hoogtepunte op die e’Bosch-kalender is onder meer die Wildlands se Herdenkingsboomplantdag (5 September), ‘n Interkerklike Gesprek (13 September), die US se Eeufees- en Erfenisdag-blaasorkeskonsert (17 September), ’n paneelbespreking, “Viering van 100 Identiteite in Afrika”, by die US (18 September) en Imbali se kinderkunsuitstalling in Kylemore (29 September).
Sekere vlagskipfunksies sal in September en Oktober aangebied word soos die e’Bosch Hoërskole Skoolkoorfees (19 September) in die stadsaal, die e’Bosch VriendsCUP-spele by Rhenish Primary School (22 September), die onder-11 Sokkertoernooi by die Kayamandi-stadium (24 September), die Distell Diversititeits- en Sosiale Kohesie-werksessie (3 Oktober) en die Moore Stephens Nagwedloop (17 Oktober).
Besoek www.ebosch.co.za/program vir volledige besonderhede van al die e’Bosch-geleenthede.
e'Bosch Year Program 2018
Die agste jaarlikse e’Bosch-erfenisfees begin hierdie naweek met ’n vol program van sowat 30 funksies waaraan ‘n groot aantal gemeenskappe uit die Stellenbosch- en Francshhoek-distrik sal deelneem.
Foto’s eBosch-skoolkoorfees 2017
Tonele uit verlede jaar se e'Bosch-skoolkoorfees vir primêre en sekondêre skole. Vanjaar sal altesame 21 laerskole en 12 hoërskole van Stellenbosch en Franschhoek deelneem aan die jaarlikse e'Bosch-skoolkoorfees.
Anthony Penderis Mediadienste het hierdie verslag namens die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek saamgestel.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #009/2018
Media Release
22 August 2018
e’Bosch Heritage Festival program kicks off
The 8th annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival in Stellenbosch starts this weekend with a full program of more than 30 events to follow over the next two months.
The first event on the program this Saturday (25 September) is the e’Bosch School Choir Festival for primary schools with 21 schools from the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek district taking part. Entry to this event, which starts at 15:00 in the Coetzenburg Centre, is free to the public.
On Wednesday 29 August is the official launch of the e’Bosch Heritage Festival 2018 at the Stellenbosch University Museum, hosted by Advocate Gesie van Deventer, Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality, and Prof Wim de Villiers, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University. Advocate Thuli Madonsela will be the guest speaker. A number of Stellenbosch residents will also receive the e’Bosch Heritage Awards at this event for their outstanding contributions to the promotion of culture and heritage conservation in the district. Training certificates will also be presented to community members who completed a leadership training course this year.
The following Saturday, 1 September, members of the Dorpie Heritage Committees will have their annual e’Bosch Pentaque Competition to get to know each other. Ida’s Valley will present their Family Heirloom Exhibition from Monday, 4 to 30 September in their library. Several other dorpies such as Devon Valley, Jamestown, Cloetesville, Klapmuts, Lanquedoc and Kylemore will also present a variety of heritage events during the month of September.
Stellenbosch Museum’s contributions to e’Bosch heritage events include two tours. The first, on 15 September, is a visit to the Stellenbosch Museum, SU Botanical Garden, SU Art Museum, Jamestown heritage exhibition, Pniël Museum (with lunch) and Cloetesville Heritage Festival. The second is an evening stroll with the renowned Pietman Retief through the historical core of Stellenbosch on Friday 20 September at 18:00, followed by a finger supper at Grosvenor House.
Other highlights on the calendar include the Wildlands Commemorative Tree Planting (5 September), an Interfaith Conversation (13 September), the SU Centennial & Heritage Day Wind Band Concert (17 September), a panel discussion on “Celebrating 100 Identities in Africa” by the US (18 September) and the Imbali Children’s Art Exhibition at Kylemore (29 September).
Several other flagship events will also be presented during the month of September and October such as the e’Bosch Senior School Choir Festival (19 September) at the Town Hall, the e’Bosch VriendsCUP Games at Rhenish Primary School (22 September), the Under-11 Soccer Tournament to be held at the Kayamandi Stadium (24 September), the Distell Diversity and Social Inclusion Workshop (3 October) and the Moore Stephens Night Run (17 October). Visit www.ebosch.co.za/program for full details of all the events.
e'Bosch Year Program 2018
The 8th annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival which starts this weekend comprises at least 30 events made possible by the commitment of most of the neighbourhoods of the greater Stellenbosch and Franschhoek regions.
Pics Choir e’Bosch Choir Festival 2017
Scenes from last year’s e’Bosch School Choir Festival for primary and secondary schools. This year at total of 21 primary schools and 12 high schools from Stellenbosch and Franschhoek will take part in the annual e’Bosch School Choir Festival.
This report was compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
22 August 2018
e’Bosch Heritage Festival program kicks off
The 8th annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival in Stellenbosch starts this weekend with a full program of more than 30 events to follow over the next two months.
The first event on the program this Saturday (25 September) is the e’Bosch School Choir Festival for primary schools with 21 schools from the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek district taking part. Entry to this event, which starts at 15:00 in the Coetzenburg Centre, is free to the public.
On Wednesday 29 August is the official launch of the e’Bosch Heritage Festival 2018 at the Stellenbosch University Museum, hosted by Advocate Gesie van Deventer, Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality, and Prof Wim de Villiers, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University. Advocate Thuli Madonsela will be the guest speaker. A number of Stellenbosch residents will also receive the e’Bosch Heritage Awards at this event for their outstanding contributions to the promotion of culture and heritage conservation in the district. Training certificates will also be presented to community members who completed a leadership training course this year.
The following Saturday, 1 September, members of the Dorpie Heritage Committees will have their annual e’Bosch Pentaque Competition to get to know each other. Ida’s Valley will present their Family Heirloom Exhibition from Monday, 4 to 30 September in their library. Several other dorpies such as Devon Valley, Jamestown, Cloetesville, Klapmuts, Lanquedoc and Kylemore will also present a variety of heritage events during the month of September.
Stellenbosch Museum’s contributions to e’Bosch heritage events include two tours. The first, on 15 September, is a visit to the Stellenbosch Museum, SU Botanical Garden, SU Art Museum, Jamestown heritage exhibition, Pniël Museum (with lunch) and Cloetesville Heritage Festival. The second is an evening stroll with the renowned Pietman Retief through the historical core of Stellenbosch on Friday 20 September at 18:00, followed by a finger supper at Grosvenor House.
Other highlights on the calendar include the Wildlands Commemorative Tree Planting (5 September), an Interfaith Conversation (13 September), the SU Centennial & Heritage Day Wind Band Concert (17 September), a panel discussion on “Celebrating 100 Identities in Africa” by the US (18 September) and the Imbali Children’s Art Exhibition at Kylemore (29 September).
Several other flagship events will also be presented during the month of September and October such as the e’Bosch Senior School Choir Festival (19 September) at the Town Hall, the e’Bosch VriendsCUP Games at Rhenish Primary School (22 September), the Under-11 Soccer Tournament to be held at the Kayamandi Stadium (24 September), the Distell Diversity and Social Inclusion Workshop (3 October) and the Moore Stephens Night Run (17 October). Visit www.ebosch.co.za/program for full details of all the events.
e'Bosch Year Program 2018
The 8th annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival which starts this weekend comprises at least 30 events made possible by the commitment of most of the neighbourhoods of the greater Stellenbosch and Franschhoek regions.
Pics Choir e’Bosch Choir Festival 2017
Scenes from last year’s e’Bosch School Choir Festival for primary and secondary schools. This year at total of 21 primary schools and 12 high schools from Stellenbosch and Franschhoek will take part in the annual e’Bosch School Choir Festival.
This report was compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #007/2018
Media Release
21 August 2018
Full e’Bosch Heritage Festival program kicks off this weekend
The 8th annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival starts this weekend with a full program of more than 30 events to follow over the next two months.
The first event on the program this Saturday is the e’Bosch School Choir Festival for primary schools with 21 schools from the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek district taking part. Entry to this event, which starts at 15:00 in the Coetzenburg Centre, is free to the public.
Next week on Wednesday, 29 August is the official launch of the e’Bosch Heritage Festival 2018 at the Stellenbosch University Museum, hosted by Mayor Gesie van Deventer, Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality and Prof Wim de Villiers, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University. Advocate Thuli Madonsela will be the guest speaker. A number of Stellenbosch residents will also receive the e’Bosch Heritage Awards at the event for their outstanding contributions to the promotion of culture and heritage conservation in the district. Presentation of training certificates will also be done to community members who completed a leadership training course this year.
The following Saturday, 1 September, members of Dorpie Heritage Committees will have their annual e’Bosch Pentaque Competition to get to know each other. Ida’s Valley will present their Family Heirloom Exhibition from Monday, 4 to 30 September in their library. Several other dorpies such as Devon Valley, Jamestown, Cloetesville, Klapmuts, Lanquedoc and Kylemore will also present a variety of heritage events during the month of September.
Stellenbosch Museum’s contributions to e’Bosch heritage events include two tours. The first on 15 September is a visit to the Stellenbosch Museum, SU Botanical Garden, SU Art Museum, Jamestown heritage exhibition, Pniël Museum (with lunch) and Cloetesville Heritage Festival. The second is an evening stroll with the renowned Pietman Retief through the historical core of Stellenbosch on Friday evening 20 September.
Other highlights on the calendar are inter alia the Wildlands Commerative Tree Planting on 5 September, an Interfaith Conversation on 13 September, the SU Centennial & Heritage Day Wind Band Concert on 17 September, a panel discussion on Celebrating 100 Identities in Africa by the US on 18 September and the Imbali Art Exhibition at Kylemore on 29 September.
Several other flagship events will also be presented during the month of September and October such as the e’Bosch Senior School Choir Festival on 19 September at the Town Hall, the e’Bosch VriendsCUP Games at Rhenish Primary School on 22 September, the Under-11 Soccer Tournament to be held at the Kayamandi Stadium on Monday 24 September, the Distell Diversity and Social Inclusion Workshop on 3 October and the Moore Stephens Night Run on 17 October. Visit www.ebosch.co.za/program for full details of all the events.
Full program e’Bosch Heritage Festival 2018
This report was compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
21 August 2018
Full e’Bosch Heritage Festival program kicks off this weekend
The 8th annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival starts this weekend with a full program of more than 30 events to follow over the next two months.
The first event on the program this Saturday is the e’Bosch School Choir Festival for primary schools with 21 schools from the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek district taking part. Entry to this event, which starts at 15:00 in the Coetzenburg Centre, is free to the public.
Next week on Wednesday, 29 August is the official launch of the e’Bosch Heritage Festival 2018 at the Stellenbosch University Museum, hosted by Mayor Gesie van Deventer, Executive Mayor of Stellenbosch Municipality and Prof Wim de Villiers, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of Stellenbosch University. Advocate Thuli Madonsela will be the guest speaker. A number of Stellenbosch residents will also receive the e’Bosch Heritage Awards at the event for their outstanding contributions to the promotion of culture and heritage conservation in the district. Presentation of training certificates will also be done to community members who completed a leadership training course this year.
The following Saturday, 1 September, members of Dorpie Heritage Committees will have their annual e’Bosch Pentaque Competition to get to know each other. Ida’s Valley will present their Family Heirloom Exhibition from Monday, 4 to 30 September in their library. Several other dorpies such as Devon Valley, Jamestown, Cloetesville, Klapmuts, Lanquedoc and Kylemore will also present a variety of heritage events during the month of September.
Stellenbosch Museum’s contributions to e’Bosch heritage events include two tours. The first on 15 September is a visit to the Stellenbosch Museum, SU Botanical Garden, SU Art Museum, Jamestown heritage exhibition, Pniël Museum (with lunch) and Cloetesville Heritage Festival. The second is an evening stroll with the renowned Pietman Retief through the historical core of Stellenbosch on Friday evening 20 September.
Other highlights on the calendar are inter alia the Wildlands Commerative Tree Planting on 5 September, an Interfaith Conversation on 13 September, the SU Centennial & Heritage Day Wind Band Concert on 17 September, a panel discussion on Celebrating 100 Identities in Africa by the US on 18 September and the Imbali Art Exhibition at Kylemore on 29 September.
Several other flagship events will also be presented during the month of September and October such as the e’Bosch Senior School Choir Festival on 19 September at the Town Hall, the e’Bosch VriendsCUP Games at Rhenish Primary School on 22 September, the Under-11 Soccer Tournament to be held at the Kayamandi Stadium on Monday 24 September, the Distell Diversity and Social Inclusion Workshop on 3 October and the Moore Stephens Night Run on 17 October. Visit www.ebosch.co.za/program for full details of all the events.
Full program e’Bosch Heritage Festival 2018
This report was compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #007/2018
Media Release
17 July 2018
School Choir Festival celebrates Nelson Mandela’s centenary
This Saturday the Coetzenburg Centre in Stellenbosch will see a gathering of learners from 21 primary school to celebrate, among other, the Nelson Mandela’s centenary at the annual e’Bosch School Choir Festival.
Accompanied by the Stellenbosch University Wind Band more than 400 learners from 21 Stellenbosch and Franschhoek primary schools will perform a specially composed Song for Mandela at the event. Entry to the concert, which starts at 15:00 on Saturday 25 August at the Coetzenburg Centre, next to the Danie Craven Rugby Stadium, is free.
"We will celebrate the Nelson Mandela Centenary with a Song For Mandela, composed by Alun Francis. This work was written for Children’s Choir, Vocal Solo and Orchestra. The Stellenbosch University Wind Band, under direction of Pamela Kierman will accompany the mass choir with Terence Pietersen as soloist," says Tarnia van Zitters, Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival.
The 21 primary schools taking part are AF Louw; Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Pieter Langeveld, Rietenbosch, St Idas, Dalabuhle, Groendal, West Eind, Bridge House, JJ Rhode, St Vincent RC, Klapmuts, Vlottenburg, Raithby, Weber Gedenk, Dorothea Special Needs, Nondzame, Pniel, PC Petersen and Simondium.
This is the 7th consecutive year that this flagship event of the e'Bosch Heritage Project is being held. As a result of the large number of children involve, The Choir Festival has been split into primary and secondary school concerts. This concert will be followed by the e'Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival at the Stellenbosch Town Hall on Wednesday, 19 September at 19:00.
The Stellenbosch e'Bosch Heritage Project is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country and will host at least 30 events this year, mainly during the month of September. Almost all the neighbourhoods or 'dorpies' of the district participate in this celebration of different cultures and heritages. These include Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniel, Raithby, Stellenbosch Central and the farm communities.
Visit www.ebosch.co.za or contact Tarnia van Zitters at 083 543 3635 or [email protected] for more information about the e'Bosch School Choir Festival.
Tarnia van Zitters.jpg
Tarnia van Zitters Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival
General pics e’Bosch School Choir Festival 2017
This report was composed by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Tarnia von Zitters
083 543 3635
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
17 July 2018
School Choir Festival celebrates Nelson Mandela’s centenary
This Saturday the Coetzenburg Centre in Stellenbosch will see a gathering of learners from 21 primary school to celebrate, among other, the Nelson Mandela’s centenary at the annual e’Bosch School Choir Festival.
Accompanied by the Stellenbosch University Wind Band more than 400 learners from 21 Stellenbosch and Franschhoek primary schools will perform a specially composed Song for Mandela at the event. Entry to the concert, which starts at 15:00 on Saturday 25 August at the Coetzenburg Centre, next to the Danie Craven Rugby Stadium, is free.
"We will celebrate the Nelson Mandela Centenary with a Song For Mandela, composed by Alun Francis. This work was written for Children’s Choir, Vocal Solo and Orchestra. The Stellenbosch University Wind Band, under direction of Pamela Kierman will accompany the mass choir with Terence Pietersen as soloist," says Tarnia van Zitters, Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival.
The 21 primary schools taking part are AF Louw; Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Pieter Langeveld, Rietenbosch, St Idas, Dalabuhle, Groendal, West Eind, Bridge House, JJ Rhode, St Vincent RC, Klapmuts, Vlottenburg, Raithby, Weber Gedenk, Dorothea Special Needs, Nondzame, Pniel, PC Petersen and Simondium.
This is the 7th consecutive year that this flagship event of the e'Bosch Heritage Project is being held. As a result of the large number of children involve, The Choir Festival has been split into primary and secondary school concerts. This concert will be followed by the e'Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival at the Stellenbosch Town Hall on Wednesday, 19 September at 19:00.
The Stellenbosch e'Bosch Heritage Project is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country and will host at least 30 events this year, mainly during the month of September. Almost all the neighbourhoods or 'dorpies' of the district participate in this celebration of different cultures and heritages. These include Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Ida’s Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniel, Raithby, Stellenbosch Central and the farm communities.
Visit www.ebosch.co.za or contact Tarnia van Zitters at 083 543 3635 or [email protected] for more information about the e'Bosch School Choir Festival.
Tarnia van Zitters.jpg
Tarnia van Zitters Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival
General pics e’Bosch School Choir Festival 2017
This report was composed by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Tarnia von Zitters
083 543 3635
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #006/2018
Media Release: Visio
July 2018
e’Bosch Heritage Festival Calendar
The annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival have some very special highlights this year:
The official launch of the e’Bosch Heritage Festival takes place on Wednesday 29 August at the Stellenbosch University Museum, with Advocate Thuli Madonsela as guest speaker.
The annual prestige heritage lecture presented by Stellenbosch University will be held on Tuesday 18 September at the Stellenbosch University Museum.
The flagship of the e’Bosch Heritage Project is its e’Bosch Schools Choir Festival, with the primary schools performing on Saturday 25 August at 14:00 in the Coetzenburg Centre. The high schools will be giving, among others, a heart-rendering mass choir performance of the e’Bosch song on Wednesday 19 September at 19:00 in the Town Hall. All are most welcome.
Stellenbosch Museum’s contributions to e’Bosch heritage events include an evening stroll with Pietman Retief through the historical core of Stellenbosch and a historical and cultural bus tour to some of the e’Bosch dorpies and Stellenbosch on Saturday 15 September 2018. Cloetesville will also be participating in this heritage programme.
On Saturday 22 September, the e’Bosch VriendsCUP Games will be held at Rhenish Primary School. Learners from different schools compete in the same teams in a friendly event of various sporting codes.
The various neighbourhoods, suburbs and hamlets of Stellenbosch, called dorpies as part of the e’Bosch Heritage Project, are also celebrating their own e’Bosch events:
In Ida’s Valley, a very interesting family tree exhibition will be on display at the Ida’s Valley Library during September.
In Pniël there is a Petanque competition on 1 September, a Heritage Service in the Congregational Church on Sunday 23 September with the Cansa Pink 6 km Fun Walk and Potjiekos and Stoep Stories at the Pniël Museum on Heritage Day, Monday 24 September.
Klapmuts and Lanquedoc dorpies will hold their own sports days, with indigenous games and draadkar racing as special highlighs in Klapmuts.
Another annual highlight is the Under-11 Soccer Tournament to be held at the Khayamandi Stadium on Monday 24 September, giving a number of primary schools’ pupils the opportunity in a soccer tournament.
This report was compiled by Elsabé Retief on behalf of e’Bosch Heritage Project
July 2018
e’Bosch Heritage Festival Calendar
The annual e’Bosch Heritage Festival have some very special highlights this year:
The official launch of the e’Bosch Heritage Festival takes place on Wednesday 29 August at the Stellenbosch University Museum, with Advocate Thuli Madonsela as guest speaker.
The annual prestige heritage lecture presented by Stellenbosch University will be held on Tuesday 18 September at the Stellenbosch University Museum.
The flagship of the e’Bosch Heritage Project is its e’Bosch Schools Choir Festival, with the primary schools performing on Saturday 25 August at 14:00 in the Coetzenburg Centre. The high schools will be giving, among others, a heart-rendering mass choir performance of the e’Bosch song on Wednesday 19 September at 19:00 in the Town Hall. All are most welcome.
Stellenbosch Museum’s contributions to e’Bosch heritage events include an evening stroll with Pietman Retief through the historical core of Stellenbosch and a historical and cultural bus tour to some of the e’Bosch dorpies and Stellenbosch on Saturday 15 September 2018. Cloetesville will also be participating in this heritage programme.
On Saturday 22 September, the e’Bosch VriendsCUP Games will be held at Rhenish Primary School. Learners from different schools compete in the same teams in a friendly event of various sporting codes.
The various neighbourhoods, suburbs and hamlets of Stellenbosch, called dorpies as part of the e’Bosch Heritage Project, are also celebrating their own e’Bosch events:
In Ida’s Valley, a very interesting family tree exhibition will be on display at the Ida’s Valley Library during September.
In Pniël there is a Petanque competition on 1 September, a Heritage Service in the Congregational Church on Sunday 23 September with the Cansa Pink 6 km Fun Walk and Potjiekos and Stoep Stories at the Pniël Museum on Heritage Day, Monday 24 September.
Klapmuts and Lanquedoc dorpies will hold their own sports days, with indigenous games and draadkar racing as special highlighs in Klapmuts.
Another annual highlight is the Under-11 Soccer Tournament to be held at the Khayamandi Stadium on Monday 24 September, giving a number of primary schools’ pupils the opportunity in a soccer tournament.
This report was compiled by Elsabé Retief on behalf of e’Bosch Heritage Project
e'Bosch Press Release #005/2018
Media Release
16 July 2018
e'Bosch School Choir Festival 2018 biggest ever
Preparations for the e'Bosch School Choir Festival 2018 the largest gathering of school learners ever from the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek to sing together is well under way.
Some 1000 primary and secondary school learners from a total of 32 schools are already hard at work in preparation for their respective concerts in August and September this year.
"It has been very rewarding to see the excitement of the learners at cluster rehearsals. Teachers and principals are giving this project their full support and commitment," says Tarnia van Zitters, Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival
"We will also celebrate the Nelson Mandela Centenary with a Song For Mandela, composed by Alun Francis. This work was written for Children’s Choir, Vocal Solo and Orchestra. The Stellenbosch University Wind Band, under direction of Pamela Kierman will accompany the mass choir with Terence Pietersen as soloist," says Tarnia.
This is the 7th consecutive year that this flagship event of the e'Bosch Heritage Project is presented which due to the large number of children involved had to be split up into primary and secondary school concerts. The e'Bosch Primary School Choir Festival will therefore take place on Saturday, 25 August at 14:00 in the Coetzenberg Centre and the e'Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival at the Stellenbosch Town Hall on Wednesday, 19 September at 19:00. Entry to both events is free.
The 9 secondary schools participating this year are Calling Academy, Cloetesville Secondary School, Khayamandi High School, Kylemore Secondary School, Lückhoff Secondary School, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Rhenish Girls High, Stellenbosch High School and Stellenzicht Secondary School.
The 23 primary schools taking part are AF Louw; Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Pieter Langeveld, Rietenbosch, St Idas, Dalabuhle, Groendal, West Eind, Wemmershoek, Bridge House, JJ Rhode, St Vincent RC, Klapmuts, Joostenberg, Vlottenburg, Raithby, Weber Gedenk, Dorothea Special Needs, Nondzame, Pniel, PC Petersen and Simondium.
The Stellenbosch e'Bosch Heritage Project is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country and will host at least 30 events this year, mainly during the month of September. Almost all the neighbourhoods or 'dorpies' of the district participate in this. These include Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Idas Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniel, Raithby, Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch Central and the farm communities.
Contact Carol Lakay at 079 857 5158 or [email protected] for more information on the e'Bosch School Choir Festival.
Tarnia van Zitters.jpg
Tarnia van Zitters Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival
General pics e’Bosch School Choir Festival 2017
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
16 July 2018
e'Bosch School Choir Festival 2018 biggest ever
Preparations for the e'Bosch School Choir Festival 2018 the largest gathering of school learners ever from the Stellenbosch and Franschhoek to sing together is well under way.
Some 1000 primary and secondary school learners from a total of 32 schools are already hard at work in preparation for their respective concerts in August and September this year.
"It has been very rewarding to see the excitement of the learners at cluster rehearsals. Teachers and principals are giving this project their full support and commitment," says Tarnia van Zitters, Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival
"We will also celebrate the Nelson Mandela Centenary with a Song For Mandela, composed by Alun Francis. This work was written for Children’s Choir, Vocal Solo and Orchestra. The Stellenbosch University Wind Band, under direction of Pamela Kierman will accompany the mass choir with Terence Pietersen as soloist," says Tarnia.
This is the 7th consecutive year that this flagship event of the e'Bosch Heritage Project is presented which due to the large number of children involved had to be split up into primary and secondary school concerts. The e'Bosch Primary School Choir Festival will therefore take place on Saturday, 25 August at 14:00 in the Coetzenberg Centre and the e'Bosch Secondary School Choir Festival at the Stellenbosch Town Hall on Wednesday, 19 September at 19:00. Entry to both events is free.
The 9 secondary schools participating this year are Calling Academy, Cloetesville Secondary School, Khayamandi High School, Kylemore Secondary School, Lückhoff Secondary School, Paul Roos Gymnasium, Rhenish Girls High, Stellenbosch High School and Stellenzicht Secondary School.
The 23 primary schools taking part are AF Louw; Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Pieter Langeveld, Rietenbosch, St Idas, Dalabuhle, Groendal, West Eind, Wemmershoek, Bridge House, JJ Rhode, St Vincent RC, Klapmuts, Joostenberg, Vlottenburg, Raithby, Weber Gedenk, Dorothea Special Needs, Nondzame, Pniel, PC Petersen and Simondium.
The Stellenbosch e'Bosch Heritage Project is one of the most unique movements of its kind in the country and will host at least 30 events this year, mainly during the month of September. Almost all the neighbourhoods or 'dorpies' of the district participate in this. These include Cloetesville, Devon Valley, Idas Valley, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniel, Raithby, Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch Central and the farm communities.
Contact Carol Lakay at 079 857 5158 or [email protected] for more information on the e'Bosch School Choir Festival.
Tarnia van Zitters.jpg
Tarnia van Zitters Project Manager for the e'Bosch Primary Schools Choir Festival
General pics e’Bosch School Choir Festival 2017
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #004/2018
Mediaverklaring: Eikestadnuus
3 Julie 2018
Nomineer nou kandidate vir e'Bosch-eretoekennings 2018
Individue wat oor ‘n lang termyn ‘n uitnemende bydrae gemaak het tot kultuurbevordering en erfenisbewaring in die Stellenbosch-distrik is die tema vir vanjaar se e’Bosch-eretoekennings. Nominasies vir hierdie jaarlikse eretoekennings deur die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek kan nog tot 20 Julie gemaak word.
Die riglyne vir die toekennings is dat dit vanjaar sal gaan aan individue wat doelbewus werk aan die doelwitte van die e'Bosch-erfensiprojek se Verklaring van Voorneme. Hierdie doelwitte is daarop gemik om ʼn gemeenskap daar te stel wat mekaar ken, waardeer en respekteer hoofsaaklik deur middel van enige vorm van kultuurbedrywighede.
Individue wie se werk in ʼn meer gestruktureerde of formele omgewing deur byvoorbeeld navorsing of opleiding ʼn buitengewone verskil gemaak het, kan ook erkenning kry.
Diegene wat hulle beywer vir die bewaring of handhawing van erfenis in ʼn bepaalde gemeenskap of vir Stellenbosch in die algemeen word so erken. Dit kom daarop neer dat individue deur hul werk, belangstelling of stokperdjies die Stellenbosse kultuuromgewing positief moes verryk het.
Die eretoekennings word by ‘n glansgeleentheid tydens die e’Bosch se openingsfunksie op 29 Augustus vanjaar deur Stellenbosch se burgemeester en rektor van die universiteit oorhandig. Dit sal die sewende agtereenvolgende jaar wees dat die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek hierdie toekennings maak.
Nominasies vir hierdie toekennings moet op 'n amptelike aansoekvorm gedoen word. Kontak Carol Lakay by [email protected] of skakel 021 887 7944/079 857 5158 vir meer inligting en ‘n afskrif van die nominasievorm.
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is een van die mees unieke bewegings van sy soort in die land. Die grootste deel van sowat 30 projekte word vanjaar hoofsaaklik weer gedurende erfenismaand, September, aangebied. Bykans al die dorpies van die distrik neem hieraan deel. Dit sluit onder meer in Cloetesville, Devonvallei, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg,Stellenbosch-sentraal en die plaasgemeenskappe.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis Mediadienste namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331;
[email protected]
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
3 Julie 2018
Nomineer nou kandidate vir e'Bosch-eretoekennings 2018
Individue wat oor ‘n lang termyn ‘n uitnemende bydrae gemaak het tot kultuurbevordering en erfenisbewaring in die Stellenbosch-distrik is die tema vir vanjaar se e’Bosch-eretoekennings. Nominasies vir hierdie jaarlikse eretoekennings deur die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek kan nog tot 20 Julie gemaak word.
Die riglyne vir die toekennings is dat dit vanjaar sal gaan aan individue wat doelbewus werk aan die doelwitte van die e'Bosch-erfensiprojek se Verklaring van Voorneme. Hierdie doelwitte is daarop gemik om ʼn gemeenskap daar te stel wat mekaar ken, waardeer en respekteer hoofsaaklik deur middel van enige vorm van kultuurbedrywighede.
Individue wie se werk in ʼn meer gestruktureerde of formele omgewing deur byvoorbeeld navorsing of opleiding ʼn buitengewone verskil gemaak het, kan ook erkenning kry.
Diegene wat hulle beywer vir die bewaring of handhawing van erfenis in ʼn bepaalde gemeenskap of vir Stellenbosch in die algemeen word so erken. Dit kom daarop neer dat individue deur hul werk, belangstelling of stokperdjies die Stellenbosse kultuuromgewing positief moes verryk het.
Die eretoekennings word by ‘n glansgeleentheid tydens die e’Bosch se openingsfunksie op 29 Augustus vanjaar deur Stellenbosch se burgemeester en rektor van die universiteit oorhandig. Dit sal die sewende agtereenvolgende jaar wees dat die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek hierdie toekennings maak.
Nominasies vir hierdie toekennings moet op 'n amptelike aansoekvorm gedoen word. Kontak Carol Lakay by [email protected] of skakel 021 887 7944/079 857 5158 vir meer inligting en ‘n afskrif van die nominasievorm.
Stellenbosch se e’Bosch-erfenisprojek is een van die mees unieke bewegings van sy soort in die land. Die grootste deel van sowat 30 projekte word vanjaar hoofsaaklik weer gedurende erfenismaand, September, aangebied. Bykans al die dorpies van die distrik neem hieraan deel. Dit sluit onder meer in Cloetesville, Devonvallei, Idasvallei, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Kylemore, Lanquedoc, Pniël, Raithby, Vlottenburg,Stellenbosch-sentraal en die plaasgemeenskappe.
Kyk www.ebosch.co.za vir meer inligting.
e'Bosch logo
Dié embleem simboliseer die poging van die e’Bosch-erfenisprojek om ‘n verenigde erfenis vir al die gemeenskappe van die groter Stellenbosch-streek tot stand te bring.
Saamgestel deur Anthony Penderis Mediadienste namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek.
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331;
[email protected]
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #003/2018
5 Junie 2018
Rekordgetal voltooi e'Bosch-leierskapkursus
Die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek se derde agtereenvolgende leierskapkursus is vanjaar deur 'n rekordgetal van 24 Stellenbossers uit 8 verskillende dorpies van die distrik voltooi.
"Die doel van ons kursusse is om gemeenskapsleiers toe te rus om eienaarskap van die ontwikkeling van hul eie gemeenskappe te neem en om kulturele en erfenisverwante prosesse te fasiliteer," sê Carol Lakay, e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder.
“Ons was aangenaam verras nie net deur die opkoms en goeie verteenwoodiging van ons gemeenskappe nie, maar ook die besondere entoesiasme waarmee die kursusgangers dit hierdie keer aangepak het. Hul energie was aansteeklik, soveelso dat hulle reeds begin saamwerk het deur die stigting van hul eie WhatsApp-groep en omtrent nie wou hê dat die kursus ten einde moet loop nie,” sê Carol.
Baie van haar studente was ook vol lof vir die waarde van die kursus. Kelly November van Pniël sê onder meer: “Die kursus leer ‘n mens leer hoe om projekte in jou eie gemeenskap aan te pak. Dit het my so geïnspireer dat ek beoog om nog verdere kwalifikasies in hierdie rigting te kry.”
Volgens Bianca Hayward ‘n onderwyseres by Klapmuts Primêre Skool het sy in die kursus geleer hoe ‘n mens jou eie besigheid kan begin en ook hoe om jou gemeenskap beter te dien.
Bianca September van Raithby sê: “Ek verstaan nou baie beter hoe probleemoplossing hanteer moet word. Dit was ook vir my lekker om mense van die ander dorpies by die kursus te leer ken.”
Die kursus is deur e'Bosch-erfenisprojek in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosiale Impak aangebied. Dit het op Saterdag, 5 Mei, begin en is daarna elke opeenvolgende Saterdag tot 2 Junie aangebied. Die kursus word deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch geakkrediteer en elke suksesvolle kursusgangers ontvang 'n sertifikaat.
Kontak asseblief Carol Lakay e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder by 079 857 5158 of [email protected] com vir meer inligting oor toekomstige kursusse wat beoog word.
Byskrif e'Bosch Leierskap 2018
Die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek se derde agtereenvolgende leierskapkursus in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosiale Impak aangebied word is vanjaar deur 24 Stellenbossers voltooi. Hulle is voor van links sittende Robert Mezichel, Cindy Paulse, Koos Petersen, Magdalene Erasmus, Mervan Heswick en Lorraine van Ster. Tweede ry van links is Carol Lakay (e'Bosch-kursuskoördineerder), Ursula Charles;, Justin Williams, Nicholette Smith, Johanette Jonck, Sonja Adonis, Francois Hartzenberg, Bianca September, Bianca Haywood, Anya Adams en Michelle Pietersen (MGD-kursusleier). Agter staan Peter Gabriels, Karel Dampies, Oliver Chicodzore, Kelly November, Pieter Daniels, Daniel Owies en Minnie Ras. Afwesige kursusgangers wat ook voltooi het, was Faith Stubbs en Cornelius Hendricks.
Die verslag is deur Anthony Penderis Media Services namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek saamgestel.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
5 Junie 2018
Rekordgetal voltooi e'Bosch-leierskapkursus
Die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek se derde agtereenvolgende leierskapkursus is vanjaar deur 'n rekordgetal van 24 Stellenbossers uit 8 verskillende dorpies van die distrik voltooi.
"Die doel van ons kursusse is om gemeenskapsleiers toe te rus om eienaarskap van die ontwikkeling van hul eie gemeenskappe te neem en om kulturele en erfenisverwante prosesse te fasiliteer," sê Carol Lakay, e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder.
“Ons was aangenaam verras nie net deur die opkoms en goeie verteenwoodiging van ons gemeenskappe nie, maar ook die besondere entoesiasme waarmee die kursusgangers dit hierdie keer aangepak het. Hul energie was aansteeklik, soveelso dat hulle reeds begin saamwerk het deur die stigting van hul eie WhatsApp-groep en omtrent nie wou hê dat die kursus ten einde moet loop nie,” sê Carol.
Baie van haar studente was ook vol lof vir die waarde van die kursus. Kelly November van Pniël sê onder meer: “Die kursus leer ‘n mens leer hoe om projekte in jou eie gemeenskap aan te pak. Dit het my so geïnspireer dat ek beoog om nog verdere kwalifikasies in hierdie rigting te kry.”
Volgens Bianca Hayward ‘n onderwyseres by Klapmuts Primêre Skool het sy in die kursus geleer hoe ‘n mens jou eie besigheid kan begin en ook hoe om jou gemeenskap beter te dien.
Bianca September van Raithby sê: “Ek verstaan nou baie beter hoe probleemoplossing hanteer moet word. Dit was ook vir my lekker om mense van die ander dorpies by die kursus te leer ken.”
Die kursus is deur e'Bosch-erfenisprojek in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosiale Impak aangebied. Dit het op Saterdag, 5 Mei, begin en is daarna elke opeenvolgende Saterdag tot 2 Junie aangebied. Die kursus word deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch geakkrediteer en elke suksesvolle kursusgangers ontvang 'n sertifikaat.
Kontak asseblief Carol Lakay e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder by 079 857 5158 of [email protected] com vir meer inligting oor toekomstige kursusse wat beoog word.
Byskrif e'Bosch Leierskap 2018
Die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek se derde agtereenvolgende leierskapkursus in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosiale Impak aangebied word is vanjaar deur 24 Stellenbossers voltooi. Hulle is voor van links sittende Robert Mezichel, Cindy Paulse, Koos Petersen, Magdalene Erasmus, Mervan Heswick en Lorraine van Ster. Tweede ry van links is Carol Lakay (e'Bosch-kursuskoördineerder), Ursula Charles;, Justin Williams, Nicholette Smith, Johanette Jonck, Sonja Adonis, Francois Hartzenberg, Bianca September, Bianca Haywood, Anya Adams en Michelle Pietersen (MGD-kursusleier). Agter staan Peter Gabriels, Karel Dampies, Oliver Chicodzore, Kelly November, Pieter Daniels, Daniel Owies en Minnie Ras. Afwesige kursusgangers wat ook voltooi het, was Faith Stubbs en Cornelius Hendricks.
Die verslag is deur Anthony Penderis Media Services namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek saamgestel.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #002/2018
13 April 2018
Doen nou aansoek vir e'Bosch-leierskursus in Meimaand
Inwoners van die Stellenbosch- en Franschhoek-omgewing wat graag hul leierskapvaardighede wil ontwikkel of verbeter om hul gemeenskappe beter te dien, kan nou vir die e'Bosch-gemeenskapleierskursus aansoek doen wat in Meimaand begin.
Die kursus word deur e'Bosch-erfenisprojek in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosial Impak aangebied. Dit begin op Saterdag, 5 Mei, en daarna elke opeenvolgende Saterdag tot 2 Junie. Die kursus word deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch geakkrediteer en kursusgangers ontvang 'n sertifikaat na die suksesvolle voltooiing van die kursus.
"Die doel van die kursus wat nou vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar aangebied word, is om gemeenskapsleiers toe te rus om eienaarskap te neem van die ontwikkeling van hul eie gemeenskappe en om kulturele en erfenisverwante prosesse te fasiliteer," sê Carol Lakay, e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder.
"Een van die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek se doelwitte is onder meer die uitskakeling van maatskaplike ongelykhede en die konteks van die kursus is dus gefokus op die bemagtiging van ons mense deur die ondersteuning van hul eie kulturele aktiwiteite, die behoud van hul eie bestaande erfenis en die bou van ‘n nuwe gesamentlike erfenis in die sowat veertien klein dorpies in en om Stellenbosch en Franschhoek," sê Carol.
Die kursus is in drie dele verdeel, naamlik 'n ontleding van 'n projek wat binne 'n plaaslike gemeenskap plaasvind en 'n refleksie op die ervaring daarvan. Die tweede deel kyk na die beginsels van projekbestuur en die bestuur van 'n spesifieke gemeenskapsprojek. Die derde deel sal fokus op etiese leierskap en aktiewe burgerskap binne 'n gemeenskap.
Dit word as vyf modules van 9:00 tot 12:00 op Saterdagoggende vanaf 5 Mei tot 2 Junie aangebied. Die sesde en laaste module word op 21 Julie aangebied. Goedgekeurde kandidate moet ‘n kursusfooi van R50 betaal en die res word deur die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek geborg. Daar is slegs plek vir 42 kursusgangers wat voorsiening maak vir minstens 3 deelnemers uit elkeen van die 14 dorpies in die Stellenbosch- en Franshoek-distrik.
Kontak asseblief Carol Lakay e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder by 079 857 5158 of [email protected] vir meer inligting.
Carol Lakay.jpg
Carol Lakay die koördineerder van die e'Bosch-gemeenskapleierskursus wat in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosial Impak aangebied word.
Die verslag is deur Anthony Penderis Media Services namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek saamgestel.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
13 April 2018
Doen nou aansoek vir e'Bosch-leierskursus in Meimaand
Inwoners van die Stellenbosch- en Franschhoek-omgewing wat graag hul leierskapvaardighede wil ontwikkel of verbeter om hul gemeenskappe beter te dien, kan nou vir die e'Bosch-gemeenskapleierskursus aansoek doen wat in Meimaand begin.
Die kursus word deur e'Bosch-erfenisprojek in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosial Impak aangebied. Dit begin op Saterdag, 5 Mei, en daarna elke opeenvolgende Saterdag tot 2 Junie. Die kursus word deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch geakkrediteer en kursusgangers ontvang 'n sertifikaat na die suksesvolle voltooiing van die kursus.
"Die doel van die kursus wat nou vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar aangebied word, is om gemeenskapsleiers toe te rus om eienaarskap te neem van die ontwikkeling van hul eie gemeenskappe en om kulturele en erfenisverwante prosesse te fasiliteer," sê Carol Lakay, e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder.
"Een van die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek se doelwitte is onder meer die uitskakeling van maatskaplike ongelykhede en die konteks van die kursus is dus gefokus op die bemagtiging van ons mense deur die ondersteuning van hul eie kulturele aktiwiteite, die behoud van hul eie bestaande erfenis en die bou van ‘n nuwe gesamentlike erfenis in die sowat veertien klein dorpies in en om Stellenbosch en Franschhoek," sê Carol.
Die kursus is in drie dele verdeel, naamlik 'n ontleding van 'n projek wat binne 'n plaaslike gemeenskap plaasvind en 'n refleksie op die ervaring daarvan. Die tweede deel kyk na die beginsels van projekbestuur en die bestuur van 'n spesifieke gemeenskapsprojek. Die derde deel sal fokus op etiese leierskap en aktiewe burgerskap binne 'n gemeenskap.
Dit word as vyf modules van 9:00 tot 12:00 op Saterdagoggende vanaf 5 Mei tot 2 Junie aangebied. Die sesde en laaste module word op 21 Julie aangebied. Goedgekeurde kandidate moet ‘n kursusfooi van R50 betaal en die res word deur die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek geborg. Daar is slegs plek vir 42 kursusgangers wat voorsiening maak vir minstens 3 deelnemers uit elkeen van die 14 dorpies in die Stellenbosch- en Franshoek-distrik.
Kontak asseblief Carol Lakay e'Bosch se kursuskoördineerder by 079 857 5158 of [email protected] vir meer inligting.
Carol Lakay.jpg
Carol Lakay die koördineerder van die e'Bosch-gemeenskapleierskursus wat in samewerking met Maties Gemeenskapsdiens se Afdeling vir Sosial Impak aangebied word.
Die verslag is deur Anthony Penderis Media Services namens die e'Bosch-erfenisprojek saamgestel.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
e'Bosch Press Release #001/2018
Media Release
9 April 2018
Apply now for e'Bosch Leadership Course in May
Those who aspire to develop or hone their leadership skills and become more effective in their communities can now apply to enrol for the e'Bosch leadership course which starts in May.
The Community Development Leadership Course, an e’Bosch Heritage Project initiative, to be presented by Maties Community Service Division for Social Impact starts on Saturday, 5 May and thereafter every Saturday until 2 June. It is accredited by Stellenbosch University and successful candidates receive a certificate on successful completion of the course.
“The purpose of the course now presented for the third consecutive year is to equip community leaders to take ownership of the development of their own communities and facilitate cultural and heritage related processes,” says Carol Lakay the e’Bosch Course Co-ordinator.
“The e’Bosch Heritage Project is all about eliminating social inequalities and the context of the course therefore focussed on empowering our citizens through the proliferation of cultural activities, the preservation of their own current heritage, and to build new heritage in the some fourteen small towns in and around Stellenbosch,” says Carol.
The course is divided into three parts namely an analysis of a project run within a local community and a reflection on the experience. The second part looks at the principle of project management and managing a community project. The third part will focus on ethical leadership and active citizenship within a community.
It is presented as five modules on each consecutive Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:00 from 5 May through to 2 June. The sixth and last module is on 21 July. A course fee of R50 is payable and the rest sponsored by the e’Bosch Heritage Project for accepted candidates. A limited number of 42 students allows for 3 participants from each of the 14 dorpies of the Stellenbosch district, which includes those from Franshoek.
Please contact Carol Lakay the e’Bosch Course Co-ordinator at 079 857 5158 or [email protected] for more information.
Info Box
The e’Bosch Heritage Project now in its 8th year of existence is one of the most unique projects of its kind in South Africa in that it proactively encourages the participation in all of its projects across all divides found in South African communities.
Starting in 2018, the project has obtained the buy-in from no less than 14 of the neighbourhoods or ‘dorpies’ in the greater Stellenbosch district. With the assistance of their residents the e’Bosch Heritage Project managed to put together some 36 events during 2017 alone.
Carol Lakay.jpg
Carol Lakay the course co-ordinator for the e’Bosch Community Development Leadership Course to be presented by Maties Community Service Division for Social Impact
The report was compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]
9 April 2018
Apply now for e'Bosch Leadership Course in May
Those who aspire to develop or hone their leadership skills and become more effective in their communities can now apply to enrol for the e'Bosch leadership course which starts in May.
The Community Development Leadership Course, an e’Bosch Heritage Project initiative, to be presented by Maties Community Service Division for Social Impact starts on Saturday, 5 May and thereafter every Saturday until 2 June. It is accredited by Stellenbosch University and successful candidates receive a certificate on successful completion of the course.
“The purpose of the course now presented for the third consecutive year is to equip community leaders to take ownership of the development of their own communities and facilitate cultural and heritage related processes,” says Carol Lakay the e’Bosch Course Co-ordinator.
“The e’Bosch Heritage Project is all about eliminating social inequalities and the context of the course therefore focussed on empowering our citizens through the proliferation of cultural activities, the preservation of their own current heritage, and to build new heritage in the some fourteen small towns in and around Stellenbosch,” says Carol.
The course is divided into three parts namely an analysis of a project run within a local community and a reflection on the experience. The second part looks at the principle of project management and managing a community project. The third part will focus on ethical leadership and active citizenship within a community.
It is presented as five modules on each consecutive Saturday morning from 9:00 to 12:00 from 5 May through to 2 June. The sixth and last module is on 21 July. A course fee of R50 is payable and the rest sponsored by the e’Bosch Heritage Project for accepted candidates. A limited number of 42 students allows for 3 participants from each of the 14 dorpies of the Stellenbosch district, which includes those from Franshoek.
Please contact Carol Lakay the e’Bosch Course Co-ordinator at 079 857 5158 or [email protected] for more information.
Info Box
The e’Bosch Heritage Project now in its 8th year of existence is one of the most unique projects of its kind in South Africa in that it proactively encourages the participation in all of its projects across all divides found in South African communities.
Starting in 2018, the project has obtained the buy-in from no less than 14 of the neighbourhoods or ‘dorpies’ in the greater Stellenbosch district. With the assistance of their residents the e’Bosch Heritage Project managed to put together some 36 events during 2017 alone.
Carol Lakay.jpg
Carol Lakay the course co-ordinator for the e’Bosch Community Development Leadership Course to be presented by Maties Community Service Division for Social Impact
The report was compiled by Anthony Penderis Media Services on behalf of the e’Bosch Heritage Project.
Carol Lakay
079 857 5158;
[email protected]
Anthony Penderis
084 306 0331
[email protected]